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Solar Neutrinos, SNO, and SNOLAB
Art McDonald For the SNO, SNO+ Collaborations SNOW 2006, Stockholm, Sweden Ongoing physics motivation for solar neutrino measurements Status of SNO, SNOLAB Future solar neutrino experiments, SNO+
If neutrinos have mass:
Using the oscillation framework for neutrino flavor change: If neutrinos have mass: For three neutrinos: Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata-Pontecorvo (MNSP) matrix (Double b decay only) Solar,Reactor Atmos., Accel. CP Violating Phase Reactor, Accel Majorana Phases Range defined for Dm12, Dm23 For two neutrino oscillation in a vacuum: (valid approximation in many cases)
Matter Effects – the MSW effect
(Mikheyev, Smirnov, Wolfenstein) The extra term arises because ne have an extra interaction via W exchange with electrons in the Sun or Earth. In the oscillation formula: MSW effect can produce an energy spectrum distortion and flavor regeneration in Earth giving a Day-night effect
solar neutrino physics with Hans Bethe and John Bahcall
Oscillations for Solar Neutrinos Solar Model Flux Calculations Bahcall et al. (2001) , SNO Matter Interaction Effect:LMA CNO Current Data for ne Survival SAGE GNO Chlorine SK,SNO 2005 was a sad year for solar neutrino physics with the passing of Hans Bethe and John Bahcall pp 7Be pep
Future solar neutrino measurements pp, 7Be, pep, 8B
Bahcall & Pena-Garay hep-ph/ Vacuum LMA NEUTRINO PHYSICS - Confirm matter effects (MSW). - Improve Q12, Q13. - Search for effects of sterile n, Non-Standard Interactions, Mass-varying neutrinos. SOLAR PHYSICS - Accurate measurement of neutrino luminosity (pp, pep). - Observe CNO neutrinos. 7Be pep Compare ES, CC Compare ES, SSM
Unique Signatures in SNO (D2O)
Charged-Current (CC) e+d e-+p+p Ethresh = 1.4 MeV e only Neutral-Current (NC) x+d x+n+p Ethresh = 2.2 MeV Equally sensitive to e nm t 3 ways to detect neutrons Elastic Scattering (ES) x+e- x+e- x, but enhanced for e
Solar Neutrino Physics From SNO
Clear Evidence: Flavor change + active neutrino appearance FCC ne June 2001 (with SK) 3.3 s = FES ne (nm + nt) FCC ne 5.3 s April 2002 = FNC ne + nm + nt Sept. 2003 March 2005 > 7 s With salt in SNO Total 8B Solar Neutrino Flux Fx FCC + (FES - FCC) x (1/0.15) = June 2001 April 2002 Fx Fnc = ~10% Sept. 2003 March 2005
3 neutron (NC) detection methods (systematically different)
Phase I (D2O) Nov May 01 Phase II (salt) July 01 - Sep. 03 Phase III (3He) Nov. 04-Dec. 06 n captures on 2H(n, g)3H Effc. ~14.4% NC and CC separation by energy, radial, and directional distributions 2 t NaCl. n captures on 35Cl(n, g)36Cl Effc. ~40% NC and CC separation by event isotropy 40 proportional counters 3He(n, p)3H Effc. ~ 30% capture Measure NC rate with entirely different detection system. 36Cl 35Cl+n 8.6 MeV 5 cm 3H 2H+n 6.25 MeV n 3H p 3He n + 3He p + 3H
Data from Experiments in Operation
The latest SNO data: 391 live days with salt hep-ex/ March 2005 New Information: Charged Current Energy Spectrum Day-Night Asymmetry assuming ANC=0
determined by > 7 s. CC, NC FLUXES MEASURED INDEPENDENTLY nm , nt The Total Flux of Active Neutrinos is measured independently (NC) and agrees well with solar model Calculations: (Bahcall et al), (Turck-Chieze et al) Electron neutrinos Improved accuracy for q12.
Matter interaction (MSW) - SNO: CC/NC flux defines tan2 q < 1
SOLAR ONLY AFTER NEW SNO SALT DATA - The solar results define the mass hierarchy (m2 > m1) through the Matter interaction (MSW) - SNO: CC/NC flux defines tan2 q < 1 (ie Non - Maximal mixing) by more than 5 standard deviations Large mixing Angle (LMA) Region only LMA for solar n predicts very small spectral distortion, small (~ 3 %) day-night asymmetry, as observed by SNO, SK SOLAR PLUS KAMLAND (assuming CPT) (Reactor n’s)
Results from SNO -- Salt Phase
Oscillation Parameters, 2-D joint 1-s boundary Marginalized 1-D 1-s errors SNO D2O D/N spectra SNO Salt D/N spectra KamLAND 766-day SK-I zenith spectra SAGE Gallex/GNO Cl/Ar
Periodicity in Solar Flux? SNO data 1999-2003
hep-ex/ Periodicity in Solar Flux? SNO data Unbinned Maximum Likelihood Method compares fit for Sinusoidal variation with Expectation for zero amplitude. Monte Carlo used to estimate sensitivity shows 35% probability of a larger likelihood ratio (S) with zero sinusoidal amplitude than the maximum S observed in the fits. Conclusion: No observed sinusoidal variation at periods from 1 day to 10 years. Analysis sensitive to amplitude of 8-10% at 99% C.L..
Orbital Eccentricity SNO: hep-ex/0507079 SK: hep-ex/0508053
= 0.021(3) = 0.014(9). Actual: SNO: hep-ex/ SK: hep-ex/
Summary of SNO results Direct observation (7 s) of neutrino flavor change via an appearance measurement: Beyond the Standard Model for Elementary Particles. Direct measurement (10 % accuracy) of total flux of active neutrinos: Strong confirmation of Solar Models. The dominant transformation is to active neutrinos: Sterile neutrino fraction is restricted (<~ 13%). Clear determination (5.3 s): q12 is non-maximal. With other solar measurements: Strong evidence for Matter Enhancement in Sun (MSW – LMA solution). With Kamland and CPT: Strong confirmation of neutrino oscillation due to finite mass (MNSP) as the primary physics explanation for appearance and disappearance measurements.
Present Phase: SNO Phase III
Neutral-Current Detectors (NCD): An array of 3He proportional counters 40 strings on 1-m grid ~440 m total active length Search for spectral distortion Improve solar neutrino flux by breaking the CC and NC correlation ( = in Phase II): CC: Cherenkov Signal PMT Array NC: n+3He NCD Array Improvement in 12, as Correlations D2O unconstrained D2O constrained Salt unconstrained NCD NC,CC -0.950 -0.520 -0.521 ~0 CC,ES -0.208 -0.162 -0.156 ~-0.2 ES,NC -0.297 -0.105 -0.064 Blind Analysis Phase III production data taking began Dec 2004; completion at the end of 2006
Production data and calibrations steadily since Nov. 2004
Neutral Current Detector Array deployed by a remotely operated submarine. Production data and calibrations steadily since Nov. 2004
252Cf neutrons b’s from 8Li g’s from 16N and t(p,g)4He
SNO Energy Calibrations: 25% of running time 6.13 MeV 19.8 MeV Energy calibrated to ~1.5 % Throughout detector volume 252Cf neutrons + AmBe, 24Na b’s from 8Li g’s from 16N and t(p,g)4He Optical calibration at 5 wavelengths with the “Laserball”
The objective is for an improved CC/NC ratio measurement compared to the salt phase
SNO Physics Program Solar Neutrinos (5 papers to date)
Electron Neutrino Flux Total Neutrino Flux Electron Neutrino Energy Spectrum Distortion Day/Night effects hep neutrinos (paper in progress) Periodic variations hep-ex/ [Variations < 8% (1 dy to 10 yrs)] Atmospheric Neutrinos & Muons Downward going cosmic muon flux Atmospheric neutrinos: wide angular dependence [Look above horizon] Supernova Watch (SNEWS) Limit for Solar Electron Antineutrinos hep-ex/ Nucleon decay (“Invisible” Modes: N nnn) Phys.Rev.Lett. 92 (2004) [Improve limits by 1000] Supernova Relic Electron Neutrinos
New International Underground Science Facility
At the Sudbury site: SNOLAB - Underground Laboratory (2 km deep) ($ 38M): Complete mid- 2007 - Surface Laboratory ($ 10 M): Complete September, 2005 To pursue: Future observations from a possible SNO+ detector Solar Neutrinos Geo - neutrinos Supernova Neutrinos Reactor Neutrinos Dark Matter (WIMPS) Measurements of nuclear recoils with ultra-low background Double Beta Decay: Are Neutrinos Majorana particles? More accuracy for neutrino masses
The New SNOLAB New Excavation To Date SNO
Cosmic Ray Muons Vs Depth
Letters of Interest for SNOLAB Experiment Review Committee
Solar Neutrinos: Liquid Ne: CLEAN (also Dark Matter) Liquid Scintillator: SNO+ (also Double Beta Decay, Reactor Neutrinos, Geoneutrinos, Supernovae) Liquid Helium (also Dark Matter) Dark Matter: Silicon Bolometers: CDMS Liquid Xe: ZEPLIN, XENON Gaseous Xe: DRIFT Freon Super-saturated Gel: PICASSO Timing of Liquid Argon Scintillation: DEAP Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay: Ge Crystals: Individual cryostats (MAJORANA) or Large Liquid Nitrogen bath Liquid Xe: EXO CdTe: COBRA Recent Workshop and Experiment Review Committee Aug 14-16, 2005
Future low-energy solar experiments
* * SNOLAB Dan McKinsey Talk + SNOLAB * funded
SNO+ After heavy water is removed from SNO in 2007:
SNO plus liquid scintillator → physics program pep and CNO low energy solar neutrinos (11C: 20 x < Gran Sasso) SSM pep flux: uncertainty ±1.5% allows precision test. Comparison with the photon luminosity. Tests the neutrino-matter interaction, sensitive to new physics. non-standard interactions, mass-varying neutrinos, CPT violation,large 13, sterile neutrino admixture…. geo-neutrinos 240 km baseline reactor oscillation confirmation supernova neutrinos double beta decay (150Nd) ?
Survival Probability Rise
stat + syst + SSM errors estimated SSM pep flux: uncertainty ±1.5% known source → precision test Dm2 = 8.0 × 10−5 eV2 tan2q = 0.45 improves precision on q12 SNO CC/NC sensitive to new physics: non-standard interactions solar density perturbations mass-varying neutrinos CPT violation large q13 sterile neutrino admixture Studying the rise confirms MSW or perhaps shows us new physics pep n
de Holanda and Smirnov hep-ph/0307266
New Physics NC non-standard Lagrangian Friedland, Lunardini, Peña-Garay, hep-ph/ non-standard interactions MSW is linear in GF and limits from n-scattering experiments g2 aren’t that restrictive mass-varying neutrinos Miranda, Tórtola, Valle, hep-ph/ Sterile Neutrinos: de Holanda and Smirnov hep-ph/ pep solar neutrinos are at the “sweet spot” to test for new physics Barger, Huber, Marfatia, hep-ph/
Event Rates (Oscillated)
resolution with 450 photoelectrons/MeV 7Be solar neutrinos 3600 pep/year/kton >0.8 MeV using BS05(OP) and best-fit LMA 2300 CNO/year/kton >0.8 MeV
11C Cosmogenic Background
these plots from the KamLAND proposal muon rate in KamLAND: 26,000 d−1 compared with SNO: 70 d−1
KamLAND (7Be phase) Elastic scattering: nx + e- → nx + e-
R&D work focus on reducing radioactive backgrounds in the liquid scintillator. pep 238U 232Th 40K 85Kr 210Pb (3.5 ± 0.5) x g/g (5.2 ± 0.8) x g/g < 2.7 x g/g ~ Bq/m3 ~ g/g 10-16 g/g 10-18 g/g ~1 mBq/m3 ~10-25 g/g impurities present goal reduction OK 10-2 10-6 10-5 distillation purge < 10-2 < 10-5 < 10-4 Kamland Purification System to be installed in 2006
Default Scintillator Identified
Like Ivory SNOW Soap: ( /100) % Pure. It Floats! Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) has the smallest scattering of all scintillating solvents investigated LAB has the best acrylic compatibility of all solvents investigated density r = 0.86 g/cm3:Hold down acrylic vessel. …default is Petresa LAB with 4 g/L PPO, wavelength shifter mg/L bisMSB because solvent is undiluted and SNO photocathode coverage is high, expect light output (photoelectrons/MeV) ~3× KamLAND
Geo-Neutrino Signal geo-n in SNO+
terrestrial antineutrino event rates: Borexino: 10 events per year (280 tons of C9H12) / 29 events reactor KamLAND: 29 events per year (1000 tons CH2) / 480 events reactor SNO+: 64 events per year (1000 tons CH2) / 87 events reactor based on Rothschild, Chen, Calaprice Geophys. Res. Lett. 25, 1083 (1998) KamLAND geo-n in SNO+ SNO+ geo-neutrinos and reactor background KamLAND geo-neutrino detection…July 28, 2005 in Nature
SNO++ (Nd Double Beta Decay)
0n: 1057 events per year with 1% natural Nd-loaded liquid scintillator in SNO++. Simulation assuming light output similar to Kamland. Very preliminary simulation: one year of data mn = 0.15 eV
new collaborators welcome
SNO+ Collaboration Queen’s M. Chen*, M. Boulay, X. Dai, K. Graham, A. Hallin, C. Hearns, C. Kraus, C. Lan, J.R. Leslie, A. McDonald, V. Novikov, P. Skensved, A. Wright, U. Bissbort, S. Quirk Laurentian D. Hallman, C. Virtue SNOLAB B. Cleveland, R. Ford, I. Lawson Brookhaven National Lab A. Garnov, D. Hahn, M. Yeh Los Alamos National Lab A. Hime LIP Lisbon J. Maneira potential collaborators from outside SNO (Italy, Germany, Russia) have indicated some interest new collaborators welcome A subset of the SNO collaboration will continue with SNO+ * Principal Investigator We are working on a SNO+ proposal to be submitted this fall.
experiments as time permits
Some other fun SNOLAB experiments as time permits
Letters of Interest for SNOLAB Experiment Review Committee
Solar Neutrinos: Liquid Ne: CLEAN (also Dark Matter) Liquid Scintillator: SNO+ (also Double Beta Decay, Reactor Neutrinos, Geoneutrinos, Supernovae) Liquid Helium (also Dark Matter) Dark Matter: Silicon Bolometers: CDMS Liquid Xe: ZEPLIN, XENON Gaseous Xe: DRIFT Freon Super-saturated Gel: PICASSO Timing of Liquid Argon Scintillation: DEAP Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay: Ge Crystals: Individual cryostats (MAJORANA) or Large Liquid Nitrogen bath Liquid Xe: EXO CdTe: COBRA Recent Workshop and Experiment Review Committee Aug 14-16, 2005
DEAP : Dark-matter Experiment with Argon PSD
scintillation pulse-shape analysis for discrimination of e- vs nuclear recoils -> no electron-drift DEAP : Dark-matter Experiment with Argon PSD
Background rejection with LAr (simulation) [Mark Boulay]
From simulation, rejection > 108 @ 10 keV (>>!) 108 simulated e-’s 100 simulated WIMPs
Discrimination in liquid argon from DEAP-0
<pe> = 60 O(1in 105) consistent with room background (preliminary) preliminary <pe> = 60 corresponds to 10 keV with 75% coverage Final analysis and systematics evaluation being done
DEAP-0 DEAP- 1 (2 kg) Is under Construction at Queen’s. To be
Sited in SNOLAB In 2006
Liquid Ar scintillation
Spin Independent Interaction } Where we Are Minimal Super- Symmetric Models } Some Future Expts. Liquid Ar scintillation M.G. Boulay & A. Hime, astro-ph/
Fluorine is very sensitive for the spin-dependent interaction
Montreal, Queen’s Indiana, Pisa, BTI
SPIN - DEPENDENT INTERACTION 20 g: hep-ex/ 1 kg 2 kg to be run in 2006 10 kg 100 kg
Conclusions The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) has provided fundamental measurements of neutrino and solar properties. Neutrino measurements have opened new areas of investigation for physics beyond the Standard Model of Elementary Particles. With SNO, SNO+ and the deepest international underground site (SNOLAB) we have an exciting future for sensitive measurements of solar neutrinos, double beta decay and dark matter particles.
Another Canada – Sweden connection: Hockey
Mats Sundin
Congratulations to Sweden
Olympic Hockey Champions!
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