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Marxism 3: Methodologies and Marxist Literary Theorists.

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Presentation on theme: "Marxism 3: Methodologies and Marxist Literary Theorists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marxism 3: Methodologies and Marxist Literary Theorists

2 Marxism: Focuses  Dialectic Materialism -- Marx and Vulgar Marxism  Literature,Society & Ideology: Althusser as a focus  Marxist Literary Theorists: Jameson and Eagleton  Cultural Marxism (if time allows)

3 Methodologies: Some Suggestions  Class relations, economic determinism and the influences of (literary) relations of production in or of the texts  Art and ideology: contradictions within some ideologies or between ideologies and reality in a text or a group of texts.  Eagleton and Jameson: 1. Materialist, 2. History

4 Terry Eagleton ’ s Materialist Criticism General Ideology (GI) Authorial Ideology (AuI) Aesthetic Ideology (AI)  Literary Mode of Production (LMP)  General Mode of Production (GMP) The Text

5 Modes of production: General and Literary  General Mode of Production (GMP) and Literary Mode of Production (LMP) 1. Every LMP is constituted by structure of production, distribution, exchange, and consumption “ 2. It's important to analyse the complex articulations of these various LMPs with the 'general' mode of production of a social formation. For instance, how oral LMP can keep its traces in a written text. 3. E.g. circulating library in the Victorian age, oral traces in contemporay novels; novel, hyptertext

6 General Ideology (GI), Authorial Ideology (AuI) and Aesthetic Ideology (AI)  GI is not an "ideal type of ideology in general," but the dominant ensemble of ideologies in social formation (54).  AuI is the effect of the author's mode of biographical insertion into GI.  Aesthetic ideology e.g. of dramatic monologue, stream of consciousness

7 Jameson ’ s three horizons of criticism  from immanent analysis to transcendent one 1. a level of immanent analysis, = text as a symbolic act 2. a level of socio-discourse analysis, = text as class discourse 3. an epochal level of Historical reading = text as being embedded in a field of forces of the dynamic of various sign systems

8 Eagleton on history  Text Signifier Signification Signified IDEOLOGY Signifier Signified History

9 Jameson on History  History as an absent cause:  "it [History] is inaccessible except through textual forms. and... our approach to it and to the Real itself necessarily passes through its prior textualization, its narrativization in the political unconscious." (33)

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