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Prof. John Nestor ECE Department Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 ECE 491 - Senior Design I Lecture 2 - Verilog Fall 2006 Lab Tomorrow: Meet in 400 AEC 9AM Bring a Lab Notebook to Lab (choose a partner) HW Due Friday 9/1: Summary of serial communication Handout: “Structural Design with Verilog” Read Sections 1-5
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 12 Today’s Outline Overview: Electronic Design with FPGAs Verilog Part 1 Language Overview Combinational Logic Continuous Assignment Module Instantiation always blocks
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 13 FPGA Design Flow Synthesis Placement Routing HDL (or Schematic) Input Configured Design Program Synthesis Translate HDL to hardware Optimize & map to CLBs Estimate timing Placement Map CLBs to specific locations Routing Determine how to interconnect CLBs Program Download bitstream into FPGA
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 14 Hardware Description Languages Verilog Designed by one person at Gateway Design Automation (now part of Cadence) Syntax similar to C Favored by industrial designers IEEE Standard 1364 VHDL Designed by committee for the Department of Defense Syntax similar to Pascal, ADA Favored by government labs, contractors IEEE Standard 1076 We’ll use Verilog!
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 15 Verilog Overview Important Points About Verilog Language Details Basic Module Syntax Combinational Logic Parameters Module Instantiation Sequential Logic Finite State Machines
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 16 Important Points about Verilog Verilog is designed to model hardware Hardware is parallel, so execution is parallel Verilog code is not software!
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 17 Important Points about Verilog (cont’d) Verilog is based on event-driven simulation Signal values change at specific time points Each model: Activates in response to input events Creates output events to represent output changes A B C A B C delay=4 input event output event
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 18 Important Points about Verilog (cont’d) Verilog was designed as a simulation language Synthesis added as an afterthought Only a subset of the language supported for synthesis Synthesis must match simulated behavior We’ll focus mostly on the synthesis subset Structural Descriptions - module instantiations Behavioral Descriptions assign - continuous assignments always blocks But, we’ll use simulation capabilities for verification initial blocks Delay
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 19 Verilog module construct Key building block of language declaration - specifies a module interface Input & output ports connections to outside world “black box” model - no details about internals body - specifies contents of "black box" behavior - what it does structure - how it's built from other "black boxes"
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 110 Module - A Quick Example Full Adder : module fulladder(a, b, cin, sum, cout); input a, b, cin; output sum, cout; assign sum = a ^ b ^ cin; assign cout = a & b | a & cin | b & cin; endmodule Ports Port Declarations Semicolon NO Semicolon Continuous Assignment Statements
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 111 Comments about the First Example Verilog describes a circuit as a set of modules Each module has input and output ports Single bit Multiple bit - array syntax Each port can take on a digital value (0, 1, X, Z) Three main ways to specify module internals Continuous assignment statements - assign Concurrent statements - always Submodule instantiation (hierarchy)
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 112 Verilog Review - Language Details Syntax - See Quick Reference Card Major elements of language: Lexical Elements (“tokens” and “token separators”) Data Types and Values Operators and Precedence
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 113 Verilog Lexical Elements Whitespace - ignored except as token separators blank spaces tabs newlines Comments Single-line comments // Multi-line comments /* … */ Operators- unary, binary, ternary Unary a = ~b; Binary a = b && c; Ternary a = (b < c) ? b : c;
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 114 Verilog Numbers Sized numbers: ' - decimal number specifying number of bits - base of number decimal 'd or 'D hex 'h or 'H binary ‘b or ‘B - consecutive digits normal digits 0, 1, …, 9 (if appropriate for base) hex digitsa, b, c, d, e, f x "unknown" digit z "high-impedance" digit Examples 4’b111112’h7af16’d255
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 115 Verilog Numbers (cont'd) Unsized numbers Decimal numbers appearing as constants (236, 5, 15, etc.) Bitwidth is simulator-dependent (usually 32 bits) Negative numbers sized numbers: '-' before size -8'd127 -3'b111 unsized numbers: '-' before first digit -233 Underline '_' can be used as a "spacer” 12'b00010_1010_011 is same as 12'b000101010011
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 116 Verilog Strings Anything in quotes is a string: "This is a string" "a / b" Strings must be on a single line Treated as a sequence of 1-byte ASCII values Special characters - C-like (\)
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 117 Verilog Identifiers Starting character: alphabetic or '_' Following characters: alpha, numeric, or '_' Examples: george_paul "Escaped" identifiers: start with backslash follow with any non-whitespace ASCII end with whitespace character Examples: \212net\**xyzzy**\$foo Special notes: Identifiers are case sensitive Identifiers may not be reserved words
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 118 Verilog Reserved Words alwaysandassignbeginbufbufif0bufif1 case casexcasezcmos deassigndefaultdefparamdisableedge elseendendcaseendfunctionendmodule endprimitiveendspecifyendtableendtaskeventfor forceforeverforkfunctionhighz0highz1ififnone initialinoutinputintegerjoinlargemacromodule mediummodulenandnegedgenmosnor not notif0notiforoutputparameterpmos posedgeprimitivepull0pull1pulldownpulluprcmos realrealtimeregreleaserepeatrnmosrpmosrtran rtranif0rtranif1scalaredsmallspecifyspecparamstrong0 strong1supply0supply1tabletasktimetrantranif0 tranif1tritri0tri1triandtriortriregvectored waitwandweak0weak1whilewireworxnor xor
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 119 Verilog Data Types nets - describe “wire” connections general purpose: wire special purpose: supply0, supply1, tri0, tri1, triand, trior, trireg, wand, wor registers - variables (assigned values by procedural statement) reg - basic binary values integer - binary word (≥32 bits - machine dependent) real - floating point (not supported by synthesis) time - simulation time (not supported in synthesis) realtime - simulation time (not supported in synthesis)
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 120 More about Data Types Vectors - Multiple-Bit Signals (net or register) wire [31:0] sum; reg [7:0] avg; Arrays - used for memories reg [7:0] memory [0:255]; word size memory size
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 121 Verilog Logic Values Each wire or register type can take on 4 values: 0 - Standard binary “FALSE” 1 - Standard binary “TRUE” X - UNKNOWN Z - High Impedance During simulation, all variables originally X Complication: x & z sometimes used as “wildcards” (e.g. casex, casez )
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 122 Operators and Precedence Override with parentheses () when needed
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 123 Verilog Module Declaration Describes the external interface of a single module Name Ports - inputs and outputs General Syntax: module modulename ( port1, port2,... ); port1 direction declaration; port2 direction declaration; reg declarations; wire declarations; module body - “parallel” statements endmodule // note no semicolon (;) here!
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 124 Verilog Body Declaration - “Parallel” Statements Parallel statements describe concurrent behavior (i.e., statements which “execute” in parallel) Types of Parallel Statements: assign - used to specify simple combinational logic always - used to specify repeating behavior for combinational or sequential logic initial - used to specify startup behavior (not supported in synthesis - but useful in simulation!) module instantiation - used for structure … and other features useful only in simulation
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 125 Full Adder Example - Again Full Adder : module fulladder(a, b, cin, sum, cout); input a, b, cin; output sum, cout; assign sum = a ^ b ^ cin; assign cout = a & b | a & cin | b & cin; endmodule Continuous Assignment Statements
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 126 Bitwise Operators Basic bitwise operators: identical to C/C++/Java module inv(a, y); input[3:0]a; output [3:0]y; assign y = ~a; endmodule Unary Operator: NOT 4-bit Ports
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 127 Reduction Operators Apply a single logic function to multiple-bit inputs module and8(a, y); input[7:0]a; output y; assign y = &a; endmodule Reduction Operator: AND equivalent to: a[7] & a[6] & a[5] & a[4] & a[3] & a[2] & a[2] & a[2] & a[0]
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 128 Conditional Operators Like C/C++/Java Conditional Operator module mux2(d0, d1, s, y); input[3:0]d0, d1; inputs; output [3:0]y; assign y = s ? d1 : d0; // output d1 when s=1, else d0 endmodule
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 129 More Operators Equivalent to C/C++/Java Operators Arithmetic: + - * / & Comparison: == != >= Shifting: > Example: module adder(a, b, y); input[31:0]a, b; output[31:0]y; assign y = a + b; endmodule Warning: small expressions can make big hardware!
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 130 Bit Manipulation: Concatenation { } is the concatenation operator module adder(a, b, y, cout); input[31:0]a, b; output[31:0]y; output cout; assign {cout,y} = a + b; endmodule Concatenation (33 bits)
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 131 Bit Manipulation: Replication { n {pattern} } replicates a pattern n times module signextend(a, y); input[15:0]a; output [31:0]y; assign y = {16{a[15]}, a[15:0]}; endmodule Copies sign bit 16 times Lower 16 Bits
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 132 Internal Signals Declared using the wire keyword module fulladder(a, b, cin, s, cout); inputa, b, cin; output s, cout; wireprop; assign prop = a ^ b; assign s = prop ^ cin; assign cout = (a & b) | (cin & (a | b)); endmodule Important point: these statements “execute” in parallel
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 133 Combinational always blocks Motivation assign statements are fine for simple functions More complex functions require procedural modeling Basic syntax: always (sensitivity-list) statement or always (sensitivity-list) begin statement-sequence end Signal list - change activates block Procedural statement ( =, if/else, etc.) Compound Statement - sequence of statements
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 134 Combinational Modeling with always Example: 4-input mux behavioral model module mux4(d0, d1, d2, d3, s, y); input d0, d1, d2, d3; input [1:0] s; output y; reg y; always @(d0 or d1 or d2 or d3 or s) case (s) 2'd0 : y = d0; 2'd1 : y = d1; 2'd2 : y = d2; 2'd3 : y = d3; default : y = 1'bx; endcase Endmodule Blocking assignments (immediate update)
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 135 Another Example: ALU from ECE 313 module alu(ctl, a, b, result, zero); input[2:0]ctl; input[31:0]a, b; output[31:0]result; outputzero; reg [31:0]result; reg zero; always @(a or b or ctl) begin case (ctl) 3'b000 : result = a & b; // AND 3'b001 : result = a | b; // OR 3'b010 : result = a + b; // ADD 3'b110 : result = a - b; // SUBTRACT 3'b111 : if (a < b) result = 32'd1; else result = 32'd0; //SLT default : result = 32'hxxxxxxxx; endcase if (result == 32'd0) zero = 1; else zero = 0; end endmodule ALU zero
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 136 Modeling with Hierarchy Create instances of submodules Example: Create a 4-input Mux using mux2 module Original mux2 module: module mux2(d0, d1, s, y); input[3:0]d0, d1; inputs; output [3:0]y; assign y = s ? d1 : d0; endmodule
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 137 Modeling with Hierarchy Create instances of submodules Example: Create a 4-input Mux using mux2 module module mux4(d0, d1, d2, d3, s, y); input[3:0]d0, d1, d2, d3; input[1:0]s; output [3:0]y; wire[3:0]low, high; mux2 lowmux(d0, d1, s[0], low); mux2 highmux(d2, d3, s[0], high); mux2 finalmux(low, high, s[1], y); endmodule Instance NamesConnections
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 138 Data Types and Module Ports Input ports must always be a wire (net) Output ports can be wire or reg always @(a or b) x = a ^ b; assign y = ~a; xor(z,b,c) (instantiation) a b c x y z wire reg wire
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 139 Parameterized Modules Parameters - define values that can change Declaration: module mod1(in1, in2, out1, out2); parameter N=default-value; input [N-1 : 0] in1, in2; output [N-1 : 0] out1; … endmodule Instantiation: wire [7:0] w, x, y; wire z; mod1 #(8) my_mod1(w,x,y,z); Defines Parameter N Uses Parameter NSets Parameter N for instance my_mod1 Sizes must match instantiated value!
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 140 Parameterized Modules: Example N-bit 2-1 multiplexer (parameterized bitwidth) module mux2( sel, a, b, y ); parameter bitwidth=32; input sel; input [bitwidth-1:0] a, b; output [bitwidth-1:0] y; assign y = sel ? b : a; endmodule Instantiations mux2 #(16) my16bit_mux(s, a,b, c); mux2 #(5) my5bit_mux(s, d, e, f); mux2 #(32) my32bit_mux(s, g, h, i); mux2 myDefault32bit_mux(s, j, k, l); Defines Parameter bitwidth (default value: 32 ) Uses Parameter bitwidth to set input, output size 16-bit mux 5-bit mux 32-bit mux 32-bit mux (default)
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 141 Symbolic Constants with Parameters Idea: use parameter to name “special constants” parameter RED_ALERT = 2’b11; parameter YELLOW_ALERT = 2’b01; parameter GREEN_ALERT = 2’b00; Don’t change in module instances Do this to make your code more understandable For others reading your code For yourself reading your code after some time has passed
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 142 Symbolic Constant Example 7-segment decoder from Verilog Handout (Part 1) module seven_seg_display_decoder(data, segments); input[3:0]data; output[6:0]segments; reg[6:0]segments; // Segment # abc_defg hex equivalent parameterBLANK= 7’b111_1111;// h7F parameterZERO= 7’b000_0001;// h01 parameterONE = 7’b100_1111;// h4F parameterTWO= 7’b001_0010;// h12 parameterTHREE= 7’b000_0110;// h06 parameterFOUR= 7’b100_1100;// h4C parameterFIVE= 7’b010_0100;// h24 parameterSIX= 7’b010_0000;// h20 parameterSEVEN= 7’b000_1111;// h0F parameterEIGHT= 7’b000_0000;// h00 parameterNINE= 7’b000_0100;// h04
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 143 Symbolic Constant Example 7-segment decoder from Verilog handout (Part 2) always @(data) case (data) 0: segments = ZERO; 1: segments = ONE; 2: segments = TWO; 3: segments = THREE; 4: segments = FOUR; 5: segments = FIVE; 6: segments = SIX; 7: segments = SEVEN; 8: segments = EIGHT; 9: segments = NINE; default: segments = BLANK; endcase endmodule
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 144 Symbolic Constants using `define Like C/C++, Verilog has a preprocessor `define - equivalent to #define in C/C++ Symbolic constant definition: `define ZERO 7’b0000_0001 Symbolic constant usage: preface with “`” segments = `ZERO; Other preprocessor directives `ifdef `else `endif Used for conditional compilation
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 145 More about always Specifies logic with procedural statements Simulation model: executes statements in order Synthesized hardware: matches simulation “ reg ” declarations treat like variables in C or Java assignment: holds value until a new assignment is made module my_logic(a, b, c, d); input a, b; output c, d; reg c,d; always @(a or b) begin c = a & b; d = b ^ c; end endmodule
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 146 Synthesizing Comb. Logic When no if, case, or loop statements: Assignment statements generate logic Outputs are values of last assignments Logic optimized, reduced during synthesis module my_logic(a, b, c, d); input a, b; output c, d; reg c,d; always @(a or b) begin c = a & b; d = b ^ c; c = d | a; end endmodule
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 147 Synthesizing Comb. Logic - if/else if/else statements become multiplexers multiplexers follow statement order always @(c or d or x or y) begin if (c == 1’b1) z = x + y; else z = x - y; if (d == 1’b0) w = z; else w = x; end
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 148 Synthesizing Comb. Logic - if /else if / else Each else implies mutual exclusion if / else if / else creates a priority encoder always @(c or d or x or y) begin if (c == 1’b1) z = x + y; else if (d == 0’b0) z = x - y; else z = x; end Use sequential if statements without else if to avoid priority if desired
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 149 Synthesizing Comb. Logic - if without else if without else : output depends on previous value always @(a or x or y) begin w = x + y; if (a == 1’b1) w = x; end What if no previous value is specified? Must preserve the semantics of the language This requires a latch inference always @(a or x) begin if (a == 1’b1) w = x; end
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 150 Synthesizing Comb. Logic - if without else (latch inference) if without else : output depends on previous value always @(a or x) begin if (a == 1’b1) w = x; end What if no previous value is specified? Must preserve the semantics of the language This requires a latch inference to store “old” value Latch inferences are bad!
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 151 Synthesizing Comb. Logic - case statements Verilog case : treated as if / else if / else... always @(e or x or y) begin case (e) 2’b00 : w = x + y; 2’b01 : w = x - y; 2’b10 : w = x & y; default: w = 4’b0000; endcase end Use default to avoid latch inference!
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 152 Synthesizing Comb. Logic - One Last Pitfall always must include all inputs in sensitivity list OR… mismatch between synthesis & simulation! always @(e or x) begin case (e) 2’b00 : w = x + y; 2’b01 : w = x - y; 2’b10 : w = x & y; default: w = 4’b0000; endcase end Missing: or y
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 153 Synthesizing Comb. Logic - One Last Pitfall Verilog 2001 Alternative (not supported by all tools) always @* begin case (e) 2’b00 : w = x + y; 2’b01 : w = x - y; 2’b10 : w = x & y; default: w = 4’b0000; endcase end
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 154 About Lab 1 Goals of Lab 1 Review Combinational Logic Design with Verilog Learn about FPGA Design with Verilog Learn about the Spartan-3 Starter Kit Board (S3 Board)
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 155 Starter Kit Board - Overview
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 156 S3 Board: Seven-Segment Display Segment signals - active low Digit enables used to “time multiplex” digits
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 157 Using the S3 Board with Verilog Top-level module file: s3board.v Contains declarations for all input & output pins Switches & pushbuttons LEDs and 7-segment displays RS-232 port(s) Not used (currently): PS/2 port, VGA port Use as a starting point for your design Constraint file: s3board.ucf Contains pin assignments for all inputs & outputs Uncomment pins that you’re going to use (remove “ # ”) These files can be downloaded from the website
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 158 What to Do in Lab 1 Download “ s3board.v ” and “ s3board.ucf ” Run ISE and create a new project Add “ s3board.v ” and “ s3board.ucf ” Add Verilog code for a 4-bit adder Add Verilog code for a 7-segment decoder with hex digits Connect slide switches to adder inputs Connect 7-segment decoder to adder output Connect 7-segment decoder to display LSB Compile, download, & debug
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 159 Lab 1 - Block Diagram
ECE 491 Fall 2006Lecture 2 - Verilog Review 160 Coming Up Sequential Logic Design with Verilog & FPGAs
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