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Hørsholm International School Programme of Inquiry 2009-2010
Trans disciplinary Theme Who we are An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human. Where we are in place and time An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives. How we express ourselves An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. How the world Works An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impacts of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment How we organize ourselves An inquiry into the inter-connectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. Sharing the Planet An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves
Class Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet K1 Unit Title: A Balanced Day Subject Focus: 1.PSE 2.Science Strands: 1.Self concept & health 2.Living things Concepts: Function, causation, reflection Related concepts: Balance, well being CI: Making balanced choices enables us to have a healthy lifestyle Inquiries into: - Daily habits and routines - Balanced choices - Consequences of choices Unit Title: My History 1.SS 1.Interaction with others 2.Social organisation Concepts: Change & Connection Related concepts: Social organisation and culture CI: Our histories provide an insight into culture, family and ourselves as individuals. - -My personal history (from baby to K1) - -My family’s history - -How we document our histories - -What might we be doing in the future? Unit Title: A tale to tell 1.Social studies 2.PSE 1. Self concept 2. Continuity and change through time Concepts: Form, function, connection Related concepts: Feelings, Imagination, Similarities, Communication, Freedom CI: Stories are to be found in all forms and cultures, they give us pleasure and help our imagination grow. - Different types of stories - Cultural stories and different languages - How stories make us feel - Creating and conveying our own stories Unit Title: Machines 1. Science 1. Materials & Matter 2. Forces and energy Concepts: Form, Function, Causation Related concepts: Mechanics, Technological advances, Properties and uses of materials. CI: Simple machines make every day things easier. - What is a simple machine? - How do simple machines work? The way we use simple machines (personal, at home, global) - building our own machines. Unit Title: Our school Subject Focus: 1. So cial organization & culture 2. Human systems & economic activities Concepts: Function, Form, Connection Related concepts: Communities, Roles, Cooperation, Education, Employment, Behaviour, Consequences, Responsibilities CI: Schools are organized to help us learn and live together. - The school building & grounds - Who works in our school? - Routines and systems that help us learn Unit Title: Plant relationships 1. Living Things Concepts: Form, Change, Connection Related concepts: Plants, Adaption, Growth, Classification CI: Plants adapt in order to sustain life around other plants - The structure of a plant - Different forms of plant life - Relationships between plants
Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves
Class Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet K2 Unit title: You and Me Subject Focus: 1. Science 2. PSE Strands: 1. Living things 2. Self concept/Interaction with others Concepts: Form, Function, Reflection Related concepts: Growth, similarities/differences, biology, animals CI: Increasing awareness of our personal characteristics and abilities allows our self-identity to develop. Inquiries into: -The human form -Function and abilities of the human body -How I am unique in comparison to other people and animals. Unit Title: Homes 1. Social Studies 1. Continuity and change through time 2. Social organisation and culture Concepts: Form, Change, Connection Related concepts: Chronology, history, innovation, progress CI: There are reasons why homes change over time -Homes and artifacts in the past -Homes and artifacts now. Unit Title: Move your body 1. PSE 2. PE 1. Self concept/Interaction with others 2. Movement to music/Body control and spatial awareness Related concepts: Feelings, communication, movement sequences, body form CI: People use their bodies to express ideas and feelings - The use of the body to convey emotions - Using the body to convey ideas - The body as a canvas Unit Title: The Blue Planet Subject Focus: Strands: 1. Earth and space/Living things Concepts: Form, Function, Causation Related concepts: Geography, systems (water cycle), animals, habitat, ecosystems, plants. CI: The Earth has bodies of water that sustain different forms of life. Bodies of water on Earth. Where water comes from. Plant and animal life associated with these bodies of water Unit Title: Help! 1. Human systems and economic activities/Social organization and culture 2. Health and safety Concepts: Function, Form, Connection Related concepts: Cooperation, employment, authority, risk-taking, well-being CI: “Emergency Services” support the local community - Identifying the “Emergency Services” - The structure and function of the organizations - The relationship between the community and the “Emergency Services” Unit Title: Can’t see the wood... 2. Science 1. Resources and the environment 2. Living things Concepts: Form, Function, Responsibility Related concepts: Consumption, sustainability, growth, plants, habitat CI: Trees are natural resources that can be used for many purposes. How and where trees grow - The uses of trees - Our responsibility in maintaining this resource
Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves
Class Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Gr 1 Unit Title: Children around the world Subject Focus: 1. PSE 2. Social Studies Strands: 1. Social organization and culture 2.Interaction with others Concepts: form, perspective Related concepts: artefacts, communication, diversity, family, religion and traditions. CI: We all come from different backgrounds. Inquiries into: - Our individual and group cultures. - How we are the same/different in our culture, traditions and celebrations. - How we respect and care for others. Unit Title: Past civilizations 1. Social Studies 1.Human systems and economic activities 2.Continuity and change through time Concepts: change, connection Related concepts: cooperation, conflict, education, transportation, chronology, civilizations, discovery, exploration, history. CI: An exploration of past civilizations and their contributions to humankind. -How past cultures have expressed themselves - Similarities and differences between cultures and their faith - The where and why of group’s explorations Unit Title: Act up! 1. Self-concept 2. Interaction with others Concepts: form, causation Related concepts: communication, differences, diversity, feelings, opinion, and perspectives. CI: One of the ways we express ourselves is through the performing arts. -The different forms of theatrical presentations - What the performing arts are - The process of developing a play Unit Title: Hot and Cold 1. Science . Materials and matter Concepts: causation, change Related concepts: changes of state, solids, liquids, gases, properties and uses of materials. CI: Heat and cold change things. - Different substances, natural and man-made, and how heat and cold affects them. - Positive and negative changes due to temperature. -How we use heat and cold to adapt to our world. Unit Title: From field to table 1.Social Studies 1. Human and natural environments Concepts: form, function and causation Related concepts: geography, landscape, locality, populations, regions. CI: Many foods need to be transported and or processed - The foods we eat How food is produced How fodd is transported Where our food comes from. Unit Title: Reduce, reuse, recycle 1. Social Studies, 2. Science 1 Resources and the environment 2. Materials and matter Concepts: function and perspective Related concepts: . Conservation, consumption, distribution, ecology, energy, pollution. . Uses of materials CI: We have a responsibility the choices we make in relation to the environment. - how different materials decompose - how different materials can be reused and recycled - the steps we can take to reduce, reuse and recycle at school and at home.
Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves
Class Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Gr 2 Unit Title: Give and Take Subject Focus: 1.SS 2.PSE Strands: 1. SS- Social Organisation and culture 2. PSE- Interaction with others Concepts: Perspective, reflection Related concepts: communication, empathy, open-mindedness CI: Relationships are enhanced by learning about other people’s perspectives and communicating our own Inquiries into: - Social interactions - Acknowledging other’s perspectives - Managing and resolving conflict Unit Title: A sense of Place 2. Science SS- Human and Natural Environments Science – Earth and Space Form, causation Related concepts: landscape, settlement CI: All places on Earth have special features that influence why people choose to settle there -Why do I live in the place I do -The characteristics of our town, Hørsholm -Why the global population is not evenly distributed over the planet Unit Title: Signs and Symbols Related concepts: communication CI: A variety of signs and symbols facilitate local and global communication - Signs and symbols - Reasons for the development of communication systems - Specialised systems of communication Unit Title: Where is air? 1.Science 2. Social studies Science – Materials and matter, forces and energy Social studies – Resources and the environment Function, causation Related concepts: force, energy CI: Understanding the properties of air allows people to make practical applications - The evidence of air What air can do and what we can make it do -How humans need aid to live - The relationship between air, light and sound Unit Title: Personal Organization 1. Social studies 2. PSE 1.SS – human systems and economic activities 2.PSE – organisation for learning Connection, responsibility Related concepts: interdependence, organisation, systems CI: Personal organisation systems maintain order in communities - Personal organisation systems - Different systems of organisation in our school - Organisation systems within workplaces in our local community Unit Title: I will survive 2. Social Studies 1.Science – Living things 2.Social studies – Resources and the environment Change, connection Related concepts: adaption, evolution CI: Over time, living things respond to the environment in order to survive -Concept of adapt ion -Circumstances that lead to adaption -How plants and animals adapt or respond to environmental conditions
Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves
Class Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Gr 3 Unit Title: Health and Well Being Subject Focus: 1. PSE 2. Science Strands: 1. Health and safety 2. Living things Concepts: Causation, function Related concepts: Nutrition, well being, growth CI: Personal well being depends on a balance of different factors Inquiries into: - concept of well being - factors that contribute to our well being - personal decisions that affect our well being Unit Title: Exploration 1. SS 1. Continuity and Change through time Concepts: change, connection Related concepts: exploration, discovery, progress CI: Past and present exploration impacts the way people live. - Past explorations and famous explorers - Present explorations - How exploration affects people and cultures Unit Title: Looking in the Mirror 1. Arts 2. PSE 1. Self concept Concepts: perspective, reflection Related concepts: self expression, perception CI: People use many different forms of expression to convey their uniqueness. - what are the arts -how people express themselves through art - the role of art in culture and society Unit Title: Electricity 1. Science Strands: 1. Forces and energy Concepts: Function, connection Related concepts: electricity, form of energy CI: Electricity shapes our world. Characteristics and properties of electricity How humans use electricity Electricity as a source of energy Unit Title: Communities 1. Human systems and economic activity Concepts: responsibility, function Related concepts: gov, networks, authority CI: Societies are governed by a variety of systems which impact our lives. -Rules and laws -Types of governments - How systems impact citizens Unit Title:Water 1. Science 2. SS 1. Resources and the environment 2. Earth and space Concepts: responsibility, reflection Related concepts: resources, consumption, sustainability CI: Water is a limited resource which is unevenly distributed. Inquiries into: Where water comes from Why water is important Inequity of water availability
Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves
Class Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Gr 4 Unit Title: Human Rights and Responsibility Subject Focus: 1. Social Studies 2. PSE Strands: 1. Self-Concept 2. Interaction with others 3. Organisation for learning Concepts: Perspectives, Refection, and Responsibility Related concepts: Beliefs, differences, diversity, opinion, prejudice, similarities, values Attitudes, behaviours, rights CI: In an attempt to meet human needs, societies have determined human rights Inquiries into: -Making our classroom work as a community -Rules are connected to rights and responsibility -Ways that nations and international organizations aim to protect human rights Unit Title: On the Move 1.Social Studies 2.PSE 1.Continuity and change through time 2. Social organization and culture Concepts: Change Connection Chronology, civilization, conflict, discovery, exploration, history, migration, progress. Artifacts, diversity, family, identity, religion, rights CI: Human migration is a response to challenges, risks and opportunities. -Reasons why people migrate -Migration throughout history -Effects of migration on communities, cultures and individuals Unit Title: Persuasion 1. Social studies 1.Human systems and economic activity 2. Social organisation and culture Function Perspective Communications, education, freedom, justice, legislation, production, truth Communication, prejudice, roles, traditions Print, other visual media and sound can create, alter or manipulate images and perceptions -Different kinds of communication, such as speech, the media, computers, performing arts and advertising -The purpose of advertisements -Devices that are used to manipulate perception Unit Title: Building and Structures 1. Science 1. Forces and energy 2. Materials and matter Connection, responsibility Structure, sustainability, transformation The design of buildings and structures is dependent upon the environment and available materials. -Considerations to take into account when building a structure -How buildings impact the environment -Indigenous architecture Unit Title: Off the Drawing Board 1. Continuity and change through time Change, Connection, Responsibility Communication, Systems, Ethics CI: Technology impacts on the world of work and leisure. -Technology and inventions of the home, workplace and leisure activities. -Circumstances that lead to the development of important inventions and their impact -How technology supports/impacts sustainability Unit Title: Ecosystems 1. Living Things Concepts: connection, responsibility Balance, Biodiversity, Interdependence CI: Biodiversity relies on maintaining the interdependent balance of organisms within a system. -Interdependence within ecosystems, biomes, and environments -Ways in which organisms are interconnected in nature -How human interaction with the environment can affect the balance of a system.
Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves
Class Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Gr 5 Unit Title: It’s your choice! Subject Focus: 1. PSE 2. Science Strands: 1. Self-concept, health and safety 2. Living things Concepts: Causation, Perspective, Responsibility Related concepts: consequences, impact, systems, interdependence, feelings, prejudice, balance, choice CI: The decision-making process has consequences for ourselves and others Inquiries into: - Our day-to-day decisions - Decision-making processes for groups and individuals - Risks and consequences involved in decisions Unit Title: A Place for Everyone 1. Science 2. SS 1. Earth and Space 2. Human and natural environments, Resources and the environment Concepts: Function, Causation, Responsibility Related concepts: geography, landscape, locality, population, regions, settlements, ecology, consumption, interdependence, pollution, climate, seasons, systems CI: Humans have explored different areas in our planet, adapting to a variety of climate and geographic conditions - The range of geographic and climatic conditions that exist on Earth - The exploration of areas with extreme climatic and geographic conditions Unit Title: I Believe 1. SS 2. PSE 1. Continuity and change through time, social organization and culture 2. Self-concept, interaction with others Concepts: Connection, Perspective, Reflection Related concepts: conflict, history, communication, diversity, beliefs, family, prejudice, religion, rights, roles, traditions, similarities, values, culture, identity CI: Rituals, traditions and artefacts provide a window into the beliefs and values of cultures. - What constitutes a culture - The role of rituals and celebrations - How artefacts symbolize beliefs and values Unit title: The Circle of Life Subject focus: Science PSE Living things Health and safety, organization for learning Concepts: Form, reflection Related concepts: Balance, choice, growth, risk-taking, well-being; attitudes, behaviour, consequences, independence, responsibilities, adaptation, animals, systems Central idea: All animals have life cycles characterized by physical change and changing roles -The major phases in the life cycles of animals -The similarities and differences between life cycles in different animal species Unit Title: Business and Trade 1. Human systems and economic activities Concepts: form, causation, change Related concepts: structure, consequences, impact, transformation, communication, transportation CI: Human beings make economic systems that meet the needs of individuals and communities. Economic concepts Basic economic principles How people choose to suit their apptitudes. Unit Title: Mineral Resources 1.Science 2.Social Studies 2. Resources and environment Related concepts: erosion, geology, resources, rock cycle, consumption, wealth CI: Mineral resources provide economic oppurtunities for communities around the world. Mining as a source of economic development in the world -The rock cycle and earth cycle Sharing limited or nonrenewable resources.
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