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Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.1 MPI Tutorial Examples Based on Michael Quinn’s Textbook Example 1: Circuit Satisfiability Check.

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Presentation on theme: "Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.1 MPI Tutorial Examples Based on Michael Quinn’s Textbook Example 1: Circuit Satisfiability Check."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.1 MPI Tutorial Examples Based on Michael Quinn’s Textbook Example 1: Circuit Satisfiability Check (Chapter 4) Example 2: Sieve of Eratosthenes (Chapter 5) Example 3: Floyd’s Algorithm (Chapter 6) Example 4: Matrix-Vector Multiplication (Chapter 8) Example 5: Document Classification (Chapter 9)

2 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.2 Example 1: Circuit Satisfiability This problem requires determining whether a given circuit is satisfiable. –Find the set of input combinations (if any) for which the circuit output 1 This problem is important for the design and verification of logical devices. This problem is NP-complete and one way to solve it is to try every combination of circuit inputs For a circuit with k inputs, there are 2 k combinations since every input can take two values, 0 and 1. MPI functions introduced in this example –MPI_Init – to initialize MPI –MPI_Comm_rank – to determine a process’s ID number –MPI_Comm_size – to find the number of processes –MPI_Reduce – to perform a reduction operation –MPI_Finalize – to shut down MPI –MPI_Barrier – to perform barrier synchronization –MPI_Wtime – to determine the time –MPI_Wtick – to find the accuracy of the timer

3 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.3 Example: Circuit Satisfiability

4 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.4 Example: Circuit Satisfiability (cont’d) We may decompose this problem by associating one task with each combination of input. –A task displays its input combination that satisfies the circuit Characteristics of the tasks –Fixed in number (for a given circuit) –No communication between tasks (tasks independent of each other) –Time needed per task is variable Use cyclic distribution in an effort to balance the computational load. –With n pieces of work, 0, 1, 2, …, n-1 and p processes, assign work unit k to process k mod p. Parallel code version 1 is

5 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.5 Example: Circuit Satisfiability (cont’d) Compiling: mpicc -o … Specifying host processors Running: mpirun -np … –-np  number of processes –  executable – …  command-line arguments

6 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.6 Example: Enhancing the Program We want to find total number of solutions Incorporate sum-reduction into program Modify function check_circuit –Return 1 if circuit satisfiable with input combination –Return 0 otherwise Each process keeps local count of satisfiable circuits it has found Perform reduction after for loop This version of the program is

7 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.7 Example: Benchmarking the Program MPI_Barrier  barrier synchronization MPI_Wtime  current time –Returns an elapsed (wall clock) time on the calling processor MPI_Wtick –returns, as a double precision value, the number of seconds between successive clock ticks. –For example, if the clock is implemented by the hardware as a counter that is incremented every millisecond, the value returned by MPI_WTICK should be 10 -3 Benchmarking code:code double elapsed_time; … MPI_Init (&argc, &argv); MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD); elapsed_time = - MPI_Wtime(); … MPI_Reduce (…); elapsed_time += MPI_Wtime();

8 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.8 Example: Benchmarking Result Process ors Time (msec) 115.93 28.38 35.86 44.60 53.77

9 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.9 Profiling the Circuit Satisfiability Program

10 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.10 Profiling the Circuit Satisfiability Program

11 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.11 Profiling the Circuit Satisfiability Program

12 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.12 Discussion Assume n pieces of work, p processes, and cyclic allocation –What is the most pieces of work any process has? –What is the least pieces of work any process has? –How many processes have the most pieces of work?

13 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.13 Example 2: Sieve of Eratosthenes Sieve of Eratosthenes is a classical way of extracting prime numbers from a series of all integers starting from 2 First number, 2, is prime and kept. All multiples of this number are deleted as they cannot be prime. Process repeated with each remaining number. The algorithm removes nonprimes, leaving only primes. MPI function introduced in this example –MPI_Bcast – to broadcast a message to all processes in a communicator

14 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.14 Sieve of Eratosthenes: Sequential Algorithm

15 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.15 Sieve of Eratosthenes: Sequential Algorithm for(i=2; i<=n; i++) prime[i] = 0; /* initialize array */ for(i=2; i<=sqrt_n; i++) /* for each prime */ if (prime[i]==0) for(j=i*i; j<=n; j = j+i) prime[j] = 1; /* strike its multiples */

16 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.16 Sieve of Eratosthenes: Sequential Algorithm 1. Create list of unmarked natural numbers 2, 3, …, n 2. k  2 3. Repeat (a) Mark all multiples of k between k 2 and n (b) k  smallest unmarked number > k until k 2 > n 4. The unmarked numbers are primes

17 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.17 Making 3(a) Parallel Mark all multiples of k between k 2 and n  for all j where k 2  j  n do if j mod k = 0 then mark j (it is not a prime) endif endfor

18 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.18 Making 3(b) Parallel Find smallest unmarked number > k Min-reduction (to find smallest unmarked number > k) Broadcast (to get result to all tasks)

19 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.19 Sieve of Eratosthenes: Parallelization Options Make each process handle one array element –Lots of data parallelism –Lots of communication (a reduce and a broadcast in each iteration) Make each process strike out one number –Leads to load imbalance –Repeated work when done naively Pipelining Cyclic allocation –Leads to load imbalance for this problem –Easy to determine “owner” of each index Block allocation –Balances loads –More complicated to determine owner if n not a multiple of p

20 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.20 Advantages of Block Decomposition: No Reduction Largest prime used to sieve is  n First process has  n/p  elements It has all sieving primes if p <  n First process always broadcasts next sieving prime No reduction step needed

21 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.21 Advantages of Block Decomposition: Fast Marking Block decomposition allows same marking as sequential algorithm: j, j + k, j + 2k, j + 3k, … instead of for all j in block if j mod k = 0 then mark j (it is not a prime)

22 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.22 Block Decomposition Macros #define BLOCK_LOW(id,p,n) ((i)*(n)/(p)) #define BLOCK_HIGH(id,p,n) \ (BLOCK_LOW((id)+1,p,n)-1) #define BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,n) \ (BLOCK_HIGH(id,p,n)-BLOCK_LOW(id,p,n)+1) #define BLOCK_OWNER(index,p,n) \ (((p)*(index)+1)-1)/(n))

23 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.23 Function MPI_Bcast int MPI_Bcast ( void *buffer, /* Addr of 1st element */ int count, /* # elements to broadcast */ MPI_Datatype datatype, /* Type of elements */ int root, /* ID of root process */ MPI_Comm comm) /* Communicator */ MPI_Bcast (&k, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); Complete code is

24 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.24 Benchmarking the Sieve Program

25 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.25 Profiling the Sieve Program

26 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.26 Profiling the Sieve Program

27 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.27 Profiling the Sieve Program

28 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.28 Improving the Sieve Program The performance of the Sieve program can be improved by –Deleting even integers –Eliminating broadcast If only odd integers are represented –storage requirements of the program can be halved and –the speed of marking multiples of a particular prime can be doubled Eliminate broadcast by replicating the odd integers 3, 5, 7, …,  n on each process –Each process can then use the sequential algorithm to find the primes in this range –After that each process can sieve its n/p portion of the larger array without a broadcast

29 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.29 Results After Removing Even Integers

30 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.30 Jumpshot Visualization After Removing Even Integers

31 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.31 Jumpshot Visualization After Removing Even Integers

32 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.32 Results After Eliminating Broadcast

33 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.33 Results Summary

34 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.34 Jumpshot Visualization After Eliminating Broadcast

35 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.35 Example 3: Floyd’s Algorithm Floyd’s algorithm is a classic algorithm used to solve the all-pairs shortest-path problem. It uses the dynamic programming (DP) method to solve the problem on a dense graph. DP is used to solve a wide variety of discrete optimization problems such as scheduling, etc. DP breaks problems into subproblems and combine their solutions into solutions to larger problems. In contrast to divide-and-conquer, there may be interrelationships across subproblems. MPI functions introduced in this example –MPI_Send – which allows a process to send a message to another process –MPI_Recv – which allows a process to receive a message from another process

36 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.36 Sequential Floyd’s Algorithm for k  0 to n-1 for i  0 to n-1 for j  0 to n-1 a[i,j]  min (a[i,j], a[i,k] + a[k,j]) endfor

37 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.37 Executing Floyd’s Algorithm A E B C D 4 6 13 5 3 1 2 0636 40710 12603 73100 95122 A B C D E ABCD 4 8 1 11 0 E Resulting Adjacency Matrix Containing Distances

38 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.38 Tracing Floyd’s Algorithm ( iteration k=0 ) i=0,j=0,1,2,3,4 A[0,0]=MIN(A[0,0],A[0,0]+A[0,0])=0 A[0,1]=MIN(A[0,1],A[0,0]+A[0,1])=6 A[0,2]=MIN(A[0,2],A[0,0]+A[0,2])=3 A[0,3]=MIN(A[0,3],A[0,0]+A[0,3])=INF A[0,4]=MIN(A[0,4],A[0,0]+A[0,4])=INF i=3,j=0,1,2,3,4 A[3,0]=MIN(A[3,0],A[3,0]+A[0,0])=INF A[3,1]=MIN(A[3,1],A[3,0]+A[0,1])=3 A[3,2]=MIN(A[3,2],A[3,0]+A[0,2])=INF A[3,3]=MIN(A[3,3],A[3,0]+A[0,3])=0 A[3,4]=MIN(A[3,4],A[3,0]+A[0,4])=INF i=1,j=0,1,2,3,4 A[1,0]=MIN(A[1,0],A[1,0]+A[0,0])=4 A[1,1]=MIN(A[1,1],A[1,0]+A[0,1])=0 A[1,2]=MIN(A[1,2],A[1,0]+A[0,2])=7 A[1,3]=MIN(A[1,3],A[1,0]+A[0,3])=1 A[1,4]=MIN(A[1,4],A[1,0]+A[0,4])=INF i=4,j=0,1,2,3,4 A[4,0]=MIN(A[4,0],A[4,0]+A[0,0])=INF A[4,1]=MIN(A[4,1],A[4,0]+A[0,1])=INF A[4,2]=MIN(A[4,2],A[4,0]+A[0,2])=INF A[4,3]=MIN(A[4,3],A[4,0]+A[0,3])=2 A[4,4]=MIN(A[4,4],A[4,0]+A[0,4])=0 i=2,j=0,1,2,3,4 A[2,0]=MIN(A[2,0],A[2,0]+A[0,0])=INF A[2,1]=MIN(A[2,1],A[2,0]+A[0,1])=INF A[2,2]=MIN(A[2,2],A[2,0]+A[0,2])=0 A[2,3]=MIN(A[2,3],A[2,0]+A[0,3])=5 A[2,4]=MIN(A[2,4],A[2,0]+A[0,4])=1

39 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.39 Tracing Floyd’s Algorithm ( iteration k = 1 ) i=0,j=0,1,2,3,4 A[0,0]=MIN(A[0,0],A[0,1]+A[1,0])=0 A[0,1]=MIN(A[0,1],A[0,1]+A[1,1])=6 A[0,2]=MIN(A[0,2],A[0,1]+A[1,2])=3 A[0,3]=MIN(A[0,3],A[0,1]+A[1,3])=7 A[0,4]=MIN(A[0,4],A[0,1]+A[1,4])=INF i=3,j=0,1,2,3,4 A[3,0]=MIN(A[3,0],A[3,1]+A[1,0])=7 A[3,1]=MIN(A[3,1],A[3,1]+A[1,1])=3 A[3,2]=MIN(A[3,2],A[3,1]+A[1,2])=10 A[3,3]=MIN(A[3,3],A[3,1]+A[1,3])=0 A[3,4]=MIN(A[3,4],A[3,1]+A[1,4])=INF i=1,j=0,1,2,3,4 A[1,0]=MIN(A[1,0],A[1,1]+A[1,0])=4 A[1,1]=MIN(A[1,1],A[1,1]+A[1,1])=0 A[1,2]=MIN(A[1,2],A[1,1]+A[1,2])=7 A[1,3]=MIN(A[1,3],A[1,1]+A[1,3])=1 A[1,4]=MIN(A[1,4],A[1,1]+A[1,4])=INF i=4,j=0,1,2,3,4 A[4,0]=MIN(A[4,0],A[4,1]+A[1,0])=INF A[4,1]=MIN(A[4,1],A[4,1]+A[1,1])=INF A[4,2]=MIN(A[4,2],A[4,1]+A[1,2])=INF A[4,3]=MIN(A[4,3],A[4,1]+A[1,3])=2 A[4,4]=MIN(A[4,4],A[4,1]+A[1,4])=0 i=2,j=0,1,2,3,4 A[2,0]=MIN(A[2,0],A[2,1]+A[1,0])=INF A[2,1]=MIN(A[2,1],A[2,1]+A[1,1])=INF A[2,2]=MIN(A[2,2],A[2,1]+A[1,2])=0 A[2,3]=MIN(A[2,3],A[2,1]+A[1,3])=5 A[2,4]=MIN(A[2,4],A[2,1]+A[1,4])=1

40 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.40 Designing Parallel Algorithm From the pseudocode, we see that the same assignment statement is executed n 3 times –Decompose the problem by dividing matrix A into its n 2 elements Communication –Each update of element a[i,j] requires access to elements a[i,k] and a[k,j] –Note that for any particular k, element a[k,m] is needed by every task associated with elements in column m. Thus, during iteration k each element in row k of gets broadcast to the tasks in the same column –Similarly, for any particular value of k, element a[m,k] is needed by every task associated with elements in row m. Thus, during iteration k each element in column k of a gets broadcast to the tasks in the same row

41 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.41 Floyd’s Algorithm: Partitioning and Communication Primitive tasks Updating a[3,4] when k = 1 Iteration k: every task in row k broadcasts its value w/in task column Iteration k: every task in column k broadcasts its value w/in task row

42 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.42 Designing Parallel Algorithm Can the elements of the distance matrix be updated simultaneously? That is, must a[i,k] and a[k,j] be computed before updating a[i,j] ? The answer is no since the values a[i,k] and a[k,j] do not change during iteration k. That is, during iteration k, updates to a[i,k] and a[k,j] take the forms: –a[i,k]  min (a[i,k], a[i,k] + a[k,k]) –a[k,j]  min (a[k,j], a[k,k] + a[k,j]) Since all values are positive, neither a[i,k ] nor a[k,j] can decrease. Thus for each iteration k of the outer loop, we can perform the broadcasts and then update every element of the matrix in parallel.

43 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.43 Designing Parallel Algorithm Tasks characteristics: –Number of tasks: static –Communication pattern among tasks: structured –Computation time per task: constant –Strategy: Agglomerate tasks to minimize communication, creating one task per MPI process That is, agglomerate n 2 primitive tasks into p processes Columnwise block striped –Broadcast within columns eliminated Rowwise block striped –Broadcast within rows eliminated –Reading matrix from file simpler Choose rowwise block striped decomposition

44 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.44 Matrix I/O Functions void read_row_striped_matrix ( char *s, /* IN - File name */ void ***subs, /* OUT - 2D submatrix indices */ void **storage, /* OUT - Submatrix stored here */ MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Matrix element type */ int *m, /* OUT - Matrix rows */ int *n, /* OUT - Matrix cols */ MPI_Comm comm) /* IN - Communicator */ void print_row_striped_matrix ( void **a, /* IN - 2D array */ MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Matrix element type */ int m, /* IN - Matrix rows */ int n, /* IN - Matrix cols */ MPI_Comm comm) /* IN - Communicator */ The complete parallel program is

45 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.45 Benchmarking the Floyd’s Program

46 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.46 Profiling the Floyd’s Program

47 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.47 Example 4: Matrix-Vector Multiplication Matrix-vector multiplication is embedded in algorithms solving a wide variety of problems, like: –Iterative algorithms for solving systems of linear equations –Implementation of neural networks In this example, we develop three MPI programs to multiply a dense matrix by a vector, each based on a different data decomposition MPI functions introduced in this example –MPI_Allgatherv – an all-gather function in which different processes may contribute different numbers of elements –MPI_Scatterv – a scatter operation in which different processes may end up with different numbers of elements –MPI_Gatherv – a gather operation in which the number of elements collected from different process may vary –MPI_Alltoall – an all-to-all exchange of data elements among processes –MPI_Dims_create – provides dimensions for a balanced Cartesian grid of processes –MPI_Cart_create – creates a communicator where the processes have a Cartesian topology –MPI_Cart_coords – returns the coordinates of a specified process within a Cartesian grid –MPI_Cart_rank – returns the rank of the process at specified coordinates in a Cartesian grid –MPI_Comm_split – partitions the processes of an existing communicator into one or more groups

48 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.48 Matrix-Vector Multiplication: Sequential Algorithm Input: a[0..m-1,0..n-1] – an m x n matrix b[0..n-1] – an n x 1 vector Output: c[0..m-1] – an m x 1 vector for i  0 to m-1 c[i]  0 for j  0 to n-1 c[i]  c[i]+ a[i,j] * b[j] endfor Matrix-vector multiplication is simply a series of inner product (dot product) computations

49 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.49 Data Decomposition Options Three decomposition options for an m x n matrix: –Rowwise block-striped Each process responsible for a contiguous group of or rows of the matrix –Columnwise block-striped Each process responsible for a contiguous group of or columns of the matrix –Checkerboard block Processes form a virtual grid, and the matrix is divided into 2-D blocks aligning with that grid Given a p -processor grid with r rows and c columns, each process is responsible for a block of the matrix containing at most rows and columns Vectors distribution options –Replicated both vectors on each process –Block distribution option: each of the p processes is responsible for a contiguous group of either or vector elements

50 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.50 Example 4.1: Rowwise Block-Striped Decomposition This version of the program is based on –Rowwise block-striped decompositions –Replicated vectors First, we associate a primitive task with –each row of the matrix –replicated argument and result vectors Tasks characteristics –Static number of tasks –Regular communication pattern (all-gather) –Computation time per task is constant –Strategy: Agglomerate groups of rows, creating one task per MPI process When tasks are combined in this way, each process will compute a block of elements of the result vector. –These need to be combined to ensure that each process has all elements of the result vector

51 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.51 Algorithm’s Phases Row i of A b b cici Inner product computation Row i of A bc All-gather communication

52 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.52 Replicating a Block-Mapped Vector The block of elements of the result vector computed by each process can be replicated using MPI_Allgatherv : –If the same number of items is gathered from every process, the simpler MPI_Allgather is appropriate. int MPI_Allgatherv ( void *send_buffer, int send_cnt, MPI_Datatype send_type, void *receive_buffer, int *receive_cnt, int *receive_disp, MPI_Datatype receive_type, MPI_Comm communicator)

53 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.53 MPI_Allgatherv in Action

54 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.54 Utility Functions: Replicating Block Vector void create_mixed_xfer_arrays ( int id, /* IN - Process rank */ int p, /* IN - Number of processes */ int n, /* IN - Total number of elements */ int **count, /* OUT - Array of counts */ int **disp) /* OUT - Array of displacements */ void replicate_block_vector ( void *ablock, /* IN - Block-distributed vector */ int n, /* IN - Elements in vector */ void *arep, /* OUT - Replicated vector */ MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Element type */ MPI_Comm comm) /* IN - Communicator */

55 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.55 Utility Functions: Matrix & Vector Input void read_row_striped_matrix ( char *s, /* IN - File name */ void ***subs, /* OUT - 2D submatrix indices */ void **storage, /* OUT - Submatrix stored here */ MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Matrix element type */ int *m, /* OUT - Matrix rows */ int *n, /* OUT - Matrix cols */ MPI_Comm comm) /* IN - Communicator */ void read_replicated_vector ( char *s, /* IN - File name */ void **v, /* OUT - Vector */ MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Vector type */ int *n, /* OUT - Vector length */ MPI_Comm comm) /* IN - Communicator */ The complete parallel program is

56 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.56 Benchmarking Example 4.1

57 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.57 Profiling Example 4.1

58 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.58 Profiling Example 4.1

59 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.59 Example 4.2: Columnwise Block-Striped Decomposition This version of the program is based on –Columnwise block-striped decompositions –Block-decomposed vectors First, we associate a primitive task i with –column i of the matrix –elements i of the argument and result vectors Tasks characteristics –Static number of tasks –Regular communication pattern (all-to-all exchange) –Computation time per task is constant –Strategy: Agglomerate the primitive tasks into metatasks, mapping a metatask to an MPI process When tasks are combined in this way, each process will compute a block of elements of the result vector. –These need to be combined to ensure that each process has all elements of the result vector

60 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.60 Algorithm’s Phases Column i of A b b~c Multiplications Column i of A b~c All-to-all exchange Column i of A bc Reduction

61 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.61 Exchanging Partial Inner Products Communication required for primitive task i to produce a single element of the result vector: –All-to-all communication: every partial result element j on task i must be transferred to task j i.e., each task distributes n-1 terms it does not need and collect n-1 terms that it needs –At this point every task i has the n partial results it needs to add in order to produce c[i] The same principle is extended to each metatask –Each process exchanges blocks it does not need for blocks it needs –Each metatask i receives BLOCK_SIZE(i,p,n) elements from each other task –After the exchange, i has p subarrays of size BLOCK_SIZE(i,p,n) which it needs to add to form its block of the result vector.

62 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.62 Function MPI_Alltoallv int MPI_Alltoallv ( void *send_buffer, int *send_cnt, int *send_disp, MPI_Datatype send_type, void *receive_buffer, int *receive_cnt, int *receive_disp, MPI_Datatype receive_type, MPI_Comm communicator)

63 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.63 Columnwise Block-Striped Matrix Input Reading a matrix stored in row-major order and distributing it among the processes in columnwise block-striped fashion void read_col_striped_matrix ( char *s, /* IN - File name */ void ***subs, /* OUT - 2-D array */ void **storage, /* OUT - Array elements */ MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Element type */ int *m, /* OUT - Rows */ int *n, /* OUT - Cols */ MPI_Comm comm) /* IN - Communicator */ We arrange that one process reads the matrix one row at a time and scatters it among the p processes Thus, read_col_striped_matrix() makes use of MPI_Scatterv

64 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.64 Function MPI_Scatterv int MPI_Scatterv ( void *send_buffer, int *send_cnt, int *send_disp, MPI_Datatype send_type, void *receive_buffer, int receive_cnt, MPI_Datatype receive_type, int root, MPI_Comm communicator)

65 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.65 Columnwise Block-Striped Matrix Output To ensure that values of the result matrix are printed row-wise and in correct order: –Let a single process does the printing –A gather operation is needed to print elements of each row (opposite dataflow to that of input) void print_col_striped_matrix ( void **a, /* IN - 2D array */ MPI_Datatype dtype, /* IN - Type of matrix elements */ int m, /* IN - Matrix rows */ int n, /* IN - Matrix cols */ MPI_Comm comm) /* IN - Communicator */ print_col_striped_matrix() makes use of MPI_Gatherv

66 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.66 Function MPI_Gatherv int MPI_Gatherv ( void *send_buffer, int send_cnt, MPI_Datatype send_type, void *receive_buffer, int *receive_cnt, int *receive_disp, MPI_Datatype receive_type, int root, MPI_Comm communicator) Example 4.2 parallel program is

67 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.67 Benchmarking Example 4.2

68 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.68 Profiling Example 4.2

69 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.69 Example 4.3: Checkerboard Block Decomposition This version of the program is based on –Checkerboard (2-D) block decomposition of the matrix –Block-decomposed vectors among processes in the first column of the process grid First, we associate a primitive task i with –an element of the matrix Each primitive task performs one multiply Agglomerate primitive tasks into rectangular blocks Processes form a 2-D grid The argument vector is distributed by blocks among processes in first column of grid

70 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.70 Algorithm’s Phases

71 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.71 Redistributing the Argument Vector Task associated with matrix block A i,j performs a matrix-vector multiplication of this block with subvector b j. Thus, we need to redistribute the vector so that each task has the correct portion of the vector Assume the p tasks are divided into a k x l grid Initially, divide the vector among the k tasks in the first column of the task grid –After the distribution, a copy of the vector is divided among the l tasks in each row Case 1: k=l –Task at grid position (i,0) send its portion of the vector to task at position (0,i) –Then, each process in the first row of the task grid broadcasts its portion of the vector to tasks in its column Case 2: k /= l –First gather the elements of the vector onto the task at grid position (0,0) –Next, scatter the elements of the vector among the tasks in the first row of the grid –Finally, each process in the first row of the task grid broadcasts its portion of the vector to the other tasks in the same column

72 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.72 Redistributing the Argument Vector When p is a square number When p is not a square number

73 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.73 Creating a Communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD is the default communicator used when all processes are involved in collective communication. When a subset of the processes are involved in communication, a new communicator has to be created. Communication instances in Example 4.3 involving subsets of processes –Gathering vector b among processes in the first column of the virtual process grid (when p is not square). –Scattering vector b among processes in the first row of the virtual process grid (when p is not square). –Broadcasting a block of b by each first-row process along its column. –Performing independent sum-reductions along each row to produce the result vector. A communicator is a process group one of whose important attributes is topology. –A communicator’s topology enables associating an addressing scheme with the processes, other than the rank.

74 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.74 Creating a Virtual Process Grid Function MPI_Dims_create creates a virtual process grid that is as close to a square as possible. int MPI_Dims_create ( int nodes, /* Input - Processes in grid */ int dims, /* Input - Number of dimensions */ int *size) /* Input/Output - Size of each grid dimension */ The elements of size must be initialized before calling the function –If size[i]=0, the function can determine that dimension, otherwise it has been determined by the programmer.

75 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.75 Creating a Virtual Process Grid Function MPI_Cart_create creates a Cartesian communicator with the desired topology. int MPI_Cart_create ( MPI_Comm old_comm, /* Input - old communicator */ int dims, /* Input - grid dimensions */ int *size, /* Input - # procs in each dim */ int *periodic, /* Input - periodic[j] is 1 if dimension j wraps around; 0 otherwise */ int reorder, /* 1 if process ranks can be reordered */ MPI_Comm *cart_comm) /* Output - new communicator */

76 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.76 Cartesian Communicator for Example 4.3 MPI_Comm cart_comm; int p; int periodic[2]; int size[2];... size[0] = size[1] = 0; MPI_Dims_create (p, 2, size); periodic[0] = periodic[1] = 0; MPI_Cart_create (MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2, size, 1, &cart_comm); Here is a complete example program.program

77 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.77 Checkberboard Matrix Input The distribution pattern in this case is similar to that in columnwise striping –Difference: a row is scattered among a subset of the processes in this case (those in the same row of the virtual process grid) We assume, as before, that one process is responsible for input Each time the input process reads a row, it sends it to the first process in the appropriate row of the process grid –The first-row process then scatters the row among processes in its row of the process grid The following grid-relation functions are needed to accomplish the matrix input: int MPI_Cart_rank () int MPI_Cart_coords () int MPI_Comm_split ()

78 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.78 Function MPI_Cart_rank The rank of the process in the appropriate row of the process grid is needed in order to send a matrix row to it. Function MPI_Cart_rank helps to determine such rank int MPI_Cart_rank ( MPI_Comm comm, /* In - Communicator */ int *coords, /* In - Array containing process’ grid location */ int *rank) /* Out - Rank of process at specified coords */ For an r -rows process grid and m -rows input matrix, row i of the input matrix is mapped to the row of the process grid specified by BLOCK_OWNER(i,r,m).

79 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.79 A Process’ Rank in A Virtual Process Grid int dest_coord[2]; /* coordinates of process receiving row */ int dest_id; /* rank of process receiving row */ int grid_id; /* rank of process in virtual grid */ int i; … for(i=0;i<m;i++){ dest_coord[0]=BLOCK_OWNER(i,r,m); dest_coord[1]=0; grid_id=MPI_Cart_rank(grid_comm,dest_coord,&dest_id); if(grid_id==0){ /* Read matrix row ‘i’ */ … /* Send matrix row ‘i’ to process ‘dest_id’ */ }else if (grid_id==dest_id){ /* Receive matrix row ‘i’ from process 0 */ … }

80 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.80 A Process’ Coordinates in A Virtual Process Grid Function MPI_Cart_coord determines the coordinates of a process in a virtual process grid Uses in Example 4.3: –Allows a process to allocate the correct amount of memory for its portion of the matrix and the vector –Enables process 0 to avoid sending itself a message if it happens to be the first in a row of the process grid int MPI_Cart_coords ( MPI_Comm comm, /* In - Communicator */ int rank, /* In - Rank of process */ int dims, /* In - Dimensions in virtual grid */ int *coords) /* Out - Coordinates of specified process in virtual grid */

81 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.81 Splitting a Cartesian Communicator into Groups The Cartesian communicator needs to be split into groups for every row in the process grid –Needed for columnwise scatter and rowwise reduce Function MPI_Comm_split is used to achieve this int MPI_Comm_split ( MPI_Comm old_comm, /* In - Existing communicator */ int partition, /* In - Partition number */ int new_rank, /* In - Ranking order of processes in new communicator */ MPI_Comm *new_comm) /* Out - New communicator shared by processes in same partition */ Here is an example.example

82 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.82 Example: Creating Communicators for Process Rows MPI_Comm grid_comm; /* 2-D process grid */ int grid_coords[2]; /* Location of process in grid */ MPI_Comm row_comm; /* Processes in same row */ MPI_Comm_split (grid_comm, grid_coords[0], grid_coords[1], &row_comm); Example 4.3 parallel program is

83 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.83 Benchmarking Example 4.3

84 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.84 Benchmarking Example 4.3

85 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.85 Profiling Example 4.3

86 Sahalu JunaiduICS 573: High Performance ComputingMPI.86 Example 5: Document Classification MPI functions introduced in this example –MPI_Irecv – to initiate a nonblocking receive –MPI_Isend – to initiate a nonblocking send –MPI_Wait – to wait for a nonblocking communication to complete –MPI_Probe – to check for an incoming message –MPI_Get_count – to find the length of a message –MPI_Testsome – to return information on all completed nonblocking communications Reading Assignment

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