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1 Washington DC – November 2009 ADEME Philippe VAN DE MAELE, President of ADEME Presentation of ADEME French Agency for Environment and Energy Management.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Washington DC – November 2009 ADEME Philippe VAN DE MAELE, President of ADEME Presentation of ADEME French Agency for Environment and Energy Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Washington DC – November 2009 ADEME Philippe VAN DE MAELE, President of ADEME Presentation of ADEME French Agency for Environment and Energy Management

2 2 Washington DC – November 2009 ADEME    is a public establishment  Created in 1992 from the fusion of 3 previous agencies (waste management, air quality and energy management )  Under the joint supervision of the Ministries in charge of :    Research (MESR)    Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Sea, Green Technologies and Climate change negociations (MEEDDM) ADEME

3 3 Washington DC – November 2009  Objective of the « Grenelle of the Environment »: divide by 4 the GHG emissions by 2050  1st law Grenelle passed in July 2009 – a 2nd one under discussion at the Parliament (already passed by the Senate)  ADEME : main actor of the Grenelle  A « demonstrator Fund» (100 M€/year)  A « Heat » Fund (150 M€/year)  A « Waste » Fund (50 M€/year) ADEME ADEME, a key player in the environmental transition

4 4 Washington DC – November 2009 ADEME’s 2009 Budget for actions* Total : 557 M€ in 2009 versus 249 M€ in 2008 ADEME ADEME’s staff : Around 900 people ADEME’s locations :  26 regional branches  3 representations in overseas territories  1 office in Brussels * Operating budget not included (87,7M€ en 2009 ) Waste & soil Energy Air quality and noise Cross-sectoral actions

5 5 Washington DC – November 2009 ADEME ADEME’s missions    Encourage research and technological innovation    Fight against climate change and adaptation to its consequences    Cross-sectoral actions on 3 main issues: sustainable cities and regions, sustainable production and sustainable consumption    Favour a territorial approach of the Grenelle measures    Decision-making support for the Ministry and local authorities

6 6 Washington DC – November 2009 Acquire knowledge By expanding the whole knowledge in terms of technology and innovation (studies, statistics, etc.) Convince and mobilise Through communication, information, education and training Advise By developing advisory services (for the French Government, local authorities, companies, households, etc.) Help in decision-making and implementation of actions Through financement of exemplary projects (replicable) ADEME ADEME’s actions

7 7 Washington DC – November 2009 Research Support R&D on New Energy Technologies Cross-sectoral expertise Have a global vision and expertise on sustainable development and its actors Territorial approach Conception, demonstration and dissemination of tools and methodologies at the local level to implement the Grenelle of the Environment International action Partnerships with all main stakeholders to share best practices and expertise Social action Fight against energy precarity ADEME ADEME’s strategic orientations

8 8 Washington DC – November 2009 Waste management Pollution of soils Transversal activities (energy efficiency indicators, environmental management, communication, etc.) Renewable energies Energy Efficiency Air pollution Noise Areas of activity ADEME

9 9 Washington DC – November 2009  Financial tools for intervention  Research : a « demonstrator » Fund  Foster renewable energy : « Heat » Fund  Communication, raising awareness, training  Tax incentives  Fiscal advantages  Bonus/ Malus  White certificate  Legislative measures and regulations  New buildings energy regulation  Obligation to renovate  Energy labeling of the equipements ADEME Public policy tools very diversified

10 10 Washington DC – November 2009 Thank you for your attention For more information

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