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Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 Introduction 6 th Workshop Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering Ravda, Bulgaria 18 th – 23 rd September.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 Introduction 6 th Workshop Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering Ravda, Bulgaria 18 th – 23 rd September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 Introduction 6 th Workshop Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering Ravda, Bulgaria 18 th – 23 rd September 2006 Klaus Bothe Institute of Informatics, Humboldt University – Berlin, Germany,

2 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 2 Contents Overview of the workshop What happened in our DAAD project since September 2005? Current work in our DAAD project

3 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 3 Workshop Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering Novi Sad, YU, 2001 Plovdiv, BG, 2002 Ohrid, MK, 2003 Zagreb, CRO, 2004 Baile Herculane, RO, 2005 Ravda, BG, 2006

4 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 4 DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Academic Reconstruction of South Eastern Europe Background Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe Humboldt University Berlin University of Novi Sad 2000 University of Skopje University of Plovdiv University of Belgrade, Fac. EE + Nat. Sc. 2001 University of Kragujevac University of Nis, Fac. of Nat. Sc. University of Zagreb University of Sarajevo University of Banja Luka University of Timisoara University of Tirana 2003 University of Rijeka University of Dubrovnik 2004 DAAD project: Software Engineering: Education and Research Cooperation University of Nis, Fac. of EE Polytechnic University of Tirana 2006 Summary: - 8 countries - 15 universities - 17 faculties (3 have been lost)

5 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 5 Workshop participants Novi Sad 2001 23 Plovdiv 2002 26 Ohrid 2003 27 Zagreb 2004 30 Baile Herculane 2005 31 Ravda 2006 35

6 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 6 List of participants Vangel Ajanovski (Skopje) Goce Armenski (Skopje) Zoran Budimac (Novi Sad) Klaus Bothe (Berlin) Betim Cico (Tirana) Milos Cvetanovic (Belgrade) Kresimir Fertalj (Zagreb) Marsida Ganaj (Tirana) Iveta Georgieva (Plovdiv) Todorka Glushkova (Plovdiv) Natasa Hoic-Bozic (Rijeka) Mirjana Ivanovic (Novi Sad) Boro Jakimovski (Skopje) Dragan Jankovic (Nis) Sam Joachim (Berlin) Luan Jubica (Tirana) Ioan Jurca (Timisoara) Damir Kalpic (Zagreb) Zivana Komlenov (Novi Sad) Vladimir Kurbalija (Novi Sad) Radu Marinesco (Timisoara) Milos Milovanovic (Belgrade) Ivan Minov (Plovdiv) Anastas Misev (Skopje) Damjan Mitev (Plovidv) Novica Nosovic (Sarajevo) Ivan Pribela (Novi Sad) Zoran Putnik (Novi Sad) Gordana Rakic (Novi Sad) Kay Schuetzler (Berlin) Stanimir Stoyanov (Plovdiv) Asya Stoyanova-Doycheva (Plovidv) Dusan Tosic (Belgrade) Milan Vasic (Novi Sad) Katerina Zdravkova (Skopje)

7 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 7 JCSE Use, extend and improve e.g. software evolution, … national versions (localization) educational issues: assignments, tools, students feedback sheets case studies, projects management: review reports, version management, copyright, slide style guides New courses OO with Java Compiler Construction Project Management Algorithms and data structures RE XCTL Ravda 2006: Workshop presentations E-Learning: Tools,... New curricula: Computer Science Software Engineering Tempus Bologna Process 12 153209 8 2 8 1 1 2 1 3 3

8 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 8 Contents Overview of the workshop What happened in our DAAD project since September 2005? Current work in our DAAD project

9 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 9 What happened in our DAAD project since September 2005 ? Papers at Conferences DAAD Conference, Struga, Macedonia, 31 March – 2 April 2006 Visits to Berlin, Results Coordination Meeting of project group leaders

10 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 10 Papers at Conferences M. IVANOVIC, Z. BUDIMAC: Software Engineering Studies – a Step to Virtual University, Invited talk, 2nd Balkan Conference in Informatics, Ohrid, November 2005 K. ZDRAVKOVA, K. BOTHE, S. JOACHIM: Development of Multilingual Dictionaries in Software Engineering and their Implementation. 2nd Balkan Conference in Informatics, Ohrid, November 2005 D. BOJIC, K. BOTHE: REFMAP: Restructuring by Feature Mapping. International IEEE Region 8 Conference on ‘Computer as a tool’ EUROCON, Belgrade, November 2005

11 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 11 DAAD Conference, Struga, Macedonia, 31 March – 2 April 2006 Participants: –Participants: Katerina Zdravkova, Zoran Budimac, Boro Jakimovski, Anastas Misev, Zivana Komlenov, Ivan Pribela, Todorka Glushkova, Klaus Bothe Main points: –Summary and future of the programme –next application round: 2007 - 2008 –Special sessions concerning cooperation with industry and others … Resume: –Useful and valuable programme –Should be continued after 2006 –The funds will become less

12 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 12 DAAD Conference in Struga: Criteria of future support Additional support from outside DAAD Cooperation with industry Publications of project results Build centers of excellence (  networks of excellence, too?)

13 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 13 New DAAD call for 2007 received in May 2006 Especially worth to be funded: support regional cooperation sustainable cooperations increase practice-orientation of education update curricula develop new postgraduate curricula (master) to become closer to the European educational system qualification of young scientists include different target groups at universities mutual recognition of certificates supported by authorities at SEE universities mid-term perspectives of additional sources for funds Application of our project for 2007 submitted in July 2006

14 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 14 Visits to Berlin in 2006 Zoran Budimac, Anastas Misev, Mira Ivanovic, Katerina Zdravkova, Zoran Putnik, Zivana Komlenov, Damjan Mitev Results: –Preparation of a new course "Data structures and algorithms" –eLesson of "Software metrics" –Principles of transforming of 'ordinary' teaching material to e- learning material –2nd version of the course "Software project management" –Teaching materials "Ethics, social responsibility …“ –Ontology-based tool for SE

15 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 15 Coordination meeting of project group leaders Berlin 15 - 21 May 2006 Participants: –Dragan Bojic, Zoran Budimac, Ioan Jurca, Damir Kalpic, Stanimir Stoyanov, Katerina Zdravkova, colleagues from Berlin Results: –Draft workshop program for Ravda –Workshop organisation: invitation, registration, visa hotel, conference room, … –Future of our cooperation fields –Presentations: new curricula, national versions, …

16 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 16 Overview of the workshop What happened in our DAAD project since September 2005? Current work in our DAAD project Contents

17 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 17 Current work in our DAAD project: topics of 6 th workshop in Ravda 2006: Reverse Engineering: XCTL JCCC: Compiler Construction JCOOJava Localization: -National versions -Multi-lingual dictionary -Tools Bologna process, curriculum development, TEMPUS JCSMP: Software Project Management JCSE: Teaching materials for SE lectures 2002 JCDSAlg: Data structures and algorithms 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 e-Learning 2004 2001 2004

18 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 18 Fields of cooperation in our DAAD project: topics of 6 th workshop in Ravda 2006: Reverse Engineering: XCTL JCCC: Compiler Construction JCOOJava Localization: -National versions -Multi-lingual dictionary -Tools Bologna process, curriculum development, TEMPUS JCSMP: Software Project Management JCSE: Teaching materials for SE lectures JCDSAlg: Data structures and algorithms 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 e-Learning 2004 2001 2004 2002 Main issue for a long time

19 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 19 DAAD project website 2001 – 2005: Mainly a JCSE website

20 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 20 DAAD project website 2006: The whole project represented

21 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 21 JCSE: Some statistics Applications in real lectures: 8 universities at different reuse levels Textbook released in Bulgarian language developed in 2004, printed in 2006 – based on JCSE Basic topics: 28 (open: maintenance, user manuals, software ergonomics) Advanced topics included since the first release: 8 Assignments of medium size: 8 Case studies: SemOrg, XCTL; Encounter role-playing game (not integrated); others considered, but not documented  bottleneck, disadvantage, drawback 

22 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 22 Textbook released in Bulgarian language in 2006

23 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 23 JCSE: Applications in real lectures Novi Sad: 2002-04: 2 times, English, 10 particular participants, 2004-06: ordinary students, Serbian slides Skopje: English, 2 different courses since 2004 Plovdiv: Bulgarian, 2 different curricula, 100 participants, since 2003, textbook in 2006 Kragujevac: Serbian Zagreb (Dubrovnik): Croatian, 1 topic Timisoara: Romanian, 1 topic Berlin: 4 times (transparencies) + 5 times (ppt), German, 80 participants Belgrade (Faculty Elec.Eng.): 2005, 2006, Serbian slides, 12 topics, 133 participants in 2005

24 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 24 Advanced topics included in JCSE teaching material A1: Rational unified process (Dragan Bojic, 2004) A2: Extreme programming (Ivan Pribela, 2004) A3: Service-oriented architectures (Ioan Jurca) A4: Design patterns (Ivan Pribela, 2004) A5: Success factors for information systems and decision support systems (Damir Kalpic, 2005) A6: Test-driven software development (Luan Jubica, Marcida Ganai, 2005) A7: MS project (Zoran Putnik) A8: Personal software process (Zivana Komlenov, 2005) Maintenance (Ivan Pribela) Workshop 2006 Software Ergonomics (Zoran Putnik) Software quality – special aspects (Radu Marinescu) Software evolution (Dragan Bojic) Cost estimation (update, Gordana Rakic) Service-oriented architectues (update, Ioan Jurca)

25 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 25 JCOOJava: Some informations Java textbooks in 2005/06 – influencing OOJava Topics included: ? Experiments with variants and improvements of topics (Threads, MouseMaze) A separate course „Data structures and algorithms – using Java“ (Anastas Misev) emerged from OOJava [a branch of OOJava]

26 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 26

27 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 27

28 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 28 E-Learning in Ravda 2006 First prototype e-Learning course materials developed in Novi Sad and Plovdiv from JCSE Beyond S-Bahn Tool: translation memory systems, web-based dictionary on SE e-testing AHyCo (Rijeka) Automated submission systems others …

29 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 29 New curricula and Bologna process in Ravda 2006 Bologna experience from Zagreb, Sarajevo, Tirana, and Belgrade Tempus news CEEPUS: exchange programme of students and teachers in Europe others …

30 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 30 Group photos 2001 - 2004

31 Introduction, Ravda, Bulgaria, 2006 31 Group photo 2005: a new quality with annotations

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