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Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 1 Developments of Research Networking in Europe Valentino Cavalli TERENA.

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Presentation on theme: "Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 1 Developments of Research Networking in Europe Valentino Cavalli TERENA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 1 Developments of Research Networking in Europe Valentino Cavalli TERENA

2 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 2 About this talk What is TERENA Technical developments in Europe in the context of TERENA Task Forces A study on technical evolution of research networking in Europe

3 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 3 TERENA Organisation Association of European National Research & Education Networks Not for Profit - under Dutch Law Founded 1987 (as RARE) Secretariat (12 FTE) 32 National Members (NRENs, including RedIRIS) 2 International Members: (CERN, ESA) 11 Associate Members: –(DANTE, NORDUnet, Commercials) Permanent Observer: –European Commission

4 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 4 TERENA’s Mission Represent common interests and opinions of membership. –Make political and industrial contacts. –Lobby European Union and national governments. –Liaise with other continents (e.g. APAN, UCAID – Internet2) Knowledge Transfer –Conferences (Rhodes, 7-10 June 2003), Workshops & Seminars. –Developing informational, best-practice and training material. Technical Programme –Develops, tests and promotes new technologies, services and applications. –Task Forces, Projects and Workshops. Fostering new services TERENA does not run a network !

5 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 5 TERENA Task Forces Small groups of volunteers working on specific problems ranging from applications to middleware and lower layers. Limited duration, typically 2 years. Open to any individual or representative offering expertise, manpower, equipment or services. Set of defined tasks and deliverables. Each task force has its own mailing list & web-space TERENA provides organisational and secretarial support.

6 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 6 Task Force Netcast Survey national streaming media content. Develop an announcements portal. Develop a common metadata model. European live streaming infrastructure. Steps towards liaison with Internet Streaming Media Alliance (ISMA)

7 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 7 Task Force CSIRT Promotes collaboration and knowledge transfer between European CSIRTs. Includes NREN, ISP, government and commercial CSIRTS. Trusted Introducer Service Incident Object Description & Exchange Format RIPE IRT object Clearing House for Incident Handling Tools CSIRT training course (TRANSITS) Incident Information Exchange ( Assistance to new CSIRTs (Best Current Practice) Incident Handling Procedures

8 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 8 Task Force Mobility Transfer AA information between organisations so that a user from a different organisation may gain wired or wireless access to 1) the visiting organisation’s network or 2) the visitor’s home network for home authentication and network access Evaluate mobile equipment and software, AA techniques (e.g. web-based, 802.1x, VPNs) Several NRENs use a hierarchy of RADIUS proxy servers for their national infrastructure Define an inter-NREN roaming architecture: build and scale a RADIUS proxy hierarchy for non-VPN AA.

9 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 9 Task Force AACE Investigates issues related to deployment of AA and other security-related services. Focus on interoperability: architectural concepts, attribute syntax and semantics, protocols Close collaboration with Internet2 Middleware Initiative. Documentation about common practices in European R&E: –PKI authentication –Available AA solutions Repository of NRENs Root-CA certificates

10 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 10 Task Force NGN Forum to discuss and test new networking technologies for use in future European backbone, NREN or campus networks. Lead by DANTE staff, undertakes GÈANT Test Programme QoS (LBE, Premium IP, AF based services, QoS monitoring and management), multicast, IPv6, MPLS, optical networking, performance monitoring, PERT, multi-domain layer 2 VPNs.

11 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 11 SERENATE A strategic study into the evolution of European research and education networking over the next 5-10 years Likely technical, commercial and political evolution over the next few years, and to formulate recommendations of general applicability EU FP5 project, partners are: Academia Europaea, Central Technical Institute of the University of Denmark, DANTE, European Science Foundation and TERENA D9: Study on developments of equipment for optical transmission, switching and routing

12 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 12 Current Environment Shared IP, basically best-effort and ubiquitous any-to-any service Networks currently over-provisioned (with exceptions in some countries and generally at the campus level) Guaranteed performance and traffic engineering mostly at the IP routing layer Simple and transparent model, easy management

13 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 13 Emerging factors Access to fibre much easier than in the past: universities and NRENs exploring a DIY approach towards network infrastructure Developments of WDM equipment, opto-electronics and all-optical devices. Increased availability of (but also requirement for) bandwidth Changes in traffic patterns due to peer-to-peer and Grid applications Need for high-bandwidth end-to-end services between a limited number of locations to support large data flows Dynamic, on-demand bandwidth management, requiring network-aware middleware

14 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 14 DIY approach towards network infrastructure, but to what extent? Campus, National, International? Depends on reach, but is actually happening at Campus and National level. More complex internationally, not only because of distance, but also need to provide services end-to-end across multiple administration domains New expertise also required Change of traditional customer-supplier relationship with carriers, more collaboration is possible and needed What are NRENs facing?

15 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 15 Optical transmission –Optical fibre –WDM equipment Switches Routers Technology

16 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 16 Optical transmission Wide availability of fibre but limited to certain locations (even within a country) Need for amplification, signal regeneration, dispersion compensation: limitations of existing fibre plants Different access options: –leased connectivity, managed fibre, long-term lease, fibre ownership Cost effectiveness: Dark fibre vs managed wavelength Issue: Operation might require install and maintain equipment at remote locations for NRENs

17 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 17 transmission technology allowing today (DWDM) up to 40 Gbit/s on a single wavelength, up to 160-190 wavelength per fibre, up to several Tbit/s per fibre Analogue technology, standardisation limited to ITU Wavelength Grid, limited interoperability Lot of dependency on fiber type and quality, dispersion, etc., needs to be tailored to each specific situations WDM equipment

18 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 18 Capacity and reach Transmission capacity at 40Gbit/s per wavelength (channel) available, multiples of 40Gbit/s being tested –Costs of the electronics impact on interfaces, router line-cards, etc. –Market demand not clear yet Depending on fibre type current 2.5-10Gbit/s systems require regeneration after 4-5 amplification spans (spans varying between 80-120km) so 400-600km, new generation ULH systems can reach up to 4000km CESNET experiences with NIL up to 230km (GE and 2.5Gbit/s), 180km at 10GE

19 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 19 Optical switching Wavelength termination and signal regeneration require OEO conversion, transponders are very expensive, but OOO Switching equipment terminates only local traffic and does not impact on express traffic OOO switches are signal-transparent, lower unit cost, smaller footprint and lower operational costs Generally support a variety of framing interfaces SONET/SDH, GE, 2.5, 10 GE, G.709, GFP Electrical technology still needed at user interface for multiplexing and bandwidth grooming

20 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 20 Routing Wide range of functionality supported: IPv6, multicast, QoS, MPLS G-MPLS already available, but little interoperability Support for multiple 10Gbit/s, 40Gbit/s bit-rate interfaces is available, but line-rate interfaces exploiting the full capacity of transmission links are not there yet –Cost of ASICs – mass production Driving introduction of 40Gbit/s

21 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 21 Network Management A mix of networking elements requiring a unified control plane and sophisticated management systems to seamlessly manage network and transport layer Several signalling protocols being standardised by IETF and ITU-T Inter-operability, and multi-domain management still represent a challenge –More cooperation among network operators to provide e2e services across domains

22 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 22 BW requirements # of users CAB ADSLGigE LAN A -> Lightweight users, browsing, mailing, home use B -> Business applications, multicast, streaming, VPN’s, mostly LAN C -> Special scientific applications, computing, data grids, virtual-presence

23 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 23 BW requirements Tot Bandwidth CAB ADSLGigE LAN A -> Need full Internet routing, one to many B -> Need VPN services on/and full Internet routing, several to several C -> Need very fat pipes, limited multiple Virtual Organizations, few to few or point-to-point

24 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 24 Economics Big sciences need fat pipes Over-provisioning is no longer a cost effective solution to serve all user’s needs Costs of fibers are one/third of the equipment needed to light them up Gigabit core routers increasingly expensive at higher speed: costs of (electrical) optical equipment one/fifth of full routing equipment (for same throughput) Circuit switching addresses “heavy” user needs

25 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 25 Network architecture Simple extension of shared IP model does not scale, need to explore hybrid network architecture solutions, which serve all users in a single consistent and cost effective way Routers and switches can be combined in providing a flexible network architecture –Limited cost saving but more efficient way of serving users –Engineering traffic not only at layer 3 but also at layers 2 and 1

26 Valentino Cavalli Jornadas Técnicas RedIRIS, Mallorca, 7/11/2003 26 Conclusions Simple extension of shared IP model does not scale, need to explore hybrid solutions –Circuit/lambda switching coexisting with IP routing 40Gps/s will happen, but as multiple 10G first Access to optical infrastructure is important Exploitation of dark fibre depend on economics and reach – At less than 200km NIL solutions seem viable Management functions crossing multiple domains are being developed, but: –more work in standardisation of signalling protocols –address complexity of providing end-to-end services in multi-domain (and multi-vendor) environment

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