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Designing an Organizational Training System for the 21 st Century Andrew Hurt Systems Thinking April 3, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing an Organizational Training System for the 21 st Century Andrew Hurt Systems Thinking April 3, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing an Organizational Training System for the 21 st Century Andrew Hurt Systems Thinking April 3, 2007

2 Problem Statement Organizations need employees who have all the skills that are required for their job, but organizations/employees do not want training. This is an impossible statement  No single employee knows everything  Organizations can not anticipate all required skills  Life is dynamic Thus the problem is that organizations need a system for training employees that can anticipate a constantly changing environment in order to provide employees with all the skills required for their job.

3 Customer Requirements Design a system which centralizes the broad function of training and at the same time integrates and decentralizes the work unit training components such that the system:  Integrates new technologies  Is focused on learning and knowledge management  Is cost effective  Is adaptable

4 Derived Requirements Problem Statement: An orgs. broad T&D functions will be run through the corporate office; individuals within the work unit will be trained as trainers. Requirements:  Intranet training websites will be created/reworked, integration of PDAs and other electronic devices, applications of virtual training, etc.  An org. wide knowledge management program will be initiated, reinvention as a learning organization  Less trainers, less physical training space, transition to electronic environment, etc.  Continually reevaluate the system and make changes as needed Trade-Off: Compared with the current operating system; ISD and specifically ADDIE Test Plan: Implement the new system within one business function, develop metrics to gauge performance along the way, implement one component at a time

5 System Validation All technology components are currently available  Intra & internet  PDAs/communications software  Knowledge management software Explore other orgs. efforts to implement similar systems – Real world systems examples Costs are inline with the organizational reqs. Validate by entering a new unexpected component/technology/requirement

6 Use Case Model New Technology New Employees Retiring Employees Knowledge Mgmt. Decentralized Trained Workers Centralized Change Trainers

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