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EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 1 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth GEMS:Global Earth-system Monitoring using Space and in-situ data GMES Integrated Project, 12.5MEuro, 30 Institutes, 14 Countries CoordinatorA.Hollingsworth(ECMWF) ProjectsLeadership Greenhouse Gases P.Rayner (F) M.Heimann, (D) Reactive Gases G.Brasseur (D), C.Granier (F) AerosolO.Boucher (UK) H.Feichter (D) Regional Air QualityV-H.Peuch (F) ValidationH.Eskes (NL) Global Production System A.Simmons, H.Boettger, (ECMWF),
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 2 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth Broad Motivations for GEMS 18,000 excess deaths in summer 2003 showed that Europe lacks operational capabilities to provide adequate medium-range (3-7 day) warnings and adequate short-range (1-3 day) forecasts for such natural disasters. The GEMS project will create a new European operational system to monitor atmospheric chemistry and dynamics to produce improved medium-range & short-range air-chemistry forecasts, The operational forecast capabilities will involve global and regional data assimilation systems exploiting satellite & in-situ data, to provide initial data (‘status assessments’) for the forecasts. sophisticated operational forecast models, The operational ‘status assessments’ are accurate syntheses of all data. They will be used to document sources, sinks and transports of atmospheric trace constituents, for many purposes including monitoring
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 3 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth Evolution of forecast skill for northern and southern hemispheres 1981-2002
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 4 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth Objectives of GEMS (i): A Global Operational System for monitoring & forecasting Atmospheric Composition Develop and implement by 2009 a validated, comprehensive, and operational global data assimilation / forecast system for atmospheric composition and dynamics, combine remotely sensed and in-situ data Monitor tropospheric & stratospheric atmospheric composition Operational deliverables will include current and forecast three- dimensional global distributions (four times daily with a horizontal resolution of 50km, and vertical resolution of 60 levels between the surface and 65km) of key atmospheric trace constituents including greenhouse gases (initially including CO 2, and progressively adding CH 4, N 2 O, plus SF 6 and Radon to check advection accuracy), reactive gases (initially including O 3, NO 2, SO 2, CO, HCHO, and gradually widening the suite of species), aerosols (initially a 10-parameter representation, widening later to ~ 30)
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 5 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth Objectives of GEMS (ii):Regional Air-Quality Forecasts, Retrospective Analyses, Treaty Assessment & Validation Provide initial and boundary conditions for operational regional air-quality and ‘chemical weather’ forecast systems improved operational real-time air-quality forecasts a methodology for assessing the impact of global climate changes on regional air quality. Provide a retrospective analysis of all accessible in-situ and remotely sensed data on atmospheric dynamics and composition for the ENVISAT-EOS era (1999-2007) Validation material for the project itself, A service to the wider science community (inc. GCOS). State-of-the-art variational estimates of the sources/sinks, plus inter- continental transports, of many trace gases and aerosols; based on the retrospective analyses, and later on operational analyses, designed to meet policy makers' key information requirements relevant to the Kyoto and Montreal protocols and to the UN Convention on Long-Range Trans-boundary Air Pollution.
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 6 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth Greenhouse Gases: deliverables Daily assimilation of all available satellite data (Advanced sounders, OCO, GOSAT) on CO 2, CO, CH 4, N 2 O Monthly / Seasonal variational inversions of both in- situ (e.g. flask) and satellite data to provide estimates of surface fluxes The same technology can be used to estimate surface fluxes of other atmospheric constituents
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 7 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth Objectives:REACTIVE-GASES Deliverables Monitor the global 3D / temporal distributions, transports, sources/sinks of key species such as O3, NO2, SO2, CH2O.. Forecast Global Chemical Weather, including UV-B Initial and boundary conditions for regional Chemical Weather and Air-Quality Forecasts. Modelling & Assimilation Approach Tight coupling of the assimilating weather model (IFS) and a Chemical Transport Model (CTM ) to maintain good advection, and good chemical profiles. Copy frequently (2-hours?) the chemical fields from the assimilating model IFS => CTM (Chemical Transport Model) Copy frequently (2-hours?) the Production and Loss rates from CTM => IFS
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 8 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth AEROSOL: Deliberables Model and assimilate global aerosol information Instruments: MERIS, MODIS x 2, MISR, SEAWIFS, POLDER, then VIIRS on NPP, VIIRS & APM on NPOESS, Initially 10 parameters =>30 parameters Global Monitoring Global Forecasts Boundary info. for Regional models
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 9 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth Regional Air Quality Objectives Evaluate the impact of the global information on long range transport of pollutants on regional air-quality forecasts. Assess the effects of global variability on regional air quality and provide background for policy evaluation and evolution. Initiate routine production at, & cooperation between, national air quality forecast centres for data access, skill evaluation & forecast comparisons. Improve continental to regional scale air quality models, the statistical post- treatment of forecasts, & explore multi-model ensemble approaches. Improve our understanding of the health impacts of air quality and incorporate air quality forecast information into a health forecast.
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 10 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth REGIONAL AIR-QUALITY PARTNERS The Met Office, Exeter, Great-Britain Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique / Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace/ Laboratoire d'Aérologie Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées/ Laboratoire Inter-Universitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques Max-Planck Institut für Meteorologie Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut Finnish Meteorological Institute Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Service d’Aéronomie Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric Environment, University of Athens Météo-FranceCentre National de Recherches Météorologiques ARPA Emilia Romagna, Servizio IdroMeteorologico Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Meteorologisk Institutt, Oslo Rheinisches Institut für Umweltforschung Universität Köln Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques Czech Hydrometeorological Institute Irish Environmental Protection Agency Polish Institute of Environmental Protection Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 11 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth Main phases of work at ECMWF May 05 +12 months Build and validate 3 separate assimilation systems for Greenhouse gases, Reactive gases, Aerosol; acquire data; build web-site May 06 +12 months Produce 3 different reanalyses for Greenhouse gases, Reactive gases, Aerosol; make them available for validation by all partners; feedback to data providers May 07 + 6 months Merge the 3 assimilation systems into a unified system; upgrade the models and algorithms based on experiences of trial reanalyse Nov 07 + 12 months Build operational system, with operational interfaces to partners Produce unified reanalyses for Greenhouse gases, Reactive gases, Aerosol. Nov 08 + 6 months Final pre-operational trials; documentation; scientific papers
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 12 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth Issues in Transitioning the GEMS project to Operational Status from 2009 onwards. The GEMS project intends to be scientifically ready and technically ready to transition the global and regional GEMS systems to operational status by May 2009. New institutional arrangements are needed to fund operations, incl. human resources, computing & telecomms. fund sustained research support make and share observations, both real-time and archival product dissemination, both real-time and archival Actors in creating such institutional arrangements include European Commission, EEA, ESA National Environment Agencies Nat.Met.Services, ECMWF, EUMETSAT & EUMETNET Scientific and technical partners in GEMS, PROMOTE, and related GMES activities. Satellite chemistry provision post 2010 is an issue.
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 13 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth Importance for GEMS of real-time and archival access to In-situ observations The GEMS project needs (real-time and archival) access to a wide variety of in-situ observations for Model development and assessment Forecast verification Cross-validation of other observations, esp. satellite data Data assimilation Data monitoring to assess long-loop stability and performance Some key data can be made available with good calibration in real-time Some key data need very careful calibration and so archival access is needed
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 14 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth Daily Products from GEMS Operational Both global & regional Greenhouse Gases GHG assimilation products available for research on the Web Reactive Gases & Aerosol Global forecast & assimilation products Forecast & assimilation products for operational use by Regional Air quality partners Daily maps of biomass burning Forecast & assimilation products available for research on the Web UV_B Forecast Products Forecasts of UV_B exposure. ( ditto for Actinic Flux if there’s interest)
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 15 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth Monthly-Seasonal Products from GEMS Operational Both global & regional Greenhouse Gases Mean distribution maps Mean horizontal & vertical transports of GHGs Variational estimates of surface sources / sinks of GHGs GEOLAND/ONC estimates of surface sources / sinks of GHGs GCOS-tailored products on atmospheric dynamics, thermodynamics, composition Reactive Gases & Aerosol Mean distribution maps Mean horizontal & vertical transports of reactive gases & aerosol Variational estimates of surface sources / sinks Mean maps of biomass burning, and implied sources GCOS-tailored products UV_B Forecast Products Mean UV_B exposure (ditto for Actinic flux, if there’s interest)
END thank you for your attention!
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 17 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth Data Flow and Responsibilities in GEMS GRG Assimilation System CTMs Validation data User Services ECMWF Satellite data ESA EUMETSAT NASA DLR … KNMI ECMWF BIRA IUP-UB SA-UPMC NHRF METEO-FR MPI-M ECMWF KNMI METEO-FR BIRA SA-UPMC Initial Fields Production and Loss rates FMI DMI MPI-M METEO-FR KNMI CNRS-LA SA-UPMC DWD NHRF NUIG RAQ Models MPI-M METEO-FR KNMI METEO-FR ARPA SIM ISAC FRIUUK UPMC MPI-M … GAW NOAA NILU METEO-FR NASA …
EEA-EUMETNET workshop April 2005Slide 18 GEMS: Global Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite & in-situ DataA.Hollingsworth
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