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Robinwood Component 3, Forestry Development Stages from the SWOT Analysis leading to the Report. Actions agreed Modra, Slovakia 1-2/02/2005
SWOT l We agreed that wherever possible the analysis would be based on existing reports and studies. There was no specific need to commission new surveys for this stage. l To include evidence from the forestry policies and procedures in your region. l To give the Strengths of the current situation for the agreed topics. l To show any Weakness of the topic compared to our desired outcomes from Robinwood l To highlight Opportunities to alter the current situation for each topic area. l Threats from each topic to our desired outcomes for Robinwood
1. Biodiversity The SWOT will analyse the following: l 1.1 Government (EU, Country and Local) Policy on biodiversity. l 1.2 Level of protection provided. l 1.3 Current management. Especially the opportunities that biodiversity can provide.
2. Certification. The SWOT will analyse the following: 2.1 Public sector certification. 2.2 Political support. 2.3 Private forest certification. 2.4 Chain of custody for certification. 2.5 Expansion of area under certification. 2.6 Comparison between different systems across Europe.
3. The development of the forestry sector: The SWOT will analyse the following: 3.1 Raw material supply for large-scale industry. 3.2 Raw material supply for small-scale industry. 3.3 Small and medium enterprises in the forestry. 3.4 Supply chain. 3.5 Current markets and degree of penetration. 3.6 Value added opportunities. 3.7 Employment levels and trends. 3.8 Contribution to regional and local economic activity. 3.9 Current training provision including; marketing, negotiation, business skills and partnerships, 3.10 Green Public Procurement
4. Development of non-timber business opportunities within forests The SWOT will analyse the following: l 4.1 Mineral extraction from forest land. l 4.2 Non wood products. l 4.3 Hunting. l 4.4 Wind Farms. l 4.5 Wood energy. l 4.6 Tourism sport and recreation
5. Forestry Planning & Management, The SWOT will analyse the following: l 5.1 Economic SWOT different forest types. l 5.2 Forest with management plans. l 5.3 Long and short term plans. l 5.4 Recent innovations in technology. l 5.5 Integrated monitoring, forest health, held on GIS. l 5.6 Natural and semi-natural woodlands. l 5.7 Clearcut forests. l 5.8 Natural engineering (protection forests). l 5.9 Public consultation and participation (Agenda 21). l 5.10 Integration with other land management & ecological networks. l 5.11 Forestry within Integrated Rural Development l 5.12 Integration of small private woodland owners (formal vs informal co- operatives). l 5.13 State provision of management systems for the private sector. l 5.14 Small private owners.
The Report Agreed content and format of report. l To be brief, 10 pages for each Partner. l Different versions tailored to audience: ¶For us and JTS as an analysis of the current situation and guide to the next activities. Full and complete version, (In French and English). Draft to Owen by May 30th. Completed by Owen and delivered to Daniela by June 30th 2005 ·For Political distribution at EU level, positive and focused brochure, in English. By July 31st. By…? ¸For Regional Stakeholders written by each partner in the local language printed and distributed locally. Date by local decision.
Contents and layout. To be amended after discussion with Francesca Cambiaggi l Title for political distribution: Fertile Ground. l Sub Title: The Basis for Sustainable Forest Development. l Title for JTS: 1st Report on Component 3 for Robinwood l Introduction and identity of authors. l Executive summary by Component leader. l Analysis of SWOT; focus on the main issues identified. To include examples of Structural fund usage. l Full Summary. l Sources of information. l Annex with full SWOT contents.
Public opinion polls §Meanwhile, opinion polls on interventions in the field of forestry management and the multiple uses of wood will be carried out among the general public in each partner region and brought together in a report.
Question 1. §You may have seen or read about forests, woods or trees on the television, radio or in the newspapers. From this list, can you please tell me which of these topics you have seen or read anything about in the last 12 months?
Question 2. §a. Would you like to have more or less woodland in Wales? § b. How much more woodland: a little more, half as much again or more than that?
Question 3 §If conifer woodlands in your area were to be clear-felled (i.e. if the whole forest was felled at once), what would you like to see done with the land afterwards?
Question 4 §If a label indicated that something was produced using wood products from Welsh timber, would you be more or less likely to buy it than another similar product?
Q2 a. Would you like to have more or less woodland in Wales? More Neither more nor less Less Don’ b. How much more woodland: a little more, half as much again or more than that? Question 5 §In the last few years, have you visited forests or woodlands for walks, picnics or other recreation?
Question 6 Have you ever been consulted about plans for creating, managing or using woodlands in your area? Would you like to be consulted (again) about plans for creating, managing or using woods in your area?
Question 7 §Do you feel that you have influenced or would be able to influence decisions about creating, managing or using woodlands in your area?
Question 8 §Are you a member of a ‘friends of the forest’ group or community woodland group?
Question 9 §Are there any forests or woodlands which you can get to easily, without using a car or other transport? Yes No
Question 10 §a. Have you been shopping for wood products at all in the last few years? §b. Have you ever seen either of these logos on wood products such as furniture, firewood, toys or chopping boards? [show symbols] FSC YES/NO PEFC YES/NO MTCC YES/NO SFI YES/NO CSA YES/NO None §What do you think the symbol means?
Question 11 If household contains children under 16 Have any of your children been involved in a woodland visit as part of a school visit or educational programme?
Question 12 §On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is very good and 5 is very poor, how good do you think Welsh forestry is at... Providing opportunities for walking (and cycling – Protecting the environment Providing Wales’s timber, board and paper needs Providing homes for birds and other animals Involving local communities Supporting the economy in rural areas Providing a resource for improving mental and phisical health Promoting arts and crafts Encouraging people to take an interest in forests and benefit from them §Include Educaiton and Health and well being here as well?
Question 13 §In the last 20 years, do you think the amount of woodland in Wales has been increasing or decreasing?
Question 14 §And which of the following are important to you when choosing to visit a woodland?
Question 15 §How Often do you use woodfuel for heat either at work or at home?...
Question 16 §Would you consider supporting the planting of new woodlands if they could be shown to reduce the frequency or intensity of flooding
Many thanks for your Help §I will make improvements and add detail to these questions and then e-mail to you.
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