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HTTP FrontPage Server Extensions Internet FrontPage Server Extension (FPSE) HTTP request message contains the command and the URL FrontPage.

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Presentation on theme: "HTTP FrontPage Server Extensions Internet FrontPage Server Extension (FPSE) HTTP request message contains the command and the URL FrontPage."— Presentation transcript:

1 HTTP FrontPage Server Extensions Internet FrontPage Server Extension (FPSE) HTTP request message contains the command and the URL FrontPage clients: FrontPage, MS Word, Excel, etc. CGIISAPI

2 The FrontPage RPC Protocol HTTP Internet FrontPage Server Extension (FPSE) HTTP request message contains the command and the URL FrontPage clients CGIISAPI GET /_vti_inf.html HTTP/1.1 Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 20:31:21 GMT User-agent: Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MS FrontPage 4.0) Host: taskserver:80 Accept: auth/sicily Content-length: 0

3 WebDAV Locking and Overwrite Prevention Author A Author B Shared file repository A ’ s copyB ’ s copy “ A ” publishes B ’ s copy “ B ” also publishes and overwrites “ A ”’ s changes

4 Locked resources and COPY/MOVE Status codeDefined byMethodsEffect

5 For More Information Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Server Extension Resource Kit. “ HTTP Extension for Distributed Authoring-WEBDAV ” “ Versioning Extension to WebDAV ” “ WEBDAV: IETF Standard for Collaborative Authoring on the Web ” future/whitehead/http_pos_paper.html future/whitehead/http_pos_paper.html “ Lessons from WebDAV fot the Next Generation Web Infrastructure ” “ Distributed Authoring and Versioning Extensions for HTTP Enable Team Authoring ” http// “ DAV Searching & Locating ”

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