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Nancy, France Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine.

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Presentation on theme: "Nancy, France Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nancy, France Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine

2 3 “INSTITUTS NATIONAUX POLYTECHNIQUES” 11 21 Departments (schools) Toulouse Nancy Grenoble

3 6 km Downtown Nancy INPL campus site

4 Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine The INPL is the equivalent of a US institute of technology. There are 7 “Ecoles d’ingenieurs” (Colleges of Engineering), some of them being over 100 years old.


6 4000 Students 800 Engineering degrees 180 Theses yearly INPL in Figures EDUCATIONRESEARCH 560 Professors and researchers 430 administrative and technical staff 26 Hightech Laboratories OVERALL BUDGET : 120,000,000 €

7 INPL Research  180 PhD theses per year  26 Hightech Laboratories  560 Faculty  450 Contracts with industry  140 Contracts with government institutions  Overall budget : 60,000,000 €

8  Agronomy & Food Industry  biotechnological processes  fermentation, microbiology  food science and engineering, rheology, transport phenomena  Geology, Civil Engineering geochemistry  applied mineralogy  environmental impact Selected research fields and competences  Computer Sciences  images, modeling, simulation  man-machine communication  neural networks, parallelism  Software  Management Engineering  human resources  safety  innovation management

9  Electrical and Electric Power Engineering  modelling and control of converters  images and signals biomedical applications  automation  Material and metallurgy  solidification, moulding  synthesis, nanophase transformation and properties  quasicrystals  polymers, composites and ceramic materials  surface treatment  Chemical Engineering  chemical reactor engineering  electrochemistry  process control  polymerisation, rheology  Mechanical Engineering  incompressible fluid mechanics, mixing  two-phase flows  non-newtonian fluid mechanics  porous media  Architecture

10 Master’s Degree  4,000 students  7 departments (schools)  400 staff members  Overall budget : 60,000,000 €

11 ADMISSION after 2 or 4 years at university 4 th Year 10% Academic results + jury After Bachelor 3 rd Year 85% High selection after 2 years at CPGE 5% after CPP few places after DEUG/DUT Admission :

12 ENGINEE RING STUDIES (3 YEARS) Classes Préparatoire s (2 years) Admission on record For : ESEM, ENSIC, ENSG, EMN, ENSAIA Competition entrance examination (national wide) (Lycées) Ecoles (3 years) ENGINEERI NG STUDIES (3 YEARS) INP preparatory classes for admisssion to one of the 3 INP Admission on record For : 20 Ecoles of the 3 INP Continuous assessment INP Ecoles INP Ecoles (3 years) ENGINEE RING STUDIES (3 YEARS) Preparatory Course within the Ecole (2 years) Admission after an entrance examination For : EEIGM, ENSGSI Continuous assessment Maitrise 2 or 3 years of college- level studies On record ENGINEE RING STUDIES (3 YEARS) DEUG Diploma taken after 2 years of undergraduat e scientific studies Admission on record DUT Diploma taken after 2 years of technical college-level studies Admission according to qualifications to all the "Ecoles" of INPL Admission on record 3 years of univesrsity training 2 years of sandwich course Admission on record + examination INP in service and extramural training Ecoles (5 years) Licence University Ecoles Professionnal Industrial Section GRADUATE ENGINEER "Baccalauréat" with scientific orientation +

13 International Relations  Visiting faculty  Student exchange programs  Research with foreign partners  PhD theses with foreign faculty co-advisors

14 America Laval, Quebec McGill, Montreal Western Ontario Florida, Miami Rochester, New York Illinois, Urbana-Champaign KSU, Manhattan Georgia Tech, Atlanta Wisconsin, Madison Sao Paulo, Campinas, Natal With... non exhaustive list Europe Leeds, Bath, Manchester, Imperial College, University College and SBU of London Edinburgh, Glasgow Karlsruhe, Kaiserslautern, Berlin, Mannheim, Sarrebrück Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia Brussels, Wageningen, Lulea Larissa, Wroclaw, Olsztyn, Bratislava...

15 The ENSAIA Ecole Nationale Supérieure d ’Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires (Since 1896)

16 ENSAIA is like a college of agriculture in the USA 2 departments = 2 diplomas Ingénieur Agronome (Dept Agronomy) Ingénieur des Industries alimentaires (Dept Food Science and Technology) These diplomas are at a level similar to the Master Number of students : 150 per year

17 Unit 1 UNIT 1. ENGINEERING METHODS (20-40 ECTS) –1.1 Applied thermodynamics, chemistry and physics –1.2 Process engineering in agriculture, food science and biotechnology –1.3 Data acquisition and analysis

18 Unit 2 UNIT 2. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS (30-50 ECTS) –2.1 Basic biology –2.2 Environmental sciences –2.3 Plant science –2.4 Biotechnology –2.5 Animal science and nutrition –2.6 Human nutrition

19 Units 3 and 4 UNIT 3. ECONOMICS AND HUMAN SCIENCES (30 ECTS) –3.1 Economics and management –3.2 Corporate world –3.3 Foreign languages –3.4 Sports UNIT 4. INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES AND TRAINING PERIODS (30 ECTS)


21 Job opportunities


23 ENSAIA prepares to the Doctorate level (similar to the PhD) PhD in Agriculture Sciences PhD in Biotechnological and Food Processes Number of students : 40 per year

24 The research at the ENSAIA Dynamics of pollutants in the soil-plant-water system Laboratoire Sols Environnement Laboratoire Agronomie et Environnement The rhizosphere Plant secondary metabolites Ecophysiology of forage plants Laboratoire des Sciences Animales Milk and meat quality

25 Laboratoire des Sciences du Génie Chimique Cell and metabolic engineering Enzymatic engineering Process optimization Laboratoire Bioprocédés Agroalimentaires Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie et Génie Alimentaires

26 Research resources Public funds : 60% Private funds : 40% Teaching and Research human resources : Faculty members : 60 Administration and technical : 80 Laboratory : 4000 m2 Pilot plants : 2000 m2 Greenhouses : 400 m2 Experimental farm : 200 ha

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