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Association genetics in forest trees
Santiago C. González-Martínez Center of Forest Research, INIA, PO Box Madrid, Spain
What is association genetics?
Linkage versus Association: finding the molecular variation underlying complex traits
A favourable mutation several generations X X LG Mapping pedigree Natural population (= multiple genetic backgrounds)
For which organisms genetic association is a promising approach?
Relatively undomesticated species with outbred mating systems and large natural populations. Organisms with long life-spam, where generating pedigrees would take several years. Organisms (such as humans) where artificial crosses are not possible or are difficult to obtain (incompatible species). In plants: opportunity to test for genetic association of multiple traits and phenotypes: long-term common garden experiments (including clonal tests high precision in the estimation of phenotypes). The ‘immortal’ association population
Linkage disequilibrium and association
Heuertz et al. 2006 Genetics c) Rapid decay of LD in conifers, but LD might be stronger in regions under selection (example: LD extends over 800 kb around Y1 gene in maize, Palaisa et al. 2004, which in general shows also a rapid decay of LD with physical distance, Remington et al. 2001) Stumpf & McVean (2003) Nature Reviews Genetics
Nature Reviews Genetics
Extend of LD and association: higher LD makes easier to detect associations but more difficult to identify the causal mutations Variation among species conifers humans Variation among genes Stumpf & McVean (2003) Nature Reviews Genetics
Approaches to genetic association in plants
Natural populations Breeding populations Complex demography unknown Population structure GLM GC MLM SA GC MLM TDT QTDT GLM GC Familial relatedness Based on Yu & Buckler (2006) Current Opinion in Biotechnology
Power considerations: the size of an association population
A single random mating population with mutation, random genetic drift, and recombination Power % variation explained by QTN Long & Langley (1999) Genome Research
Increased rate of false-positives due to population structure…
…but correcting for pop structure produces true negatives! Drought cline Postglacial migrations Hirschhorn & Daly 2005 Nature Reviews Genetics Zhao et al. (2007) PLoS Genetics
Power considerations: structured populations
% variation explained by QTN (Small association pop of ~100 accessions) Zhao et al. (2007) PLoS Genetics
Methods for genetic association in forest trees
Standard general linear models (GLMs), usually with p values computed by permutation. y = + mi + eij, where y is the trait value, is a general mean, mi is the genotype of the i-th SNP and eij is the residual. Structured Association (Pritchard et al. 2000; Thornsberry 2001) and PCA Association (Price et al. 2006). Controls for population structure by incorporating a Q matrix. This matrix is an n × p population structure incidence matrix where n is the number of individuals assayed and p is the number of populations defined. Mixed Linear Models (MLMs; Yu et al. 2006). They incorporate a Q matrix (fixed effect) but also a pairwise relatedness matrix (K matrix, a random effect), which account for within population structure.
FBRC association population in loblolly pine
Family-based methods (Transmission Disequilibrium Test, TDT or QTDT, and its several extensions). Parents must be heterozygous to be informative. From few to moderate genetic backgrounds tested. Partial diallel, including offspring from 61 families. Association with WUE (isotope discrimination in two sites) FBRC association population in loblolly pine González-Martínez et al. (2008) Heredity
Corrections for multiple testing
Experiment-wise permutation Bonferroni (/k, with k = the number of tests) False Discovery Rate (FDR) FDR: the expected proportion of false positives among all significant tests Storey & Tibshirani (2003) PNAS
Permutation tests (Hirschhorn and Daly 2005)
Some examples Monolignol biosynthesis and cell-wall related genes
González-Martínez et al. (2007) Genetics Drought tolerance Collada et al. (in prep.)
(also P. sylvestris, Picea abies and oaks)
Pinus taeda L Pinus pinaster Ait. Fragmented range, significant population structure Continuous range, no clear population genetic structure TREESNIPS project (also P. sylvestris, Picea abies and oaks) ADEPT project
Genetic association with wood property traits
Phenotypic traits Earlywood specific gravity (ewsg) Latewood specific gravity (lwsg) Percent latewood (lw) Earlywood microfibril angle (ewmfa) Lignin & cellulose content (lgn-cel) Synthetic PCAs for different wood-age types S1 S2 S3 2o wall 1o wall microfibril angle SNP genotyping FP-TDI platform 58 SNPs from 20 wood- and drought- related candidate genes. González-Martínez et al. 2007 Genetics
cad Significant genetic association of cad gene with earlywood specific gravity and 4cl with % latewood 4cl
Genetic association with WUE
Phenotypic traits Isotope discrimination (WUE) Growth (height, diameter, annual increments) Biomass (total and aerial) Ontogeny scores Survival Provenance-progeny combined tests in two sites: Cálcena (central Spain) & Bordeaux (southwestern France) SNP genotyping Pyrosequencing Relatively high genotyping error. Collada et al. (in prep.)
BLUEs (pop effect removed)
agp4 GLMs, population as a factor BLUEs (pop effect removed) Central/marginal pairs Average for TT: Average for GT:
Tassel demo
R SNPassoc package demo
Perspectives on genetic association in forest trees
Enormous potential, but still many technical challenges ahead: optimization of SNP genotyping platforms, dealing with recently evolved gene families, building large unstructured association populations, transfer information to non-model species, etc. Linking genotype-phenotype through association genetics works well for well-known metabolic pathways, and for some species such as loblolly pine genome-wide approaches are now in place. As large-scale association studies are developed, more complex questions will be addressed: gene interactions, heterosis, plasticity (G x E), etc. Apart from industry applications, given the ecosystem-wide importance of forest trees, genetic association will have a strong influence in evolutionary and ecological research.
ABA-and-WDS-induced-gene-3 (lp3-3)
Absence of transpecific SNPs between P. pinaster and P. taeda, two pine species separated by ~120 Myr ABA-and-WDS-induced-gene-3 (lp3-3) P. pinaster P. taeda Average Ks between P. pinaster and P. taeda of ~2%
Acknowledgements and, of course, all you!
TREESNIPS (for maritime pine: C. Collada, E. Eveno, M.A. Guevara, A. Booth, A. Soto, C. Plomion, L. Díaz, S. McCallum, I. Aranda, O. Brendel, R. Alía, V. Leger, J. Brach, J. Russell, P.H. Garnier-Géré, M.T. Cervera) ADEPT & ADEPT2 (N.C. Wheeler, E. Ersoz, G.R. Brown, G.P. Gill, R.J. Kuntz, J.A. Beal, J. Manares, D. Huber, J. Davis, B. Pande, J. Lee, A. Eckert, J. Wegrzyn, C.D. Nelson) FUNDING AGENCIES (NSF, CSREES-USDA, EU, MEC-Spain) and, of course, all you!
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