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Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 1 ol. Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 3 ol.

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1 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 1 ol


3 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 3 ol

4 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 4 ol Organizers E. BolthausenW. Gander M. Gutknecht R. JeltschP. KoumoutsakosG. WannerS. Sauter M. Chipot

5 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 5 ol Sponsors - Congress Partners Offical Carrier

6 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 6 ol Program  27 Invited lectures  Minisymposia 2 hours or 4 hours  Contributed talks 20 min  Posters

7 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 7 ol Invited Speakers (1)  Grégoire Allaire (Palaiseau, France)  field: shape and topology optimization, computational mechanics  Frank Allgoewer (Stuttgart, Germany)  field: systems and control theory  Luis A. Caffarelli (Austin, USA)  field: free boundary problems, nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations, nonlinear Phenomena in periodic or random media, homogenization questions for fully nonlinear equations  Emmanuel J. Candès (Pasadena, USA)  field: signal processing, sensing, computational harmonic analysis, random matrices, convex optimization

8 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 8 ol Invited Speakers (2)  Claudio Canuto (Torino, Italy)  (Numerical Analysis, Computing)  Margaret Cheney (Troy, USA)  field: radar imaging  Albert Cohen (Paris, France)  field: approximation theory, harmonic analysis, multiscale methods and wavelets, adaptive numerical simulation, image processing, learning theory  Weinan E (Princeton, USA)  field: stochastic analysis and stochastic modeling, atomistic theory and atomistic modeling, with applications to solids, fluids and chemical kinetics

9 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 9 ol Invited Speakers (3)  Herbert Edelsbrunner (Durham, USA)  field: algorithms, discrete and computational geometry, computational topology, structural molecular biology  Nicole El Karoui (Palaiseau, France)  field: Mathematical Finance, motivated by Risk Control in Derivatives Financial Market,  Michel Fortin (Québec, Canada)  field: Finite Element method for solid mechanics, mesh adaptation, mixed methods  Roland Glowinski (Houston, USA)  field: computational fluid dynamics, non-smooth mechanics

10 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 10 ol Invited Speakers (4)  Hitoshi Ishii (Tokyo, Japan)  field: fully nonlinear PDE, viscosity solutions, optimal control, motion of surfaces  Barbara Lee Keyfitz (Toronto, Canada and Houston, USA)  field: nonlinear partial differential equations, hyperbolic conservation laws  Robert V. Kohn (New York, USA)  field: nonlinear partial differential equations, the calculus of variations, and applications to materials science  Tatsien Li (Shanghai, China)  field: partial differential equations and their applications

11 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 11 ol Invited Speakers (5)  José Mario Martinez (Campinas, Brazil)  field: partial differential equations and their applications: quasilinear hyperbolic systems, nonlinear wave equations, boundary value problems with equivalued surface and resistivity well-logging, exact controllability etc.  Arkadi Nemirovski (Haifa, Israel)  field: efficient algorithms in Convex Programming, robust optimization  Felix Otto (Bonn, Germany)  (Applied Analysis)  William R. Pulleyblank (Yorktown Heights, USA)  field: operations research, business optimization, business intelligence, data mining, combinatorial optimization

12 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 12 ol Invited Speakers (6)  Christof Schütte (Berlin, Germany)  field: complex dynamical systems, molecular dynamics, multiscale problems  Andrew Stuart (Warwick, United Kingdom)  field: computational dynamical systems and stochastic processes  Michael J. Todd (Ithaca, USA)  field: convex optimization, linear and semidefinite programming, design and analysis of algorithms, interior-point methods  Eva Tardos (Ithaca, USA)  field: combinatorial optimization, algorithmic game theory

13 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 13 ol Invited Speakers (7)  Ichiro Tsuda (Sapporo, Japan)  field: complex systems, chaotic dynamical systems, mathematical modeling of the brain function, biological evolution  Gunther Uhlmann (Seattle, USA)  field: complex systems, chaotic dynamical systems, mathematical modeling of the brain function, biological evolution  Jinchao Xu (University Park, USA)  field: finite element methods, multigrid and adaptive method, engineering applications

14 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 14 ol Embedded Meetings  GAMM International Association for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics  CSIAM Chinese Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics  ESMTB European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology  UMALCA Mathematical Union of Latin America and the Caribbean  AMU African Mathematical Union

15 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 15 ol Special events (1)  Public lecture, I. Ekeland (Vancouver, Canada)  Euler lecture, 300 anniversary, W. Gautschi, (West Lafayette, USA; Basel Switzerland)  Ludwig Prandtl memorial lecture, GAMM, T.J. Pedley, (Cambridge, England)  Olga Taussky Todd lecture, AWM-EWM  John von Neumann lecture, SIAM

16 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 16 ol Special events (1)  Round tables on  Developing Mathematics in the Developing World (A. Griewank)  Education (EMS, M. Teicher)  ECMI week of minisymposia  OECD Global Science Forum presentation : Mathematics in Industry

17 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 17 ol ICIAM Prizes (1)  Pioneer Prize  pioneering introduction of applied math and computing to industry or new application  Collatz Prize  individual scientists under 42 years of age for industrial and applied mathematics.  Lagrange Prize  exceptional contribution to applied mathematics throughout career

18 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 18 ol ICIAM Prizes (2)  Maxwell Prize  originality in applied mathematics  Su Buchin Prize  application of Mathematics to emerging economies and human development, in particular at the economic and cultural level in developing countries Announcement of winners: 18 September 2006 See:

19 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 19 ol non ICIAM Prizes  Henrici Prize (ETH/SIAM)  Richard von Mises Prize (GAMM)  Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software (Argonne National Lab., National Physical Lab, NAG)

20 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 20 ol Industry Days (1)  Blocks of half day or full day  Topics  Risk Management in Financial and Energy Markets W. Farkas, Zürich, Switzerland  Optimization of Telecommunication Infrastructure M. Grötschel, Berlin, Germany  Simulating Flows in Food Processing E. Windhab, Zürich, Switzerland

21 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 21 ol Industry Days (2)  Blocks of half day or full day  Topics  Predicting the Blockbuster in Pharmaceutical Design G. Folkers, Zürich, Switzerland  Computational Electromagnetics R. Hiptmair, Zürich, Switzerland  Transportation systems M. Bierlaire, Lausanne, Switzerland

22 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 22 ol Fees Delegates  Early bird CHF 390 EUR 246 USD 313  Regular CHF 510 EUR 322 USD 410  Late or on site CHF 630 EUR 398 USD 506 Students  Early bird CHF 195 EUR 123 USD 157  Regular CHF 240 EUR 152 USD 193  Late or on site CHF 300 EUR 189 USD 241 Partners CHF 100 EUR 63 USD 80 Includes: reception, city card for transport, proceedings Exchange rates of 12 August 2006

23 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 23 ol Support (1)  Travel support  Conference fee reduction  Free or cheap accommodation Apply through website Deadline for support application 14 October 2006

24 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 24 ol Support non ICIAM (2)  10 Radon - ICIAM - Grants for young researchers from Central and Eastern Europe (deadline 30 September 2006)  In discussion: Euler Awards by Swiss Embassy to China for young researchers from China

25 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 25 ol Important Dates  31 Aug 2006Deadline for minisymposia proposals  12 Nov 2006Deadline for abstracts submission  15 Jan 2007Deadline for early-bird registration

26 Rolf Jeltsch 14 August 2006 Page 26 ol Attend iciam07 Zürich, Switzerland 16-20 July 2007  To learn from the attractive Scientific Programe  To meat your friends and colleagues  To visit the congress exhibition with the newest books and software  To stay in the charming city of Zurich  To see - before or after the congress - some of the many scenic views of Switzerland

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