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Looking into the future… DDI workshop IASSIST 2006 Jim Jacobs.

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1 Looking into the future… DDI workshop IASSIST 2006 Jim Jacobs

2 First principles  Metadata are data about data -- information about information.  It’s all about having complete, accurate, re-usable metadata.  Software to process the metadata is secondary. We should be able to have metadata today that we know will be usable in unforeseeable computing environments (operating systems, software, hardware).

3 First principles Metadata should be…  Comprehensive  Complete  Uncompromised  Consistent  Flexible  Sharable  Usable and re-usable  Preservable  Parseable by computer  Documented  Non-proprietary

4 How XML fits in…  XML is designed to be parseable with generic tools.  XML can encode meaning and can be self-documenting  XML is non-proprietary, open, flexible.

5 How XML fits in… XML is designed to make it easy to find and use just the elements you need from a large document. “Cherry picking”

6 How XML fits in… Great Power Wars, 1495-1815 9955 Levy, Jack S. National Science Foundation. SES86-10567 <distrbtr abbr="ICPSR" affiliation="Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan" URI="http;//">Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research 1994-05-20 1994-05-20 Levy, Jack S. GREAT POWER WARS, 1495-1815 [Computer file]. New Brunswick, NJ and Houston, TX: Jack S. Levy and T. Clifton Morgan … Great Power Wars, 1495-1815 You can cherry- pick just what you need from a large XML document…

7 From legacies to the future  SAS  SPSS  OSIRIS  PDF  Paper  Data dictionary  Etc.  HTML  PDF  Any stat package  Nesstar  Library OPAC  Google  OAI  RSS  RDF  DDI 2, 3, 4… DDI

8 From many contributors to many uses  researcher  Data collector  Analysts  Data producer, distributor  Data archivists  Data librarians  Users of statistics  Analysts  researchers  The web  Live documents  Databases  publications  Data archives  Data libraries  Institutional repositories  Secondary analysis  New research  New knowledge DDI


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