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Introduction to ESDS International Celia Russell Economic and Social Data Service MIMAS April 14 th 2004 University of Manchester Introduction to ESDS.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to ESDS International Celia Russell Economic and Social Data Service MIMAS April 14 th 2004 University of Manchester Introduction to ESDS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to ESDS International Celia Russell Economic and Social Data Service MIMAS April 14 th 2004 University of Manchester Introduction to ESDS International Susan Noble Economic and Social Data Service Mimas, University of Manchester Northumbria University, Nov 2011

2 The Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS) national data archiving and dissemination service for social science data principal data service for UK academic social science community provides help and data support available at core archiving services plus four specialist data services

3 Specialist data services ESDS International ESDS Government ESDS Longitudinal ESDS Qualidata provide: dedicated web sites data and documentation enhancements user support training


5 The large-scale government surveys Annual Population Survey British Crime Survey British Social Attitudes Health surveys Expenditure Surveys General Lifestyle Survey (formerly the General Household Survey)Households Below Average Income Integrated Household Survey (Continuous Population Survey) Labour Force Surveys National Food Survey National Travel Survey ONS Opinions Survey (formerly the ONS Omnibus Survey) Time Use Survey Vital Statistics

6 Benefits of the Large-Scale Government Datasets Good quality data –produced by experienced research organisations –usually nationally representative with large samples –good response rates –very well documented Continuous data –allows comparison over time –data is largely cross-sectional Hierarchical data –individual and household –intra-household differences –household effects on individuals

7 Example: Mortality Rates from Vital Statistics


9 What are Longitudinal Data? repeated surveys of the same individuals at different points in time allow researchers to analyse change at the individual level there are various different types of longitudinal studies including panel and cohort studies users of longitudinal data will normally want to combine data collected at different times - data are more complex to use than other types of survey data ESDS Longitudinal provides additional value-added services to minimise these complexities

10 Longitudinal Data 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) Families and Children Study (FACS) Growing Up in Scotland (GUS) Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE) Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) National Child Development Study (NCDS) Understanding Society

11 The British Cohort Study Following the lives of the 17,000 babies born in the UK between 5th and 11th April 1970 In year zero used clinical records and talked to mother and midwife about the birth At ages 5, 10 and 16 talked to class teachers and parents and carried out medical tests At 26, 29, 32 and 38 interviewed subjects about their work, relationships, health, family, politics and values The anonymised data can be used to follow individual life courses


13 Types of Qualitative Data diverse data types: in-depth interviews; semi- structured interviews; focus groups; oral histories; mixed methods data; open-ended survey questions; case notes/records of meetings; diaries/research diaries multimedia: audio, video, photos and text (most common is interview transcriptions) formats: digital, paper, analogue audio-visual data structures - differ across different ‘document types’


15 ESDS International provides free web-based access to key international macro level databanks helps users locate and acquire international micro level datasets promotes the use of international datasets in research and teaching across a range of disciplines is run by Mimas at the University of Manchester and the UK Data Archive at the University of Essex

16 Macro and micro data ESDS International is split into two types of data: Aggregate or macro data are data that has been aggregated to a country or regional level. This type of data is typically produced by inter-governmental organisations like the UN or World Bank. All the aggregate databanks contain time series data. Survey or micro data are data about individuals. This type of data is typically produced by an organisation in the academic sector and looks at values and attitudes.

17 Macro International Data Providers International Monetary Fund (IMF) Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) United Nations (UN) World Bank Eurostat UK Office for National Statistics International Energy Agency

18 Aggregate data portfolio … International Monetary Fund Direction of Trade Statistics Balance of Payments Statistics Government Finance Statistics International Financial Statistics World Economic Outlook World Bank World Development Indicators World Bank Global Development Finance Africa Development Indicators United Nations Common Database COMTRADE United Nations Industrial Development Organization Industrial Statistics Databases Demand Supply Databases ESDS International provides free online access to the full versions of the latest releases of these databases to the UK academic community.

19 Aggregate data portfolio (cont) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Education Statistics OECD Globalisation OECD International Development OECD International Direct Investment Statistics OECD International Migration Statistics OECD International Trade by Commodities Statistics OECD Main Economic Indicators OECD Main Science and Technology Indicators OECD National Accounts OECD Services Statistics OECD STructural ANalysis OECD Social Expenditure Database Eurostat New Cronos International Energy Agency Coal Information CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion Electricity information Energy Prices and Taxes Energy Technology Research and Development Database Natural Gas Information Oil Information Renewables Information World Energy Statistics and Balances

20 Accessing the Data freely available to UK FE and HE access via Federated access (Shibboleth) authentication and ESDS online registration special conditions may also apply delivered over the web via Beyond 20/20 Web Data Server (WDS) download formats include *.xls, *.csv and *.ivt Includes citation information

21 User Support a dedicated help desk and web site mailing and discussion list regularly updated web-based FAQs news bulletins and articles Case studies of international data use Comprehensive dataset guides Teaching and Learning materials


23 Plus a dedicated help desk




27 IMF databanks International Financial Statistics Government Finance Statistics Balance of Payments Statistics Direction of Trade World Economic Outlook The five major databanks produced by the IMF contain data on national accounts, trade, the balance of payments and government spending for around 190 countries. Collectively, they provide a global picture of economic development and international trade over the last 50 years.

28 IMF International Financial Statistics standard source for all aspects of international and domestic finance published and updated monthly since 1948 includes over 200 countries reports time series data on exchange rates, balance of payments, international liquidity, money and banking, interest rates, prices, production, international transactions, government accounts, national accounts Has 3 sections: world tables, country tables and commodity prices

29 IMF Balance of Payments Statistics 175 countries worldwide covers balance of payment components and international investment positions of countries worldwide Where available, most countries’ data extend from 1970’s to the present Quarterly and annual data, updated montly

30 IMF Government Finance Statistics Covers data government income (such as tax and bonds) and expenditure by sector (defence, education, health, etc) for all levels of government (national, state, local) 149 countries worldwide Annual time series data, running 1990 onwards. historical (pre 1990) data is released as a separate database

31 World Economic Outlook Each year the IMF produce the World Economic Outlook report, which presents the IMF staff's analysis and projections of economic developments at the global level The WEO database contains the data that underpins that report data on national accounts, inflation, unemployment rates, balance of payments, fiscal indicators, and commodity prices Projections for most indicators run up to 2015

32 IMF Direction of Trade Contains data on the value of exports and imports between each country and all its trading partners 186 countries and 12 regional groups from the 1980’s onwards Monthly, quarterly and annual data are presented Data runs from 1980 to the present The database is updated monthly Long and consistent time series Stable data domains Good geographic and temporal coverage Up-to-date data

33 Inside the database An idea of database size… Around 70,000 time series Around 2.1 million annual data values Around 25 million monthly data values

34 Oil-for-food programme

35 World Bank Databases Collects data on all aspects of human development worldwide Annual data, designed for international comparability World Development Indicators Global Development Finance Africa Development Indicators

36 World Development Indicators The World Development Indicators provides a broad picture of poverty trends and social welfare, the use of environmental resources, the performance of the public sector, and the integration of the global economy. Global database covers 190 countries Annual data starting 1960 Widely cited Our most popular database

37 Global Development Finance financial flows to developing countries. exclusively covers developing countries also contains the Bank's projections for debt repayments etc for next ten years Annual data starting 1970’s

38 Africa Development Indicators Very comprehensive source of data on Africa Time series data starting 1965 on 1,200 indicators for over 50 sub-Saharan countries Data on household welfare, demography, health, education, the regulatory environment, national accounts, trade and debt, communications, transport, energy and the environment. Data on Africa can be patchy – this database fills in gaps with estimates for missing data

39 Example from Global Development Finance Total Workers Remittances

40 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. OECD Education Statistics OECD Globalisation OECD International Development OECD International Direct Investment Statistics OECD International Migration Statistics OECD International Trade by Commodities Statistics OECD Main Economic Indicators OECD Main Science and Technology Indicators OECD National Accounts OECD Services Statistics OECD Social Expenditure Database OECD STructural ANalysis

41 Example from the OECD Main Science and Technology Indicators The Nokia effect

42 National Statistics and Eurostat National Statistics Time series data is a comprehensive database of more than 40,000 economic and socio- economic time series for the UK Eurostat New Cronos is the main database produced by the EU’s statistical office, containing detailed harmonised data on a range of social and economic themes at a national and regional level for EU member countries

43 Overseas students in UK higher education Source: Eurostat New Cronos 2010

44 UN and its agencies COMTRADE country-country pair data on imports and exports of commodities and manufactured goods The UNIDO Industrial Statistics and Demand Supply databanks cover employment and trade world-wide, broken down by country and manufacturing sector.


46 Example from COMTRADE in 2008

47 International Energy Agency CO 2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion Energy Prices and Taxes Energy Technology Research and Development Database World Energy Statistics and Balances –Energy Statistics of OECD Countries –Energy Balances of OECD Countries –Energy Statistics of Non-OECD Countries –Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries

48 IEA specialist databanks Electricity information Coal Information Natural Gas Information Oil Information Renewables Information


50 International survey data:


52 Eurobarometer Programme of cross-national and cross- temporal comparative social research, designed to monitor social and political attitudes Carried out bi-annually since the early 1970s Coverage across all EU member states EBs are made available to analyse and download online (registration required) via ZACAT:

53 Other regional barometers Like the EB, the Afrobarometer, Arab Barometer and Asia(n)barometer all measure opinions, attitudes, behaviours, and values of the people of the region on such issues as the economy, politics, culture, social policies and the distribution of wealth ESDS International provides links to access these data – free, but registration required

54 Eurofound surveys Eurofound is an EU body, whose role is to provide information, advice and expertise on living and working conditions in Europe –European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) –European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) –European Company Survey (ECS), was Establishment Survey on Working Time and Work-Life Balance (ESWT) Access via ESDS catalogue

55 European Election Study Focus on electoral participation and voting behaviour in European Parliament elections Seven studies so far: 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004 and 2009 Open access to recent studies via

56 European Social Survey Biennial multi-country survey covering over 30 nations which aims to measure and explain trends in attitudes, beliefs and values across European nations Access via ESS Data Archive web site (registration required) is free of charge and provided by the Norwegian Social Science Data Services Users can currently access data and documentation from rounds 1, 2, 3 and 4 ESS Data Archive:

57 International Social Survey Programme Continuing (since 1983) annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social science research Each survey has a special focus, e.g. the environment; the role of government; social inequality ISSP data are made available to analyse and download online (registration required) via ZACAT:

58 World Values Survey Designed to enable a cross-national, cross- cultural comparison of values and norms on a wide variety of topics and to monitor changes in values and attitudes across the globe. To date four waves have been conducted in 1981-1984, 1990-1993, 1995-1997, and 1999- 2004; responses have been integrated into one dataset, to facilitate time series analysis Access (registration required): >Bancos de Datos ASEP/JDS web site: >World Values Survey web site:

59 Young Lives birth cohort study Long-term project investigating the changing nature of childhood poverty in four developing countries Conducted in Ethiopia, India (in the Andhra Pradesh state), Peru and Vietnam Study aims to follow 2,000 children (aged approximately 1 year in 2002) and their households, from both urban and rural communities, in each of the four countries (8,000 children in total) for a period of 15 years Access via ESDS catalogue

60 Eb eg

61 Ess eg

62 Case Studies - £50 reward!

63 ESDS International provides: Up to date data – the databanks are updated with the latest releases Data free at point of use (licence costs paid centrally) Single web interface to all the aggregate databanks – users only have to learn it once Helps users locate and acquire international micro level datasets Single portal for wide range of international databanks, links to other resources eg freely available data Consistent and comprehensive documentation Training, user support, helpful helpdesk on Web YouTube: ESDS International Annual Conference 28 th Nov 2011

64 Questions?

65 ESDS International Workshop Registering with ESDS International. Exploring the ESDS International website. Accessing, exploring and visualising international data using Beyond 20/20 - World Bank’s WDI –If not yet registered, use login details: Organisation - University of Manchester: Mimas Username - esds Password - Egypt14 Exploring ISSP data online - register with ZACAT before you begin worksheet via

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