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Elsevier ScienceDirect: Einführung für Bibliothekspersonal Zürich, Bern, Genf 12-14 Februar 2002 Sandra Grijzenhout Account Development Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Elsevier ScienceDirect: Einführung für Bibliothekspersonal Zürich, Bern, Genf 12-14 Februar 2002 Sandra Grijzenhout Account Development Manager."— Presentation transcript:


2 Elsevier ScienceDirect: Einführung für Bibliothekspersonal Zürich, Bern, Genf 12-14 Februar 2002 Sandra Grijzenhout Account Development Manager

3 Your Contacts Account Development:Sandra Grijzenhout Account Management:Annemarie Koot HelpDesk: Tom Williams Sales Support:Ina van den Doel

4 Today’s focus on: ScienceDirect for the Swiss Consortium Optional: ° historical backfiles ° bibliographic databases ° major reference works (Personal) Features & Functionalities Internal/External Linking (CrossRef) Account Development & Usage statistics

5 WWW.SCIENCEDIRECT.COM > 1,200 journals ° >1,8 million articles ° 23 subject fields ° access as of ‘95 MEDLINE - Free of Charge SCIRUS - search engine for STM information FEBS Letters Historical Backfiles (back to Volume 1, issue 1/ 1968-1994) Free of Charge for all SD Customers!

6 Historical Backfiles Back to Vol.1/issue1 Chemical backfiles available –(in)organic chemistry –chemical engineering –physical & analytical chemistry Economics Mathematics & Computer Science Psychology Social Science Physics and Astronomy Pharmacology, Toxicology & Pharmaceutics Immunology and Microbiology

7 Bibliographic Databases EMBASE (biomedical & pharmacological database) Elsevier BIOBASE (life sciences biological database) BIOTECHNOBASE (biotechnology database) EI's Compendex (engineering database) FLUIDEX (process and civil engineering industries) BEILSTEIN Abstracts (organic and related chemistry) World Textiles (textiles database) Oceanbase (marine science and technology database) Geobase (geography, geology, ecology database) Econlit (economics literature database) INSPEC (Physics, engineering, electronics and information technology) BIOSIS Previews (life sciences and biomedical database) PsychINFO (behavioural sciences)

8 Major Reference Works Comprehensive Clinical Psychology (CCP) Supported by CrossRef (links via PsycInfo) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (IESBS) Print subscribers entitled to initial period free access! Handbooks

9 Logging into ScienceDirect Former Groupwide login: IP-recognition NO username/password (anonymous) NO personalized features Personal login: IP-recognition username/password ALL personalized features Remote login (portable id): NO IP-recognition / username/password access to SD at any time from any location when requested by librarian/ valid for 6 - 12 months


11 User Name = First Name + Surname Password

12 Personalized features Select your own subject homepage E-mail alerts - issue - search - citation Personal journal list Search history - save searches - recall searches - combine searches

13 To create an issue alert = personal feature



16 Online Demo




20 WWW.SCIRUS.COM Membership (=paid) content: - ScienceDirect (1,8 million full text articles) - ChemWeb (1,9 million Beilstein abstracts) - BioMedNet Reviews (>12 million Medline citations) - Neuroscion (550 news items) - BioMed Central (370 full text articles) - United States Patent Trademark Office (USPTO) (> 800,000 patents) Free content: > 69 million URL’s, such as university & author websites SUBMIT YOUR INSTITUTE’S URL!!

21 External Linking WWW.CROSSREF.ORG Non-profit organisation A centralized source for reference linking Provides links to articles independent of location of articles Publishers create article links by registering their articles (via DOI) at CrossRef

22 Online Demo

23 Linking without (before) Crossref

24 Linking with Crossref

25 Online Demo







32 Account Development Why ADM? Goal: Stimulate usage How? By assisting library staff in getting the most out of ScienceDirect Tools? - ‘Train-the-Trainer’ and/or end user sessions - Promotional material - ScienceDirect Newsletter: SD@Connect - ScienceDirect Support Site ( - User statistics (

33 User Statistics Password protected: login name & password sent to contact person each month Usage of 13 months on a rolling basis Downloadable files, I.e. save files in excel format




37 Online Demo


39 Questions?

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