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¿Cómo hallar recursos para Español 535? por Denis Lacroix Bibliotecario de español y francés.

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Presentation on theme: "¿Cómo hallar recursos para Español 535? por Denis Lacroix Bibliotecario de español y francés."— Presentation transcript:

1 ¿Cómo hallar recursos para Español 535? por Denis Lacroix Bibliotecario de español y francés

2 Session Outline  Finding Subject Guides, Reference resources, and Bibliographies  Finding Microforms  Finding online and print Articles in Periodicals  Databases and ILL  Print Indexes  Book Reviews

3 Finding Subject Guides  Click on the Subjects tab on the Library home page  Click on Humanities and Social Sciences  Under Languages & Literatures  Click on Spanish Or  Click on Latin American Studies  QuickStart Guides de/index.cfm de/index.cfm  Find lists of and links to resources, e.g. News

4 Keep up-to-date with Spanish online cultural news from around the world through links in subject guides.

5 NEOS Library Catalogue


7 Using Subject Headings  Use the following Subjects in combination with Mexic$ or a personal name:  art; avant-gard$; aesthetics; contemporáneos; ekphrasis; ethnicity; femini$; identit$; literature, experimental; nationalism; national characteristics; photograph$; photojournalism; postcolonialism; postmodernism; race; racism; revolution; surreal$; social conditions; bibliography, etc.  Call number ranges  Mexican history: F 1226-  Mexican painters: ND 255 & 259  Mexican art: N 6550…  Mexico and Cinema: PN 1993.5

8 Useful Reference Resources An index to Mexican literary periodicals – PQ 7100 Z9 F7 Fuentes de la historia contemporánea de México; periódicos y revistas – F 1234 Z9 R82 (1867-1946) Diccionario bio-bibliográfico de escritores de México nacidos entre 1920 y 1970 PQ 7155 L318 1994 Mexican literature : a bibliography of secondary sources -- PQ 7106 Z9 F75 1992 Diccionario de escritores mexicanos, siglo XX : desde las generaciones del Ateneo y novelistas de la Revolución hasta nuestros días PQ 7127 O14 1988 t.1 - t. 4 Latin American and Caribbean research sources – Z 1601 L357 Mexico – F 1208 Z9 P45 1993 Frida Kahlo, A Bibliography – ND 259 K32 G22 4th floor Rutherford N. Literature Resource Center Roland Collection of Films & Video Art

9 Finding Microform Resources  Go to the Guide to Research Collections in Microformat online through the Databases tabGuide to Research Collections in Microformat  Click on Advanced Search, e.g. [keyword] Mexico  e.g NACLA, F 1401 N63 M38 1998 (Mexico) 2 nd floor Ruth N.  use guide F 1401 N62 J69 1999 (HSS MICROREF) to find references to Culture, e.g. Mexico – Culture – Misc. publications 1968-1975HSS MICROREF  Miscellaneous cultural publications also exist for other countries  Online indexes:

10 Electronic and Print Indexes  Use electronic databases or print indexes to find periodical articles.  Use databases to find articles published since 1980 and print indexes for older material.  Databases are all different:  some contain full-text articles  some list only citations and abstracts  others have a mixture of both

11 Electronic Databases  Latin American Resources: HAPI*, HLAS, Clase.  General Humanities: MLA, Humanities Abstracts*, Web of Science*, IBZ*, American Humanities Index*, PCI full-text*.  Art: Art Index*, International Index to Performing Arts*, Comm. & Mass Media Complete*, ARTbibliographies Modern  Newspapers: Paper of Record, Factiva*  Women’s Studies: Women’s Studies International.  World-wide or Rare Resources (books & articles): Centre for Research Libraries (CRL), OCLC.  Theses: DAI, Index to Theses. * Limitable by Book Review

12 Hispanic American Periodicals Index  Click on Search:  [Subject] contemporaneos Add [Keyword] mexican literature  Save citations to bibliography and send by e- mail or print  Search for article in GetIt Citation Linker e.g. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 27 (1998), 275-296.GetIt Citation Linker

13 Use synonyms or truncate terms to obtain more results, e.g. mexic

14 ARTbibliographies Modern  Click on Advanced Search tab.  Enter search topics and variant terms.  Topic 1 with variant terms: national* or identi*  Topic 2: Izquierdo, María  Click on Search under the search boxes  View record to read abstract and find related subjects.  Click on to locate article, or  check Library Catalogue for holdings:  choose Periodical Title from menu  click on “Starting with” radio button  search for the title of the journal  e.g. Oxford Art Journal (U.K.), vol. 23, no. 1, 2000, pp. 51-71,

15 Search for variant terms in the online database Thesaurus, e.g. patriotism appears under nationalism. Change interface language here.

16 MLA  Enter Search terms one topic/box  Limit terms by Subject and Default Fields  estridentis*  mexic*  avant-gard* or modern*  Click on Search  Add articles to folder for printing or e-mailing  Click on full-text icon or on  e.g. #4, Palabra y el Hombre: Revista de la Universidad Veracruzana, 1999 Oct-Dec; 112: 69-72. Try Default Fields first before limiting to other fields.

17 Check Indexes and Thesaurus for use of terms in database

18 Dissertation Abstracts (DAI)  Click on the Search tab.  Search for [Keyword] Mexic? [Keyword] avant-gard?  Dissertations from 1996- can be downloaded for free using an automatically generated id and pin which are sent by e-mail  Older dissertations can be ordered through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) or purchased online.

19 Downloading Dissertations

20 RefWorks Sign up for an id and password: Access RefWorks: Follow tutorial: Import references from database or input them manually Create a folder for your references Create a bibliography Write-N-Cite: Cite.htm Cite.htm

21 Uploading to RefWorks from Databases Click on Bibliographic Manager under Save to Disk in MLA Click on RefWorks in ARTbibliographies

22 Center for Research Libraries   e.g. search for [Keywords] contemporáneos  All resources here can be ordered through Interlibrary Loan. U of A students benefit from a 4 month renewable loan period.  Searching is also available through Telnet  type “guest” and enter search field code  Use CRL guide for more resources: Z 733 C397 1990 Reference

23 Inter-Library Loans (ILL)  If the document that you are looking for is not in our Library Catalogue,  fill out an ILL electronic form:  indicate, if possible, where your document is located in the world.  using OCLC WorldCat locate your document in libraries world-wide by clicking on “Libraries Worldwide.”OCLC WorldCat  Check the status of your ILL after 2 weeks: x.cfm x.cfm

24 Print Indexes  Index to Latin American Periodical Literature What: (1929-1970) Where: Rutherford North Floor 1 Ref. F 1401 I38 folio  The Complete Caribbeana, 1900-1975 : a bibliographic guide to the scholarly literature Where: Rutherford North Floor 1 Ref. F 1608 Z9 C734 1977  Public Affairs Information Service : Annual Cumulated Bulletin 1915-1971 and Cumulative Subject Index to the PAIS Annual Bulletins 1915-1974 Where: Rutherford N flr1 Indexes H1 Z9 B932  MLA International Bibliography What: (1921 to 1962) Where: Rutherford N flr1 Indexes PB 1 M58

25  Book Review Index Where: Rutherford North Floor 1 Index Tables Z 1035 A1 B73 What: (Since 1965-) Provides author and title indexes, but no excerpts of the reviews.  Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in Humanities Journals, 1802-1974 Where: Rutherford North Floor 1 Index Tables Z 1035 A1 C7 1982  Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in Scholarly Journals, 1886-1974 Where: Ruth. North Floor 1 Index Tables Z 1035 A1 C72 1979 Book Review Indexes

26 Websites  Latin American Network Information Center  Latin America: Subject Resources  Diego Rivera Web Museum

27 Ask Your Librarian  This slide show is downloadable at:  Contact Librarians through Chat reference, E-mail reference, telephone reference, or in-person at the reference desk.  Make an appointment with me for subject-specific and in-depth searching help.

28 ¡Buena suerte en su búsqueda!

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