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© Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. A Safe Journey to the Edge: Intro to Web 2.0 Tools Finding your way: 1.Find the.

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Presentation on theme: "© Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. A Safe Journey to the Edge: Intro to Web 2.0 Tools Finding your way: 1.Find the."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. A Safe Journey to the Edge: Intro to Web 2.0 Tools Finding your way: 1.Find the CHAT and type a hello. 2.Find where to raise your hand- try it! 3.Make sure you can hear – turn up speakers! Welcome!

2 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. CHAT Participants Talk button (headsets only, raise hand) Whiteboard

3 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. “Wide” layout makes chat area larger, in the middle!

4 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Tools we are using Audio “out” to you Chat from you Webcam “out” for intros Web tours (you watch/guided help) Web “push” to you (you DO) Full session recording, including chat

5 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Getting Started Chat for HELP! Professional Development Certificate info Ok2Ask coming soon If you learn $omething… Bookmark the Session Start page (“pushed” to you here in a separate window) You should hear me talking now. If not, enter HELP! In the chat.

6 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Please introduce yourself… In the chat area, please type in where you are and what you teach/do Your presenters and moderators…

7 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Today’s goals Identify features of web 2.0 tools Locate resources to provide real-world, collaborative, creative learning experiences Name ways… students active participants in their own learning. Possible applications of specific web 2.0 tools in your current teaching situation and within policies of their school. Find solutions to individual questions or practical problems (follow up) Locate and ask specific school policy questions relevant to using chosen web 2.0 tools in their school/teaching situation. (follow up) Experiment with at least one web 2.0 tool, collaborating with students, parents, or others within or outside the school community. NETS-T emphasis: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 3b, 3c, 3d Student Learning and Creativity Digital-Age Learning Experiences /Assessments, Digital-Age Learning

8 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Features: What defines web 2.0? user-authorship vs authoritative source “creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness” collaboration vs one- way No more we tell- you learn public interaction membership profiles social features commenting “rating” tagging (some) integration with other tools: “widgets” many are adding web 2.0 features Those who bought this product also purchased… If you like this, may we suggest… Comment on this product… Add to my Friends…

9 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Locate: Where to look on TeachersFirst TF Edge- See “Hot Tech” menu Edge Tips Sifting Through the Filters Tutorials: Wiki Walk-Through and Blog Basics Edge reviews…

10 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Active Participants Providing students with real-world, collaborative, creative learning experiences

11 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Active Participants: a BIG question Do we… Protect kids from seeing “bad” things or Gradually model and teach them HOW to navigate safely?

12 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Active Participants Must knows for teachers (and students): Your schools’ policies What makes the ideal web 2.0 tool

13 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Apply… tool #1 You asked for…

14 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. YOU try it… Questions welcome! Apply… tool #1

15 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Raise your hand if you found or formed an idea you could use Enter it in chat Apply… YOUR examples for tool #1 real-world, collaborative, creative learning experiences?

16 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. OK2Ask… Q/A time

17 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Apply… tool #2 You asked for…

18 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. YOU try it… Questions welcome! Apply… tool #2

19 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Raise your hand if you found or formed an idea you could use Enter it in chat Apply… YOUR examples #2 real-world, collaborative, creative learning experiences?

20 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. OK2Ask… Q/A time

21 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Quick Demo… applying tool #3 You asked for…

22 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. YOU try it… Enter into chat: QUESTIONS safety/security concerns ideas for YOUR use Apply… tool #3 real-world, collaborative, creative learning experiences?

23 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Apply… a possible action plan 1.choose a tool to try 2.make a sample on your own or with one or two kids (techie-gifted kids?) 3.share it with students for response 4.plan a lesson using it (whole class or student groups) 5.admit your novice status and learn together with lessons and results done before it AGAIN- so students get past tool mastery to a new level of thinking/learning 8.stick with the same tool to gain confidence and expertise for you and for students 9.try a new one when ready

24 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. What circumstance or feature caused the ACTUAL PROBLEM? Does TF Edge have a TIP for that? Apply … If you “fail,” look closely…

25 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Wrapping up… Goals met? Identify features of web 2.0 tools Locate resources to provide real-world, collaborative, creative learning experiences Name ways… students active participants in their own learning. Possible applications of specific web 2.0 tools in your current teaching situation and within policies of their school. Find solutions to individual questions or practical problems ( follow up) Locate and ask specific school policy questions relevant to using chosen web 2.0 tools in their school/teaching situation. (follow up) Experiment with at least one web 2.0 tool, collaborating with students, parents, or others within or outside the school community.

26 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Feedback Survey Professional Development Certificate info *provide screen name! Links and handouts Session recording (in a few days) A chance to donate Wrapping up: return to Session Start for

27 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Chat and go… at least one web 2.0 tool or teaching idea that you learned about today AND a possible curriculum topic where you might use it PLEASE EXIT the session – do not simply close your window. Before you say File> EXIT, please enter in chat:

28 © Copyright 2009 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Thanks for coming! Find It, Use It: Exploring the Resources of TeachersFirst to Plan Effective, Technology-Infused Lessons

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