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Agenda ► Questions? ► Review  Ecumene concept  Canada’s changing population structure  Population growth ► Demographic transition model and critique.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda ► Questions? ► Review  Ecumene concept  Canada’s changing population structure  Population growth ► Demographic transition model and critique."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda ► Questions? ► Review  Ecumene concept  Canada’s changing population structure  Population growth ► Demographic transition model and critique ► Components of population growth  Immigration and population growth  Patterns of population growth in metropolitan areas  Rural and urban origins of migrants


3 Net Provincial Migration and Provincial Population Growth ► How do we account for interprovincial differences in population growth? ► Note that this will be net interprovincial migration! ► Is the pattern consistent over time? ► What seems to influence the role of migration as a component of population growth?

4 Net Provincial Migration ► products/analytic/Multimedia.cfm?M=5 products/analytic/Multimedia.cfm?M=5 products/analytic/Multimedia.cfm?M=5

5 Today ► Interprovincial migration ► Global Economic Development (Chap 3)  A process of change

6 Global Economic Development ► ► * processes of change involving the nature and composition of the economy in a particular region as well as to increases in the overall prosperity of a region ► ► Processes of change: ► ► Changes in economic structure ► ► Changes in political structure ► ► Changes in technology

7 Economic Structure

8 Changes in Political Structure ► Colonialism ► Independence ► Neo-Imperialism ► Devolutionary movements  Self-government


10 Changes in Political Structure ► Colonialism ► Independence ► Neo-Imperialism ► Devolutionary movements  Self-government

11 Technology ► * application of scientific knowledge and methods to economic activity, resulting in changes in productivity  Wheeler et al. p. 35 ► interrelationships between different technologies: ► Mass vehicle ownership & road systems ► Large scale meat-packing in Chicago & reefer car ► Energy

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