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CETIS Portfolio SIG, Manchester, 21 June 2007 Portfolio Interoperability Scott Wilson CETIS This work is licensed under a Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike.

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Presentation on theme: "CETIS Portfolio SIG, Manchester, 21 June 2007 Portfolio Interoperability Scott Wilson CETIS This work is licensed under a Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike."— Presentation transcript:

1 CETIS Portfolio SIG, Manchester, 21 June 2007 Portfolio Interoperability Scott Wilson CETIS This work is licensed under a Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence

2 CETIS There is no right or wrong answer!

3 CETIS The Scenarios Institutional system institutional system (e.g FE -> HE) Institutional system employer system Institutional system personal system Institutional system govt. agency system Personal system personal system Personal system employer system Interaction with admissions process, recruitment process, assessment process, accreditation process Etc.



6 Many kinds of (data) interoperability identities profiles & preferences permissions content structures & relationships official competencies, credits etc

7 CETIS The transfer scenario - layers

8 CETIS Personal -> Institution Scenario

9 CETIS And back the other way

10 CETIS Identities Provisioning –SPML –IMS Enterprise –DirXML/DSML Distributed identity –OpenID –CardSpace –Shibboleth

11 CETIS Profiles and preferences FOAF vCard OpenID SRP HR-XML (CV)

12 CETIS Permissions No easy way to do this today XACML? Proprietary permissions negotiation? Inference via FOAF groups? A new language?

13 CETIS Content: The Big Five (X)HTML Atom/RSS UBL ODF DocBook + also things like AAC, MP3, MPEG, QT, WMV, SVG, PDF, LaTEX, MS Word, TEI (the list goes on…)

14 CETIS Structure Atom/RSS/etc for simple structures RDF+OWL for complex structuring –isPartOf –isVersionOf –Inheritance –Specialised (e.g. Leap2.0 relations) XML Topic Maps Regular links IMS Content Packaging/RAMLET/MPEG-21

15 CETIS Official competencies and credits HR-XML MIAP Learner Achievement Record

16 CETIS Roll Your Own XML Spec “neither easy nor fun” “pass/fail ratio” “software pain” “restating Metcalfe” “opportunity cost”

17 CETIS Interoperability: scope

18 CETIS Open APIs Flickr API YouTube API Facebook API

19 CETIS Public ‘middleware’ services as sharing intermediaries Portfolio -> Slideshare/Flickr/Facebook/EduSpaces -> employer

20 CETIS What’s supported today? Elgg: Atom, RSS, FOAF, various content formats Moodle: Atom, RSS, various content formats Employer HR systems: MS Word, HR- XML(?) PebblePad: IMS CP, HR-XML Europass, Shibboleth, RSS, UKLEAP, IMS EP

21 CETIS Never, ever, ever implement IMS EP Look, just don’t.

22 CETIS Security User choice is important - user control of access

23 CETIS Adopters dilemma Its not much fun being the only one who supports a standard


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