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Federal Agri-Food Research in Ontario Taras Hollyer, A/Team Leader, Biotechnology Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization, AAFC Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Agri-Food Research in Ontario Taras Hollyer, A/Team Leader, Biotechnology Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization, AAFC Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Agri-Food Research in Ontario Taras Hollyer, A/Team Leader, Biotechnology Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization, AAFC Research Branch

2 4 national programs Sustainable Production Systems (crops/animals)Sustainable Production Systems (crops/animals) Environmental Health (incl. pest mgmt.)Environmental Health (incl. pest mgmt.) Bioproducts and Bioprocesses (incl. biotechnology)Bioproducts and Bioprocesses (incl. biotechnology) Food Safety and Quality (nutrition and processing)Food Safety and Quality (nutrition and processing)

3 19 Research Centers

4 4 Research Centers in Ontario

5 Food Research Center (FRP) Guelph, ON Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre (ECORC) Ottawa, ON Southern Crop Protection and Food Research Centre (SCPFR) London, ON The Greenhouse and Processing Crops Research Centre (GPCRC) Harrow, ON 4 Research Centers in Ontario

6 Food Research Program Staff of 80 + located in Guelph Programs represented: Food Safety and Quality Bioproducts and Bioprocesses Mandate: To carry out research and transfer technology to the sector with a view to maintaining and improving food safety and quality, adding value to agricultural raw materials, and supporting a healthy diet for Canadians. The centre’s research focus is on food quality and safety.

7 Food Research Program Areas of research: 1. Food Preservation Technologies Preservation systems, sterilization, quality control, microbial modelling - level II pilot facility under development 2. Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods Lycopene,Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA),antioxidants,etc.

8 Food Research Program Areas of research (4): 3. Molecular and Cellular Biology Probiotics, prebiotics,gut ecology,bacteriophage-based antimicrobial strategies 4. Structure and Function Value-added uses of cereals, polysaccharide analysis and health benefits, non-food use of food molecules/components.

9 Eastern Cereal and Oilseeds Research Centre (ECORC) 342 staff in Ottawa (CEF site) Programs represented: Environmental Health* Sustainable Production Systems* Bioproducts and Bioprocesses (genomics) Mandate: developing improved varieties of crops for eastern Canada; integrated agronomic systems for crop production, providing systematics expertise on plants, fungi and insects for biocontrol, genetic improvement and crop protection; research on molecular genetics; land resource evaluation, and mapping.

10 Eastern Cereal and Oilseeds Research Centre (ECORC) Areas of research: Crop development Molecular technology, plant breeding, agronomy, crop protection (barley, oats, soybeans, corn, wheat - patented gene expression promoters and new cultivars) Land Resources Development and maintenance of databases and methods for land use and environmental assessments to promote efficient use of agricultural resources (ITIS, nat’l soil database, crop gene sequence/expression databases, plant species distribution databases)

11 Southern Crop Protection and Food Research Centre (SCPFR) 250+ staff on three sites (London, Vineland, Delhi) Programs represented: Environmental Health* Sustainable Production Systems Bioproducts and Bioprocesses (genomics)* Mandate: Develop alternative and environmentally acceptable technologies for the protection of vegetables, tree fruit, field and ornamental crops from disease and insect pests, determine the impacts of agricultural practices on soil and water quality, and to develop alternative crops and sustainable management practices for coarse-textured soils.

12 Southern Crop Protection and Food Research Centre (SCPFR) Areas of research: Forage and Field Crop Management Strategies and procedures for managing insect pests with minimal or no reliance on chemical pesticides Pest Management Research AAFC minor use program support; integrated pest management research Genomics and Alternative Crop Development Plant bioreactors; improved plant varieties

13 Southern Crop Protection and Food Research Centre (SCPFR) Areas of research: Tree Fruit Breeding Includes pest management issues; Vineland Research Station Air,Water and Soil Quality Soil biochemistry and fertility, soil microbiology and agricultural environmental, development of automated crop monitoring methods, organic growing methods, water management studies and improvement of nutritional quality

14 The Greenhouse and Processing Crops Research Centre (GPCRC) 100+ employees located primarily in Harrow, ON Programs represented: Environmental Health Sustainable Production Systems Mandate: To research new technologies for production of greenhouse vegetables, field-grown processing vegetables, soybeans, and edible beans; To contribute to the environmental health of farmland; To do Research on the quality and sustainable use of Ontario soils; To preserve the genetic diversity of Canadian fruit crops.

15 Areas of research: Integrated Pest Management AAFC Minor Use application support, Strategies and procedures for managing insect pests with minimal or no reliance on chemical pesticides, molecular studies on pest-plant interactions Greenhouse Vegetable Production Technologies Technology for improved greenhouse vegetable production efficiency through crop management, crop protection, energy conservation, and greenhouse environmental control - one of the largest greenhouse research complexes in Canada The Greenhouse and Processing Crops Research Centre (GPCRC)

16 Areas of research: Soybean and Edible Bean Cultivar Development High-yielding soybean and edible bean cultivars are being developed with special quality traits for food processing to increase domestic consumption and Canadian exports to Europe and the Pacific Rim. Canadian Clonal Genebank Preservation in the Canadian Clonal Genebank of the genetic diversity of Canadian fruit crops by acquiring and maintaining wild germplasm and named cultivars; accessions of tree fruits and small fruits in a permanent collection of field plantings and protected culture. The Greenhouse and Processing Crops Research Centre (GPCRC)

17 AAFC Research Branch (Ontario) in Summary: 4 centers in Ontario working in all 4 AAFC National Science Programs. Approximately 700 employees working as scientists(~170), technicians, commercialization professionals as well as a number of visiting scientists, graduate students and post-doctoral scientists. Significant greenhouse, laboratory and field infrastructure. large number of collaborations with a diverse clientele including industry, grower groups/associations, and all three levels of government.

18 AAFC Research Branch (Ontario) - where to find us: On the Web AAFC Ontario Commercialization Officers Guelph (FRP): Horst Donner ( Ottawa (ECORC): Ryan Wilkes ( Harrow (GPCRC ): Ted Carr ( London-Vineland (SCPFR): Sandy Hushagen (

19 Thank You !

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