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Blogging An informative presentation on the creation, creativity and maintance of a blog through School Wires.

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Presentation on theme: "Blogging An informative presentation on the creation, creativity and maintance of a blog through School Wires."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blogging An informative presentation on the creation, creativity and maintance of a blog through School Wires

2 Blogging, Web Page, Wiki The lines between blogging platforms, website platforms, and wiki platforms are not always clear. A somewhat simplistic explanation to teachers who don't have a web presence yet, but want to create one for their professional work. Here's the explanation: websites are good for providing a static resource of information, blogs are good for frequent updates and communication, and a wiki is great for collaborating on the creation of a reference site.

3 What is a blog? Blogging in Plain EnglisBlogging in Plain English

4 Important to Remember How many students have the internet? Do not publish full names of anyone in class Absolutely must create guidelines. Content! Don’t mistake activity for achievement. Remain focused. A blog is not a website it is an interactive place to communicate information.

5 Creating your blog Log into SchoolWires Select eFaculty and your name Select New Page In the following window you will choose the type of page you are creating.

6 In this window you will name your blog page The Postings will then open and you will select the Edit option Name and Save Page

7 General Tab allows you to create a specific date and time to post a comment Posting Tab is where you enter posts for the blog Comments Tab here you select whether or not you want comments on a specific posting. Do the comments need to be approved? Who is allowed to comment on this blog? REMEMBER TO ALWAYS SAVE ANY CHANGES YOU MAKE The following window is where you will control the blog page

8 Moderating Comments A First Class email identifies posting waiting for approval. Sign into Schoolwires Select Site Manager Select eFaculty and your page Click on page where blog resides

9 Moderate Continued Select Moderate button When moderating comments, you can move easily between the list of Approved Comments and list of Unapproved Comments by clicking in the appropriate radio button in the Display option

10 Clever ideas for your Blog Discuss a reading assignment Create a blog about how to study Current Events Homework Help Journal for Research Project Book Club for students How to Project Post Writing assignment and assign 1 student to post comment Reflections on a field trip

11 Some Examples of Blogs Albert the Bear’s Blog Coopertown Ms. Mansure MS Mr. Mahar Elementary Teachers Blogs

12 RSS Feed What is it and why is it important? RSS in Plain English

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