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ATLAS Databases: An Overview, Athena use of Geometry/Conditions DB, and Conditions Metadata Elizabeth Gallas - Oxford ATLAS-UK Distributed Computing Tutorial Edinburgh, UK – March 21-22, 2011
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA2 Outline Motivation: Databases Overview of ATLAS Databases Databases of Athena-based analysis interest Geometry Database Conditions Database And how they are made accessible on the grid COMA (Conditions Metadata) Selected/derived Run/Lb-wise Conditions/Configuration in relational format Data Periods in COMA Other COMA reports Summary and Conclusions
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA3 Motivation: Database use in ATLAS ATLAS “data” – falls into 2 broad categories Event-wise data: stored in files (RAW, ESD, AOD, TAG …) Know something about themselves but also have some ‘metadata’ pointers to the bigger picture Non-event-wise data: Stored in Databases Enable construction of the ‘bigger picture’ Important information needed at our fingertips Usually by diverse clients Data Base Management Systems (DBMS) provide: persistent storage for large/small collections of data of varied complexity in data structures that provide access flexibility powerful query language for data entry, modification and retrieval transaction management appearance of isolation but provides multi-user simultaneous access
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA4 Overview – Oracle usage in ATLAS Oracle is used extensively: every stage of data taking, processing, analysis. Some of the more common applications: Configuration PVSS – Detector Control System (DCS) Configuration & Monitoring Trigger – Trigger Configuration (online and simulation data) OKS – Configuration databases for the TDAQ Geometry - Detector Description File and Job management T0 – Tier 0 processing DQ2/DDM – distributed file and dataset management Dashboard – monitor jobs and data movement on the ATLAS grid PanDa – workload management: production & distributed analysis Conditions data (non-event data for offline analysis) Conditions Database [POOL files in DDM (referenced from the Conditions DB)] “Metadata” == data about data AMI (ATLAS Metadata Interface) – Dataset metadata COMA (COnditions MetadatA) – Configuration/Conditions metadata TAGs (not an acronym) – Event-level metadata
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA5 What does your Athena job need ? What does every Athena job need ? 1.Data (Events) 2.Database (Geometry, Conditions) 3.Efficient I/O (sometime across a network), CPU 4.(A Purpose and a) Place for Output Next slides … more details about Geometry and Conditions What they contain How Athena accesses them How they are distributed for access on the grid User interfaces, documentation, and help Needs: 1.Food 2.Water 3.Love 4.Place for output
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA6 Geometry Database Relational DB: Primary Numbers for the ATLAS Detector Description All data for building GeoModel description in single place Primary numbers stored in Data Tables (leaf) Organized by subsystem (branch) Tagging (versioning) at various levels Locked tags define distinct detector description And Globally tagged/locked at higher levels Associated with Software Releases Evolution of Geometry tags is set up such that Each new tag is compatible with older Releases Location and Distribution: Master copy: in Oracle server at CERN Up to now: Copy of entire database dumped into SQLite file Delivered to sites using DB Release technology with each Software Release Future … more diverse distribution model being tested (Frontier) Update: (Vakho Tsulaia) in upcoming Software/Computing workshop
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA7 Geometry DB Browser
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA8 “Conditions” “Conditions” – general term for information which is not ‘event-wise’ reflecting the conditions or states of a system – conditions are valid for an ‘interval of validity’ (IOV) ranging from very short to infinity. IOV’s can be expressed as a range: in timestamps or Run/LumiBlocks. Any conditions data needed for offline processing and/or analysis must be stored in the ATLAS Conditions Database (aka: COOL) or in its referenced POOL files (DDM) ATLAS Conditions Database ZDC DCS TDAQ OKS LHC DQ
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA9 Conditions DB infrastructure in ATLAS Relies on considerable infrastructure: COOL, CORAL, Athena (developed by ATLAS and CERN IT) -- generic schema design which can store / accommodate / deliver a large amount of data for diverse set of subsystems. IOV ‘interval of validity’ DB in relational DB tables Data organized into folders … foldersets By schema (subdetector) By instance (for real data and MC) Stores data ‘inline’ but can have references to external POOL files (managed by DDM) Athena / Conditions DB data maps to transient C++ objects, which are accessible to Athena at run time through the Transient Store COOL Tag (version) - distinct sets of Conditions making specific computations reproducible Used at many stages of data taking and analysis From online calibrations, alignment, monitoring, to offline … processing … more calibrations … further alignment… reprocessing … analysis …to luminosity and data quality
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA10 Conditions: User interfaces Command line interface: Conditions TAG Browser:
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA11 Oracle Distribution of Conditions data Oracle stores a huge amount of essential data ‘at our fingertips’ But ATLAS has many… many… many… fingers May be looking for oldest to newest data Conditions in Oracle – Master copy at Tier-0 Replicated to many Tier-1 sites Running jobs at Oracle sites (direct access) performs well But direct Oracle access on the grid from remote sites: Even after tuning, direct access requires many back/forth network transactions – RTT (Round Trip Time) multiplies … SLOW Cascade effect: Jobs hold connections longer, prevents starting new jobs Use alternative technologies, especially over WAN (Wide Area Network): “caching” Conditions from Oracle when possible Online CondDB Offline master CondDB Tier-1 replica Tier-1 replica Tier-0 farm Computer centre Outside world Isolation / cut Calibration updates Simplified Diagram !
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA12 Technologies for Conditions “caching” “DB Release”: make a system of files containing all data ‘needed’. Used in reprocessing campaigns and for MC processing/analysis Includes: SQLite replicas: “mini” Conditions DB with specific Folders, IOV range, CoolTag (a ‘slice’ – small subset of all rows in Oracle tables) And associated POOL files and a PFC (file catalog) “Frontier”: store results in a web cache. Developed by Fermilab ( used by CDF, further refined for CMS) Basic Idea: Frontier / Squid servers located at/near Oracle RAC negotiate transactions between grid jobs and Oracle DB reduce the load on Oracle by caching results of repeated queries reduce latency observed connecting to Oracle over the WAN. Additional Squid servers at remote sites help even more Used by default for user analysis jobs. Picture on next slide
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA13 Conditions DB access via Frontier Frontier for distributed database access Used by default for user analysis jobs. Main components Frontier server Communicates directly with Oracle server Includes data caching Provides data to Squids Squid Communicates with Frontier server over http Caches retrieved data locally for its clients ATLAS: Frontier in operation late in 2009 Frontier servers at T1 sites on replication ~60 Squids all over the world Mostly T2, some T3 too Tier 2 Tier 1
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA14 DB Access in Athena Athena applications access conditions and geometry DBs using LCG software libraries POOL, COOL and CORAL Allows for transparent usage of various technologies (Oracle, SQLite, FroNTier/Squid)
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA15 Tips for Users (1) What Global Conditions and Geometry tags to use? Autoconfigure your job Have job read global tags from its input file (ESD, AOD) In job options: from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec rec.AutoConfiguration=['everything'] In job transforms: Command line parameter 'autoConfiguration=everything' Slide: V.Tsulaia
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA16 Tips for Users (2) How to configure my environment to access FroNTier/Squid? Conditions payload POOL files? DB Release for geometry (and MC conditions if needed)? All that is done for you automatically... … just sit back and enjoy the ride! Slide: V.Tsulaia
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA17 Tips for Users (3) If things go wrong … and it seems to be related to database access Useful information on TWiki: Athena DB Access: COOL Troubles: Atlas DB Release: These TWiki documents should be able to help you in narrowing down the problem and then you'll be in position to Either ask your site admin Or send email to Database Operations Slide: V.Tsulaia
Mar 2011Elizabeth Gallas - Databases/COMA18 Conclusions: Databases and DB Access from Athena Databases are used extensively in ATLAS At every stage of data taking, processing, analysis Scratch the surface of many interactive user applications And you will find a Database ! I’ve attempted to give an overview of the issues and considerations in DB access from Athena The need to provide database information In a variety of access patterns With potentially widely varying data volumes From diverse clients makes Athena access to ATLAS non-event-wise databases (Conditions and Geometry) complex. Supporting different technologies allows us to optimally meet the various needs. A lot of effort has gone into making DB access for user analysis as transparent as possible … More details can be found: See V.Tsulaia slides Software Workshop in Tbilisi Oct 26, 2010 On various TWiki pages
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