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Online Theological Distance Education Bridging the gap

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1 Online Theological Distance Education Bridging the gap NET@OCI
 P.O. Box 284  AG Rijssen (Netherlands)  +31 (0) Rabobank  KvK

2 NET Foundation Long-distance education is an integral part of the course offerings at most colleges and universities in It is therefore not a matter of if but rather how long-distance education should be conducted. What can be demanded from the students? How can teachers become familiar with this type of education? What does this mean for didactic and pedagogical methods that are being used? Etcetera...

3 NET Foundation NET Foundation was established late 2006 as a missions-related non-profit organization to provide theological educational institutes at home and abroad with the answers to the questions mentioned before Quick profile: Raymond Warnaar Married & 5 kids (from 1 through 15) Missionary Latin America Director NET Foundation Consultant Educational Science & Technology

4 Themes Mission and Vision Definition & Characteristics of E-learning
Blended Learning Opportunities, Threats & Challenges Questionnaire Join the Community

5 Our Mission NET aims to provide theological and missionary organizations with easily accessible and innovative technology and – together with other NET platform members – to advance theological and related education in quality as well as quantity. This includes: Sharing knowledge and experience with NET participants regarding digital distance learning Contributing towards the transmission of the Christian faith and the Reformed spiritual legacy. Advancing the global cooperation between missionary and theological educational institutes.

6 Our Positioning Theological Institutes Technology Communities
LMS & Web 2.0 Communities of Practice Missionary organizations

7 Main Activities NET offers educational technology (LMS and others) through which long-distance education can be provided, and local as well as international communities of practice can be formed NET gives advices and offers customized training for implementing distance learning and its effects on your organization NET initiates, coordinates and financially supports international projects on the design and development of digital educational learning materials NET aims to start with the development of a database containing a detailed oversight of global learning opportunities in theology

8 Trends in higher education
Lifelong learning Competence-based learning Virtualization (use of internet technology) Personalization & individualization Flexibility Globalization (partnerships, contents brokers, virtual universities, new markets & research)

9 Themes Mission and Vision Definition & Characteristics of E-learning
Blended Learning Opportunities, Threats & Challenges Questionnaire Join the Community

10 Possible elements At home (cyber) Using Internet technologies
Virtual communities When time available Multi-media Self study Etcetera

11 (a) Definition of distance education
“Distance education is any educational process in which all or most of the teaching is conducted by someone removed in space and/or time from the learner, with the effect that all or most of the communication between teachers and learners is through an artificial medium, either electronic or print. By definition, in distance education the normal or principal means of communication is through technology (UNESCO, 2002, p.22).”

12 Phases of e-learning Self-study and testing
Distance Learning Assignments and collaboration Blended Learning Digital Learning Lectures and resources Learning Support Communication and mentoring Learning Information Publication and organization

13 Themes Mission and Vision Definition & Characteristics of E-learning
Blended Learning Opportunities, Threats & Challenges Questionnaire Join the Community

14 E-learning facilitates blended learning
where when what how who why

15 Variables of blended learning
Offline and online activities Face-to-face versus online Synchronous and asynchronous activities Synchronous: radio, chat, MSN, videoconference Asynchronous: tutorials, discussion boards, blogs, wiki Different multi media assets Picture, text, movie, animation, simulation, audio, games Different didactical interactions (and approaches) Information, question, reflection, discussion, exercise, quiz (self learning versus collaborative learning)

16 Variables of blended learning
Different ways of delivering the content Paper, computer, USB-stick, CD-ROM, cell phone, personal organizer Different e-learning technologies LMS (or VLE), wiki, conference tools, authoring tools, etc. Different didactical models Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism Formal and informal learning Structured and predefined or at the coffee machine…

17 E-learning Technology Tools
Production tools Authoring tools, content management system, audio and video editing, animation, etc. Learning tools Learning Management System (LMS), e-portfolio, testing tool, conference tools, blog, chat, wiki, mind mapping, etc. Administrative tools Educational logistics and design, inscription, study routes, certification, etc.

18 E-learning technologies

19 NET Technology (1)

20 NET Technology (2)

21 NET Technology (3)

22 Main Features of LMS Registration: enroll and administer learners online for web-based, instructor-led, and all other learning activities. Scheduling: schedule courses and define curricula to address individual and organizational learning needs. Also off-line resources can be included (classrooms, books, coaches etc.). Delivery: deliver online courses, learning material and assessments or schedule instructor-led courses. Tracking: track the progress of the learners and create reports. Communication: communicate by chat, discussion forum, wiki, blogs, mail, screen sharing and e-seminars. Testing: test and assess competency, learning styles and student commitment.

23 Variables of blended learning (summary)
Online or classroom Synchronous or asynchronous Multi-media interactions Didactical Mode of delivery Technologies models (in)formal

24 Components are interwoven (VandenAkker, 2005)
Location Time Assessment Rationale Objectives Grouping Content Materials & resources Learning activities Teacher role

25 How to define the optimal blend?
Institute Identity Culture Budget Infrastructure Technologies Staff Vision on learning Competencies Experiences Time constraints Students Target group Learning objectives Number of learners

26 Themes Mission and Vision Definition & Characteristics of E-learning
Blended Learning Opportunities, Threats & Challenges Questionnaire Join the Community

27 Advantages of e-learning
Main reasons for the institute and its staff to consider the offering of online courses are: access to new (global) markets and new students, alleviation of capacity constraints (full classes), more revenues, richer programs, internationalization, technology can be a catalyst for institutional transformation and educational innovations, etc. Considering the perspective of the student, the main advantages of online distance education are: more flexibility, cost and time savings, access to new courses, international contacts, attractive (innovative and authentic) learning, student-centered approaches, efficient interactions, deeper learning, etc.

28 Threats & Challenges The most common issues from an institute perspective are: copyright and property issues, recognition of diplomas and certificates, change of culture, higher retention rate, possible staff resistance, time consuming (planning issue), expensive (budget issue), need for infrastructure and technology, support and training.  From a staff, instructor or teacher perspective the following issues can be summarized: new pedagogical strategies to be defined, different roles and responsibilities, preparation or transformation of course materials, creation (skills) of new multi-media materials needed because old ones are not compatible or digitally available, online course is more time consuming, how to take examinations or assessments at a distance, interaction and relation towards students and management of student expectations. From a student perspective possible issues can be: wrong expectations, course doesn’t engage (due to poor quality by contents overload and/or use of a single medium), social isolation, interpersonal or relational skills may not be developed, difficult access to technology and worldwide web, learning process is different and more time consuming.

29 Themes Mission and Vision Definition & Characteristics of E-learning
Blended Learning Opportunities, Threats & Challenges Questionnaire Join the Community

30 Summary of Questionnaire Results will be here included…

31 Themes Mission and Vision Definition & Characteristics of E-learning
Blended Learning Opportunities, Threats & Challenges Questionnaire Join the Community


33 Join the Community OCI & NET are currently preparing a LA Partnership Agreement Stay involved and receive online our Information about upcoming Activities Actual Plans for 2009 & 2010 Development & Evaluation of Implementation (Transformation) Prototypes regarding E-learning Execution of Workshops & Pilot Project

34 Transformation Prototype
Course Execution Personalization and training of students Communication protocol Continuous evaluation SPECIMEN Course Structure Contents segmented by themes, feedback, meetings or chapters Attractive & interactive Multi-media Blended Learning Course Preparation Consistent and clear approach Pedagogical Strategy defined (including roles) Presentation of theme, students and teacher(s) Basic Conditions Board Decision (vision, priority, resources) Infrastructure (Internet, hardware, software) Professional Development (training)

35 Online Theological Distance Education
Bridging Theology and Technology Innovating Theology by Technology Extending Theology towards new Areas THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!  P.O. Box 284  AG Rijssen (Netherlands)  +31 (0) Rabobank  KvK

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