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Web of Science 7. 0 via the Web of Knowledge 3
Web of Science via the Web of Knowledge 3.0 Platform The next generation in Smart Discovery from Thomson Scientific
Origins: The Web of Science and Citation Indexing
Dr. Eugene Garfield: a pioneer in the field of information science and scientific communication. His vision: using cited reference searching as a basis for scientific and scholarly discovery. Dr. Garfield’s 1955 article in Science introduced citation indexes as a new type of classification tool -- Use a citation as a search term (instead of a keyword) and as a way to follow the “development path” of an idea. ISI was founded by Dr. Eugene Garfield in 1958 with its first product an alerting service known as “Current Contents”, it was an instant success and is still very popular today. Dr. Garfield, had a unique background as both a scientific researcher and as an information scientist and from his unique experiences Dr. Garfield created the vision of the Citation Index as a new way to search for articles instead of using keywords. In 1961 with the support of the National Institutes of Health, ISI completed an investigation into new approaches in documentation of the genetics literature. The investigation showed that multidisciplinary nature of genetics literature made it difficult to classify using existing techniques and a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach was required. Later that year, as the result of a contract with the National Science Foundation, the “Genetics Citation Index” and its companion product the “Science Citation Index” were born. In more recent times, ISI was purchased by the Thomson Corporation and has since been integrated into a new company known as Thomson Scientific. Thomson Scientific’s goal is to provide electronic information services for the research and development community. The citation indices, in the form of the Web of Science, are one of the core products in Thomson Scientifics portfolio.
Evolution of the citation index and research evaluation using citations
1960’s -> Science Citation Index Print 1970’s -> SciSearch, SocialSciSearch 1980’s -> CD-ROM version, A&HCI Late 1990’s -> Web of Science I would now like to briefly mention how the ISI citation indices have developed over the years and how citation analysis can be used for research evaluation. The unique features of the original print version of the Science Citation Index made it a valuable tool for researchers and librarians alike but its cumbersome and time consuming format made large scale statistical analysis close to impossible. It wasn’t until the Science Citation Index expanded (known as SciSearch on Dialog and STN) and social sciences citation index (known as SocialSciSearch) were released on magnetic tape in the 1970’s that research evaluation using citation analysis became a reality. Based on the premise that if someone cites a work then they are giving that work recognition for its value, the ability to evaluate researchers, institutions, journals or even countries was born. To this day governments of most developed countries around the world use citation analysis in some form or other to help them make key decisions about research funding. For example {click}, the British Government’s Treasury Department based many of the conclusions of the recently published “Science & innovation investment framework ” on citation data from Thomson Scientific. It is common for researchers applying for grants or other funding opportunities to submit publication portfolios as part of the supplementary materials section of the application procedure. This often includes information such as the “Impact Factors” of journals they have published in or how many of their publications are included in the “ISI Master List”. The decision to approve the grant can often be influenced by this information. However, there are problems associated with this type of simplistic research evaluation, and there is little correlation between Journal Impact Factors and the impact of an individual paper within the journal. There are of course many cases were prestigious high impact journals publish individual articles that have little or no citation activity, and little known niche journals publish articles with very high citation counts. Today it is increasingly common for detailed citation counts of each published articles to be requested. For example {click}, the $250M dollar “Centres of Excellence” program by the Japanese Ministry of Education grant applications were required to submit evidence of eligibility in the form of: List of articles in high impact journals Cited Reference counts of all articles Patent applications and granted patents Abstracts from presentations at international academic meetings With the invention of the world wide web, and in particular the hyperlink the web version of the Citation index was realised and the first version of the Web of Science was released in the later 1990s. The Web of Science’s ease-of-use and powerful navigation functionality released the power of citations and cited reference searching to the world of academia. The citation index is no longer a specialist tool for librarians or the dedicated researcher, it is a main-stream resource for all the whole academic community, it is consistently the first-choice resource for students, librarians, post graduate researchers, professors and even department heads.
Web of Science Diversity: Truly Multidisciplinary
Quality Diversity: Truly Multidisciplinary All fields of research are included in over 200 categories 8,600+ journals total Over 6,100 titles in the hard sciences alone (SCIe) Social sciences – 1790 titles Arts & humanities – 1125 titles Before we go through the details of the functionality of the Web of Science interface, I would like to take a short time to explain the key benefits of the Web of Science database. First of all; “Diversity”. The Web of Science is a truly multidisciplinary database of over 8,600 journals in 200 categories. 6,100 of these are in the hard sciences alone, life science, physics, chemistry mathematics etc. This allows you to discover obscure relationships between disciplines and get the complete picture of any particular research topic. It also gives you a broad and even insight into the entire academic publishing community. This is absolutely essential for performing non-biased and systematic research evaluation using bibliometrics.
Web of Science Quality: Evaluated, Selected Content
Diversity Quality Quality: Evaluated, Selected Content Every Web of Science journal is individually selected for influence within its respective discipline. Our selection criteria is unbiased, impartial, time-tested. We are “Publisher-Neutral”, evaluating research – Commercial, Society, Open Access publications, etc. The second key benefit is “Quality”. Our team of highly qualified and experienced editors select journals for coverage using a stringent and time tested journal selection process, we will take a closer look at the selection process in a moment. Because we are not associated with any primary publishers of academic journals our selection process is unbiased and impartial. We evaluate all types of journals including journals from commercial publishers, academic society journals, open access journals and electronic only journals.
A closer look: Journal Selection Process
Why be selective? Economically impractical to cover everything Analysis of citation data has shown that a core of 2,000 journals account for about 85% of all that is published and 95% of what is cited. However this core is not static, and additional journals must be included. Thomson Scientific covers this expanded core of journals and enhances it with coverage of hot disciplines that may become main-stream in the future. Additional journals are indexed to provide a broad and even distribution of data across all disciplines and geographic regions. Lets take a closer look at the Journal Selection Process. First of all, why be selective at all? Well there are simply too many journals in the world to economically cover them all and our research has shown that it is simply not necessary to do so. A relatively small set of journals covers the bulk of what is published, and if looking at citation activity this trend is even stronger. This relationship was first discovered in the mid 1930s by S.C. Bradford and is often referred to as “Bradford's Law”. More recent analysis has shown that this relationship still holds true today, and that a core of 2,000 journals account for 85% of the all the published articles and 95% of what is cited. However this core is not static. Thomson Scientific covers this core set of journals and enhances it with coverage of hot disciplines that may become main-stream in the future plus additional representative journals that provide a broad and even distribution across all disciplines and geographic regions.
A closer look: Journal Selection Process
Thomson Scientifics editorial staff review around 2,000 new journals annually % of these journals are added to the collection. Existing database constantly monitored to ensure that journals are maintaining high standards Many factors, are taken into account: Basic publishing standards Timeliness Follows publishing conventions English language bibliographic information Peer Review Editorial content Will it enrich the database? Is it a hot topic? International diversity of authorship Citation analysis Impact Factor, Immediacy index How the journal compares to other journals in its field Citation analysis of editorial board Here is a brief over view of the actual process involved. A team of editors at Thomson Scientific perform the journal evaluations, they have educational backgrounds relevant to their areas of responsibility as well as experience and education in information science. Their knowledge of the literature of their field is extended by consultation with established networks of external advisors. Around 2,000 journals are reviewed every year, but only 10-12% of them meet the criteria for inclusion in the database. The existing database is monitored constantly to insure that the high standards are maintained. Many factors are taken into account; “Basic Publishing standards” to insure that the journal provides suitable and timely information. “Editorial Content” to insure that the addition of the journal will add value to the database. “International Diversity”. Are the author’s from an international background? Additionally, we use some Citation Analysis; such as the impact factor to compare with other journals in the same discipline. For new journals, we look at the citation activity of the journal’s board of editors.
The Impact Factor The Web of Science and Citation Indexing
The Impact Factor can be considered to represent how many times an average article was cited in the previous 2 years How was the 2003 Impact Factor of “Journal-X” calculated? A = Total number of times all journals published in 2003 cited articles published in Journal-X in B = Number of articles published by Journal-X in Impact Factor = A/B Considered by many to be the de-facto method to evaluate journals, but must be used with care as journal citation data should be used in context and other factors taken into consideration. Another tool for journal evaluation is the Immediacy Index which represents how many times the average article is cited within it’s year of publication. The Immediacy Index can provide valuable insight to just how cutting edge a journal is In the 1960’s ISI introduced the Impact Factor as a statistical method to evaluate journals. In essence the Impact Factor represents the number of citations received by an average article published in the previous 2 years. For example the 2003 Impact Factor for the hypothetical “Journal X” was calculated in the following way: A = Total number of times all journals published in 2003 cited articles published in Journal-X in B = Number of articles published by Journal-X in Impact Factor = A/B Today the Impact Factor is considered by many people to be the de-facto method to evaluate journals but it must be used with care as journal citation data should be used in context and other factors taken into consideration. For example, review articles are usually cited more frequently than original research articles, therefore “review” journals may have higher impact factors. Additionally, different disciplines often have entirely different average rates of citation. It is entirely possible that a journal with a high Impact Factor in the field of Mathematics, could have a Impact Factor that would be considered very low in the field Molecular Biology. There are many other tools for journal evaluation and one of the most important is the Immediacy Index. In essence this is a measure of how quickly the journal is cited and thus gives a measure of how cutting edge the journal is.
Web of Science Data: unique capabilities
Unique Data Diversity Quality Data: unique capabilities Capture of Author Cited References over 55 years provides for methods of discovery that are simply not possible elsewhere. Navigate “Cited References” and “Times Cited” backward and forward in time across decades of research. Find articles that cannot be found through traditional free-text searching techniques Next are the “unique capabilities” that are provided within the Web of Science. We have been capturing, unifying and standardising Author Cited References over 55 years, and this allows unique methods of discovery simply not possible in any other literature database. It is possible to navigate backwards in time through the “Cited References” and forwards in time using the “Times Cited” hyperlinks to discover the complete story behind every single research activity. Discover the details of all of the prior work that made this discovery possible, but in addition you can also find the latest developments that have been built upon this discovery. Using the “Related Records” function. It is also possible to expand your search and find articles that are impossible to find through traditional searching techniques.
Citation Navigation 2004 2003 From just a single record within the Web of Science, expand your search by simply following the links designed to drive discovery. Times Cited 2003 2004 Cited References Related Records 2001 2000 1998 I think this diagram clearly shows the different types of searching and navigation that is possible using Cited References. Locate a single paper using traditional search techniques, this is the paper in the center of the screen. Click the “Cited References” link to see all the research that this discovery was based upon. Click the “Times Cited” link to see the more recent developments. Click “Related Records” to see research that is closely related to the original article. Related Records using the concept of co-citation to establish the relationship; based on the fact that similar items often cite the same thing. 2004 2002 Citing 1993 1999 … moving Backward in time via Cited References, Forward in time via Times Cited, and expand your search with Related Records. 1994
Citation Index - The Value Add
The language of science is always changing, concepts and terminology continue to evolve Free-text searching alone will never maximize retrieval of critical information… For Example, the early research connecting HIV to AIDS actually referred to the virus using two different terms. Neither term was “HIV” LAV (in Europe) HTLV-III (in USA) Lets take a closer look at how these searching techniques can be applied to the real world. As research areas develop the terminology associated with them also develops, one of the inherent weaknesses of traditional free-text searching is that it cannot accommodate changes in terminology. A good example of this can be shown with the changes in terminology of the virus that causes AIDS, now known as HIV. in 1983 the Institut Pasteur in France report their findings into the isolation of the “LAV” virus, and in 1984 the US National Cancer Institute separately reported the in-vitro isolation of the HTLV-III virus. Both terms are actually referring to the same virus, and mixed usage of the two terms continues until 1987 when the research community adopt the new term “Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV”. A traditional free-text search on the term “HIV” will not hit any of these key papers that were published before However, these influential papers are highly cited, and there are many cases of co-citation linking the works of the two research teams together. Using Cited Reference searching can not only establish obscure relationships between research activities such as the example above, but you can also quickly and easily identify the highest impact research. Human Immunodeficiency virus HIV (the world) 1983 1987 Present
Web of Science Unique Data Diversity Quality Depth Depth! Coverage back to 1945 in the Sciences, to 1956 in the Social Sciences, to 1975 in Arts & Humanities Back files in Development! ** Current information is of course critical. However, access to an archive of influential research is absolutely important. ** Impact of previous findings, even decades old, may be very significant. One must retain the resources necessary to make these assessments. And the final benefit of the Web of Science is the Depth of the coverage. Going all the way back to 1945 in Sciences, in the Social Sciences and 1975 in the Arts & Humanities, you can be sure of getting the complete history of any research topic. Although we recognize the importance of current information, we have found that some of the most influential research is often decades old, and without researching the historic records significantly you will be missing out on key information.
Navigate through citations to find all the key steps for any discovery.
Here is an example of the value of citation navigation, and in particular the value of significant back year data. This diagram shows all the key research steps from the discovery of the structure of DNA by Crick and Watson in 1953, through to the first drafts of the Human Genome sequence in Each and every key discovery that was needed to complete the Human Genome project can be found through citation navigation. It is important to realise that citation navigation is a 2-way process, and by identifying any paper along this chain you can navigate backwards and forwards through time to discover a complete picture of the research activities. If you do not subscribe to the back year data, this chain will be broken. Not only are you missing out on an important archive of highly influential research papers, you are also significantly limiting your search capabilities and you may miss out on recent discoveries that can only be found through citation navigation.
Web of Science Backfiles
Five or ten years of backfiles only begins to tap the wealth of information accessible through General and Cited Reference search and navigation. Clearly researchers are still heavily citing papers from more than 20, 30, 40 years ago – and even longer. To show just how much information you may be missing out on, we have done some simple analysis of our database and it has been found that of the 50 most highly cited, and therefore the most significant, articles in the Web of Science; more than 60% of them were published more than 20 years ago. Furthermore, 25% of them were published over 40 years ago. So without subscribing to a significant back file of data you are not only missing out on some of the most significant articles, you are also missing out on the opportunity to expand your search using citation navigation via these highly important papers. {click}Additionally, we have found that researchers are still heavily citing papers from more than 20, 30 or even 40 years ago.
Unavailable Elsewhere
Web of Science Over 200 disciplines covered in over 8,600 journals Editorial selection of core high impact journals Over 55 years of Author Citation information Coverage back to 1945 in the hard sciences Unique Data Diversity Quality Depth These benefits come together to make the Web of Science a truly unique resource. No other resource offers the same level of high quality selected coverage. Not only covering the highest impact journals but also providing a broad and even coverage across the diverse multidisciplinary world of academic literature. No other resource provides such a deep, consistent and influential collection with unique capabilities to navigate across 55 years of literature through cited references Unmatched Elsewhere No other resource offers the level of selectivity and editorial quality found within Web of Science journal content Unavailable Elsewhere Access to such a diverse, deep, influential collection with navigable cited reference links across 55+ years
Web of Science 7.0 – Home Page Redesign
Easy to use and intuitive interface, can use with little or no instruction Now lets take a look at the new Web of Science interface. The interface has been designed with a lot of feedback from end-users. It is easy to use and intuitive, so even novice users can start searching with little or no instruction.
New – General Search “Group Author “ field.
Web of Science 7.0 There are many “Search Aids” available. Browse through an index of search terms and simply “ADD” to your search with a click of a button. Also a new feature in Web of Science 7 is the inclusion of the Group Author field. New - “Term Lists” provide user-friendly assistance in defining and adding terms to the search. New – General Search “Group Author “ field.
Cited Reference Search
To be truly comprehensive in your search efforts, the Cited Reference Search is essential in that it can retrieve information often missed through use of Key-words alone. The Cited Reference Search screen is useful for getting accurate citation counts, and for searching for items such as books, patents, reports etc that are not actually available in the Web of Science, but have been cited by articles that are in the Web of Science. Enter your search term, such as an author name, match up to the publication you wish to search for, and click “Finish Search” to complete your search.
Advanced Search option is available for those comfortable with “command line” style search queries.
New fields Search History presents a simple “Combine Sets” option for fine-tuning results. There is also an Advanced Search option available for users who are comfortable with “Command Line” style inquiries. And an option to combine your existing search sets.
Enhanced “Mark” features.
Search Results Search over 34 million records since Easily navigate Thousands of Records, Deep into the Web of Science back file. The Search Results screen displays your search results in an easy to read list, click on the hyperlinked title to link to the full record. Navigation buttons allow you to browse through thousands of records. Note that the previous limit of 500 viewable records has gone and it is now possible to view 100,000 records. Mark records, for later export, print, save or . Enhanced “Mark” features.
New -- Results Analysis Tool
Recognize trends and access subsets by: Author Document Type Institution Language Publication Years Source Titles Journal Categories Refine results like never before. A new function in Web of Science 7 is the Analyze function. You can find information on your search results simply and easily. Additionally, with the click of a button you can select sub-sets of data to narrow down your search. There are many different uses for the Analyze function, in this first case {click} we have analyzed the most recent 2,000 articles by the Polish Academy of Science that were published in Polish Journals, we have ranked the results by subject category to see which subject areas are most frequently published. As you can see it is possible to find some interesting information about an institution without reading any of the full records. {click}In this second example we are looking at the results of a topic search concerning semi-conducting materials. You can see that it is very simple to identify the top institutions in this field alternatively we could do a similar ranking to identify the top authors. This could be used to identify potential partners for a joint research project or corporate funding possibilities {click}This final set shows how the volume of literature published in Poland in social sciences has changed in the last decade. This may indicate changes in government spending or popularity of the subject. As you can see there are many applications of the Analyze function.
Complete bibliographic information in an easy to read format.
The full record displays all the information in an easy to read format. Complete bibliographic information is provided, with no limits on the amount of text or number of authors/addresses.
Link to the publisher’s full-text, other external resources
Integration & Navigation, key advantages of the Web of Knowledge Platform. The search experience doesn’t finish at the Full Record page, make use of the links to expand your search. Link to the full text of the article from the publishers home page, or link to third party databases (in this case the gene sequence from Genebank). If your institution is has an Open URL server it is possible to customize your own links. Link to the publisher’s full-text, other external resources
Integration & Navigation, key advantages of the Web of Knowledge Platform.
Furthermore, you can link to your institutions OPAC system to see if the journal is available in the library, or link to other resources available in the Web of Knowledge. Link to one of our hosted content resources such as BIOSIS Previews or CAB Abstracts to see expert indexing information such as Taxonomy information or population groups. Link to Current Contents to see the journals Table of Contents or link the Journal Citation Reports to view the Journals Impact Factor. Expand your search to other resources available within the ISI Web of Knowledge
Use related records to expand your search.
Navigate through citations. Follow the research pathways to get a comprehensive history of a breakthrough. Use related records to expand your search. Current Contents Connect CC Connect Table-of-Contents BIOSIS Previews Journal Citation Reports You can also expand your search through citation navigation. Display the list of “Cited References” and hyperlink backwards in time to the cited papers. Jump forwards in time to see the most recent breakthroughs from the “Times Cited” link. Or use the Related Records link to expand your search… Go to Current Contents Connect Go to BIOSIS Previews
For Related Records; Web of Science 7
For Related Records; Web of Science 7.0 presents the number of references shared by related papers – a proven method for gauging relevance. Current Contents Connect CC Connect Table-of-Contents BIOSIS Previews Journal Citation Reports As mentioned earlier, the Related Record function uses co-citation to establish relationships between articles. Based on the premise that an article must be related if they cite the same things, you can also gauge how close the relationship is by the number of references they share. Go to Current Contents Connect Go to BIOSIS Previews
New - Citation Alert! The Web of Science includes a vast number of influential papers. Take advantage of the depth of this resource. Should a record seem especially relevant, Web of Science 7.0 allows the user to quickly and Easily create a Citation Alert – receive an automated alert every time this article is cited. This feature will be extended to all Web of Knowledge databases – of course the actual “citation” of the papers takes place within the Web of Science, the Thomson-ISI database that captures cited references. Should a record seem especially relevant, Web of Science 7.0 allows the user to quickly and Easily create a Citation Alert – receive an automated alert every time this article is cited.
At the end of the search session, there are a number of options presented for handling of Marked Records. Once you have completed your search and marked the records your are interested in. You can format your results for printing, save to a file or export. It is also possible to send your results via , this can be very useful if you are not at your own desk but want to review the results later on. Or perhaps you have stumbled upon a record that you think a colleague will be interested, you can send it to him directly from the Web of Science interface and even include your own return address and notes.
Export directly to Bibliographic Management Tools such as EndNote, Reference Manager and Procite
It is also possible to seamlessly link to and from bibliographic management tools such as EndNote. Export your search results into your own personal archive with a single click of a button.
Derwent Innovations Index
ISI Proceedings Multidisciplinary, international coverage 70% unique (monographic sources not in Web of Science) Derwent Innovations Index Patents are becoming an integral part of the scientific communication process, especially in biotechnology, genetic engineering, drug development, and nanotechnology Patents are important across the institution – research departments, administration, as well as technology transfer groups This concludes the Web of Science presentation, but I would like to add some extra information about the other core resources that make up the Web of Knowledge platform. ISI Proceedings is a multidisciplinary resource of the proceedings of international academic society meetings. 70% of the records are unique monographs that are not available in the Web of Science. Derwent Innovations Index is the worlds most comprehensive and in-depth database of patent information. Customized titles and abstracts and deep indexing tools make searching for patent documents painless. Patents are becoming increasingly important resource in the academic research environment, many universities are patenting their discoveries and with the explosive growth of patenting activity it is becoming increasingly important to search patents to get the complete picture of a research topic.
Current Contents Connect
High quality content, powerful and flexible searching functions, browsing of Tables of Contents and Alerting Compliments other Web of Knowledge resources, to provide the ideal current awareness tool. Current Contents is the perfect complement to Web of Science, use Current Contents to keep up to date with latest information. Browse through your favorite tables of contents, or set up an alert and have search results automatically ed to you as the database is updated. Lets take a closer look at the unique features.
Complete articles, searchable, linkable and full text is available
One of the unique features of Current Contents is “eFirst”. Often there is a significant delay between the time an article has been finished and the time it is published. This may be because the journal is only updated twice a year, and the next issue will not be published for 6 months. Or perhaps there is a backlog of articles to be published and they cannot all fit in the next issue of the journal. Through collaboration with the journal publishers we receive the bibliographic information of complete articles and include them in Current Contents Connect immediately. Each record contains complete information, titles, abstracts even links to Full text. However as they are not yet published there is no page or issue information. eFirst articles contain bibliographic information for articles before their official inclusion in the latest issue of the Journal. Typically, these articles appear in the "advance publication" sections of electronic journals. Complete articles, searchable, linkable and full text is available 1000+ journals available now
Personalize your Web of Knowledge home page by adding links to your favorite journals
With Current Contents it is also possible to customize the Web of Knowledge home page. This is the home page, the first screen you see when you login to Web of Knowledge, and as you can see it is possible to setup your own personalized set of links to your favorite journals. Lets take a closer look. With a single click, you can access the Table of Contents of the latest issue!
Alerting is also available.
Have the latest Table of Contents ed to you automatically! Full Text Access is just two clicks away The most important research – all customized on ones personalized home page. As you can see, with a single click you can instantly access the table of contents of the most recent issue of you favorite journal. Another click to access the full record with complete bibliographic information and links to other resources such as the Web of Science, or the publishers full text. Additionally, it is possible to setup an alert, and have the table of contents sent to you automatically as soon as the database is updated.
Quickly and easily find highly relevant web sites.
Another unique feature of Current Contents Connect is Current Web Contents. The same selection process that is used for journals, is used to evaluate academic websites. Each web site contains a brief abstract so that you can see what the web site is about before you link to it. Find pre-selected relevant web sites, view brief abstracts of the web sites content. Quickly and easily find highly relevant web sites.
Furthermore, many of there websites contain relevant literature in the form of technical documents, pre-print servers, grant and funding information and dissertations. These documents are indexed and are searchable in eSearch. Because the web-sites are selected using our stringent selection criteria, the content is trustworthy and search results have far higher relevance than traditional web search engines such as Yahoo or Google. Your original query is run against the eSearchSM database of full-text web documents. Because the web-sites are selected using our stringent selection criteria, the content is trustworthy and search results have far higher relevance than traditional web search engines.
Journal Citation Reports 3.0
Determine relative influence of journals within their subject categories Totally unique tool to discover relationships between journals through citation patterns The Journal Citation Reports is another key resource, a unique tool to evaluate journals and discover relationships between journals though citation patterns
Journal Citation Reports 3.0
Explore relationships with other journals through “Cited” and “Citing” data Now displayed graphically, easy to differentiate self citations With the new version we have enhaced the interface to make it easier to understand and read. See how the Impact Facto and other statistics are caluclated and link to on-line help for detailed information. Citation information is now displayed graphically and it is easy to differentiate self citations.
Journal Citation Reports 3.0
Additional links help put data in context We have also added some hyperlinks to give the data more context. Understand exactly what each category means, and view the journal in its category summary to see how it compares to other journals. Link to the Journal Summary List for this JCR Journal Category Link to the Scope Note for a description of the JCR Journal Category
HOSTED CONTENT via ISI Web of Knowledge
Carefully selected premier databases Easy to use and intuitive interface All the power and functionality of ISI Web of Knowledge Linking Citation sharing CrossSearching Alerting Personalization We also have a selection of other resources available in the Web of Knowledge. Our strategy is to carefully select an high quality database that adds value to and compliments our core databases of the Web of Science, ISI Proceedings, Derwent Innovations Index and Current Contents. Customize our easy to use and intuitive interface to integrate these databases into the Web of Knowledge and add all the powerful features such as linking, citation sharing, CrossSearching, Alerting and personalization.
Hosted Content – Web of Knowledgesm Partners
Agriculture & Applied Life Sciences Crop Protection Forestry Veterinary Science Human Nutrition Natural Resource Mgmt Horticulture …and more Life Sciences Biology Ecology Biochemistry Zoology Environment Biomedicine Pharmacology Biotechnology … and more Biotechnology Food safety Food science Functional & novel foods Additives Nutrition Packaging and more… These hosted databases are: BIOSIS Previews for Life Sciences, FSTA for Food Science and Technology, CAB Abstracts for Agriculture & Applied Life Sciences
Hosted Content – Web of Knowledgesm Partners
Psychology & Psychiatry Experimental and Applied research in - Social Science Medicine Education Law Business and more… Physics Electrical Engineering Computer Science Materials Science Control Engineering Geophysics Communications Artificial Intelligence … and more PsycINFO for Psychology and Psychiatry and INSPEC for Physics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
The Web of Knowledge Archive Conference Proceedings
Journals & Serials Conference Proceedings Technical Reports Dissertations Patents Books 1969 1969 1963 1945 1880 Each of these databases adds broader coverage and value added indexing to our core databases. As you can see, with the careful addition of hosted content we have a truly unbeatable package of powerful research resources. 1990 1973 1969
The Web of Knowledge Archive
Journal Coverage INSPEC 1969- Web of Science 1945- BIOSIS Previews 1969- CAB Abstracts 1973- FSTA 1969- Physics Electr Eng Computing Food Science and Technology Science Social Science Arts & Humanities Agriculture and Applied Life Sciences Life Sciences 14,075 14,590 8,600 9,300 12,342 PsycInfo 1880- Additional Resources, carefully selected, will follow. Medline Late 2004 To Date: Combined Web of Knowledge resources provide access to over 16,000 journals and serials. Finally, I would like to show you just how much additional coverage this will give you. Web of Science has a core of 8,600 journals, adding BIOSIS takes this up to 9,300, CAB Abstract takes it to over 12,000, INSPEC to over 14,000, FSTA adds another 500 and the addition of PsycINFO takes the total over 16,000. However, we won’t end there and we are continuing to look for more resources to add. We are just about to release Zoological Record and Biological Abstracts from BIOSIS, and will shortly be adding MedLine too. Psychology and Psychiatry 16,000+
… the ISI Web of KNOWLEDGE
In summary, the Web of Science, Derwent Innovations Index, ISI Proceedings and Current Contents Connect make up the core content to the Web of Knowledge platform. This is complimented with the careful addition of hosted content partners such as INSPEC and BIOSIS Previews., Essential Science Indicators and the Journal Citation Reports provide additional statistical analysis. All of these products are tied together with the powerful features of the Web of Knowledge platform to provide the ideal environment to help drive the discovery process.
Web of Science 7. 0 via the Web of Knowledge 3
Web of Science via the Web of Knowledge 3.0 Platform The next generation in Smart Discovery from Thomson Scientific Thank you very much for your attention today. Before we continue to the open question and answers session, I would like to quickly answer some prepared questions. Thank You
Question & Answers Q. There are many different journal lists which is the right one to use? The “ISI Master List”, which is sometimes known as the “Philadelphia List”, is the list of all the journals that are indexed by Thomson Scientific in all products. There are some 8,900 journals in the ISI Master List, 300 or so more than the combined source lists of the 3 citation indices that make up the Web of Science. The Science Citation Index come in two versions, SCI (used for print and CD) is around 3,400 journals and SCI expanded used for SciSearch and Web of Science is 6,100 journals. As outlined earlier, the inclusion of a journal in the list does not necessarily mean it is a the best journal in its field and other factors should be considered. See the following URL for more information:
Question & Answers Q. How do I apply to have a Journal indexed by Thomson Scientific A. Thomson Scientific needs at least three consecutive current issues to complete an evaluation. For details of the application procedure see the following URL: Thomson Scientific does monitor the publishing and research communities for new journals and journals that have significantly improved in recent times, therefore journals may be proactively selected for inclusion.
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