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Between home and school: Daydreaming & mischief? 8.

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1 Between home and school: Daydreaming & mischief? 8

2 One billion innovators YEAR ------------2005----------- ------------2025----------- AGE TOTAL MALE FEMALE TOTAL MALE FEMALE Australia TOTAL 20,090 10,000 10,091 23,023 11,380 11,643 10-14 1,401 717 684 1,324 677 647 15-19 1,391 712 679 1,347 688 658 China TOTAL 1,306,314 672,717 633,597 1,453,124 738,940 714,184 10-14 103,108 54,290 48,818 95,581 49,853 45,728 15-19 124,613 64,833 59,780 87,453 46,029 41,424 USA TOTAL 295,734 145,309 150,425 349,666 171,918 177,748 10-14 20,838 10,670 10,167 22,888 11,692 11,195 15-19 21,183 10,871 10,312 22,469 11,496 10,972 World: 20066,525,486,603 20257,897,989,420 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base ( 9

3 What are the creative industries? Three phases (1995-2006) Not mutually exclusive – all three are active together Phases of evolution 1. Creative clusters 2. Creative inputs 3. Creative consumers/users Policy / research themes 1. Creative innovation 2. Innovation policy 3. Creative human capital 10

4 CREATIVE CLUSTERS (outputs) “Creative innovation” CREATIVE SERVICES (inputs) “Innovation policy” CREATIVE CITIZENS (workforce/consumers/users) “Creative human capital” Creative industries to creative economy 11

5 1. Clusters of outputs (Creative innovation) Advertising, architecture, arts & antiques market, crafts, design, designer fashion, film, interactive leisure software, music, performing arts, publishing, software, TV/radio (original list from DCMS) (DCMS) Plus aspects of: heritage, hospitality, museums & galleries, sport & tourism (DCMS) Core skills design fabrication performance production writing 12

6 2. Creative inputs (Innovation policy) High added value gained from creative inputs into other products and – especially – services Services Up to 80 percent of GDP in developed economies (USA, UK and Australia). In China, services are over 40 percent of the economy (perhaps over 50%) The highest value-add services are those that use digital media, design and other creative inputs. - E.g. Virgin, IBM (Lenovo), ‘Googlezon’ 13

7 3. Consumer co-creation and user-led innovation (Creative human capital) open source movement (e.g. Linux) digital storytelling YouTube,, flickr, MySpace computer-game content evolution blogging, the Wikipedia, citizen journalism sharing IP: Creative Commons, Adelphi Charter Internet communities of interest (e.g. genealogy) The ProAm movement - ‘third sector’ and voluntary work A ‘creative public sphere’ as well as commercial innovation 14

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