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Topic 2. Risk and Terminology Bus 200 Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance Jin Park.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic 2. Risk and Terminology Bus 200 Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance Jin Park."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic 2. Risk and Terminology Bus 200 Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance Jin Park

2 Overview Risk Pure vs Speculative Fundamental vs Particular Systematic vs Nonsystematic Objective vs Subjective Risk Averse, Neutral, or Seeker Peril, Hazard ERM, IRM

3 Risk Deviation from expectation Worse than expected Better than expected Uncertainty concerning a loss Uncertainty Loss

4 Risk Pure Risk Loss or no loss Fire, Hurricane, Theft Risk management & Insurance Speculative Risk Loss, gain, or no loss/gain Investment, gamble Finance Enterprise Risk Management deals with managing both risks in a firm

5 Risk Objective Risk Fundamental Risk Systematic Risk Subjective Risk Particular Risk Nonsystematic Risk

6 Peril (Immediate) Cause of loss Natural versus Human perils Insurable versus non-insurable

7 Hazard Condition that creates or increases the chance of losses, their severity, or both. Physical hazard Moral hazard Morale hazard

8 Are you risk averse? Game 1 5% - $1 million 95% - none Game 2 5% - $10 95% - none Game 3 50% - $900,000 50% - $100,000 or $50,000 or $.50 or $500,000

9 Enterprise risk management IRM: Integrated risk management The process of planning, leading and controlling the activities of an organization to minimize the effects of risk on earnings and capital Requires a (strategic) risk management policy Needs support from the top level of a firm

10 Enterprise risk management A holistic approach to risks faced by a firm Risk management has to be integrated among various players in a firm Steps in developing an ERM program

11 Next 3. Loss Exposures ETTI: Chapter 1, pp. 16 – 18 ETTI: Chapter 8, pp. 162 – 164, 170 – 176 ETTI: Chapter 9, pp. 180 - 203 1.Business continuity planning: Preparing for the worst, KPMG Insiders, June 10, 2002Business continuity planning: Preparing for the worst 2.U.S. firms underestimate IT risks, Insurance Day, June 14, 2002U.S. firms underestimate IT risks 3.Prudent Man with a Plan, CFO Magazine, June 18, 2002.Prudent Man with a Plan 4.Warning: A batman cape won’t help you fly, New York Times, March 5, 1997.Warning: A batman cape won’t help you fly 5.Legal Dimensions in Recreation, Leisure Activities, and Sports: Negligence Concepts, date and author unknown.Legal Dimensions in Recreation, Leisure Activities, and Sports: Negligence Concepts

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