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Using Technology as an embedded learning tool – a wall-less brick & mortar classroom Sandy Anaka Jill French Nechako Lakes SD#91 Oct. 22-24, 2008.

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1 Using Technology as an embedded learning tool – a wall-less brick & mortar classroom Sandy Anaka Jill French Nechako Lakes SD#91 Oct. 22-24, 2008

2 Our task is to demonstrate how to use technology as an embedded learning tool into what we call….. a blended learning environment? face-to-face classroom setting plus computer mediated learning (Charles Graham)Charles Graham

3 Goals for this Presentation…. to briefly explain why using technology in diverse ways is important to demonstrate practical methods of how you can gradually shift towards increasing your use of technology to provide numerous support links to help you with this gradually shift This presentation is available online at…..

4 Why… changes is society –online Connectivity Conference 2007 changes in learning leads to some changes in teaching practices

5 How… Our team will demonstrate how to weave technology into the entire day: daybook online lessons posted online weblinks visited daily visualization tools for math concepts student accessed skill development sites for specific projects (webquests, research, Internet safety)

6 We will also be discussing how technology can help make our classrooms … not only more accessible, but transparent to parents. the value of school-to-home email parent pages online the value of daily lessons, units and assignments, support material and social networking tools posted online

7 Benefits increased engagement levels easier access transparency of learning (support material, daybook etc) new ways to teach, model, extend student learning supports independent learning (e.g. wiki) provides diverse types of reading (e.g. instructions, information) provides new ways to learn about your students and to inform your teaching (blog) provides new ways to teach, model, extend student learning

8 Challenges time –classroom –personal learning sufficient equipment reliable equipment technology support (everyone busy) displacement of other resources using computers in diverse ways

9 Types of online learning … synchronous: information or learning occurring at a specific time examples: –Elluminate (e.g. V-class) free for 3 participantsElluminate benefits: –ideas and thoughts can be exchanged immediately

10 Types of online learning … asynchronous: information and learning not dependent on a specific time examples: –video cams (San Diego Zoo)San Diego Zoo –current events (CBC news)CBC news –follow a researcher (Catt Trax 2 )Catt Trax 2 –conference session videovideo benefits: –information accessed at own convenience

11 Technology Used to Support Activities Hardware SMART Board digital projector computers digital cameras Software All The Right Type Adobe Photoshop, Go Live Macromedia Dreamweaver Elluminate (free access online) Office - PowerPoint (OpenOffice), ExcelOpenOffice Jeopardy (How to create a Jeopardy Power Point) removeJeopardy Other Internet web space (e.g. FirstClass provides this)

12 Process of embedded technology for instruction The value of school-to-home email. The value of daily lessons posted. online daybook with an interactive daily schedule –example daily scheduledaily schedule –benefits schedule is archived accessible to parents (homework, child away)homework accessible to teacher to revisit a lessonlesson accessible to students to revisit a lesson lessons posted online (remove)

13 Cross Curricular Holistic instruction –for example: CattTrax2: BC researcher exploring global connection i.e. economic, environmental (project)project Sturgeon Recovery –benefits: constructed knowledge (wiki)wiki non-linear learning

14 Classroom Support Online own class website eg: Mrs. French’s ( French’s online resources (teachers, and students)teachersstudents benefits: –safe storage –transparency –disseminated information –asynchronous access –supports independent learning (e.g. PS)PS

15 Internet useage: Value of documenting (I am not sure what you mean by ‘documenting’?: weblinks visited daily: use of the internet for research safety issues

16 For specific projects: Support critical thinking projects: webquests – “Water Quest”

17 Curricular importance Social studies – Information on up to date content from which to critically analyze important events relevant in the world today and from anciet history. CBC News at Ancient Egypt Project at The Webquest page of First Nations at

18 Language Arts Assignments Assignments, e.g.: –novel study (assignment, template, rubric) (new)template –story writing (assignment, template, rubric)templaterubric benefits: –enhances the ability to explain the activity (hyperlinks provide further information) –can be linked to mini-lessons chapter summarieschapter summaries –exhibit work e.g. student stories vocabulary: easy access for daily vocabulary building –vocabulary building Daily Buzz WordDaily Buzz Word dynamic: new word daily social construction

19 Language Arts - mini-lessons Access to mini lessons quickly & efficiently mini-lessons onlinemini-lessons spelling rules Benefits: students can access at any time teacher faces students, easily monitoring participation level minimal time used to access, discuss lessons

20 Language Arts examples from the Classroom e-journals Story writing (will link to some) Representing new knowledge Show What You Know: Power Point PresentationShow What You KnowPower Point Presentation Socially Constructed Knowledge wiki “comesee”wikicomesee blog “Northern Muses”Northern Muses

21 French Teaching French supported with interactive sites: support teaching (resources, lesson plans)resourceslesson plans support learning (resources)resources online pronunciation (essential phrases)essential phrases online translation tool (paralink)paralink Examples from the Classroom: Preparing for an Immersion Class (Scenario #1) (new)Scenario #1

22 Science Sturgeon Recovery Project real life, current and relevant science units –Sturgeon UnitSturgeon Unit benefits: –current, relevant text can provide the information –Nechako White Sturgeon Recovery InitiativeWhite Sturgeon Recovery –connections to local field trip opportunitylocal field trip –review material e.g. JeopardyJeopardy

23 Science - using technology to research, collaborate, or present findings becomes embedded with tools that allow our students access to rich environments from whence to gain authentic knowledge. Protecting our Salmon at Salmon Resource Page for Schools at It’s a Jungle Out there! at

24 Math - Visualization tools demonstrates the importance of a variety of media to develop deeper understanding: Tessellations using Paint Home Page for Teaching Tessellations at

25 Math Supporting students’ learning in math: visualization tools (addition with regroupingaddition math term definitionsdefinitions post lessons and quizzes onlinelessonsquizzes menu for concept practice onlinemenu see the ‘story in data’ weekly graphweekly graph –pie charts or a variety Create a Graphpie charts –pie charts compared to other graphsother graphs

26 Math Supporting students’ learning in math –instruction: diverse tools –helps address different learning styles: visual learners –access by students and parents at any time –practice from concrete mid to abstractconcretemidabstract

27 Fine Arts Supporting Fine Arts content: music (theory, how to play)music theoryhow to play Drama (Readers’ Theater)Readers’ Theater Benefits: to provide instruction to provide support material to support independent learning

28 Supporting Fine Arts content: Visual arts lessons;lessons using technological tools e.g. Photoshop scanners

29 Supporting Independent Learning… Student accessed skill development sites: language arts (others)others reading: (Buzz Word)Buzz Word writing: (nouns & verbs)nouns & verbs (math: (expanded form) (others)expanded formothers social studies: (World Fact Book) (others)World Fact Bookothers science: (science glossary) (others)science glossaryothers typing: (bbc) (others)bbcothers

30 Making the shift.. Traditional Independent Learning daybook Daily Schedule Daily Schedule math sheets math practicemath practice math textbooks Jenny Eather Jenny Eather Science sheets Science ThemesScience Themes SS vocabulary lists JeopardyJeopardy French lists sample#1 sample#1 …for a few more see Slowly ShiftingSlowly Shifting

31 Further Resources (I will make direct links to these so they are not listed here but a more complete list is provided for each) Learning Theories Instructional Strategies / /

32 Resources continued Other Professional Development Other Professional Development links Tutorials Blended Learning Environment (video)video 4338441514462445595&hl=de 4338441514462445595&hl=de

33 Social Networking Tools Global Learning Communities Curriki Taking it Global Learning Circles (video clip) clip Global Campaign for the right to Education more……….

34 Social Networking Tools Technology software available online SMART Technologies Elluminate: Wiki: open-source software Moodle: open-source software Blogging: open-source software http://wordpress.org http://www.blogger.com

35 Happy trails.. If you are interested in anything you have seen and would like support from a peer, please email us at or we will try to provide the help you need. We leave you with this thought …. if it seems that everything is a struggle and you feel as those you are working way harder than you think you should be… then take heart …. others take on challenges as well. Herding cats Jill Sandy

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