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Practical Training of Information Security Masahito Gotaishi, R & D Initiative, Chuo Universty.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical Training of Information Security Masahito Gotaishi, R & D Initiative, Chuo Universty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical Training of Information Security Masahito Gotaishi, R & D Initiative, Chuo Universty

2 2 About Us Graduate School of Chuo University –Faculty of Science & Engineering 8 major subjects including Information and System Engineering 5 minor subjects including e-Society & Information Security in the MS Course Part-time Doctoral Course Launched the Project of Development of the Information Security Training System, sponsored by the MEXT

3 3 Necessity of Training Following curriculum is required as the Technical Training … Threat (ways of unauthorized access) OS Security Network Security Application Security User Authentication Network Technology Encryption PKI mandatory

4 4,,, -but for What ? For the skill of implementing security systems For the skill of Risk Analysis For the skill of Self-Learning

5 5 Description of our Course Practical Windows security Course –15~18 students in each class. 3 classes in 2003 –5 day intensive course, with practice Purpose –To teach the tools & methodology used in the real scene of SysAdmin & security management. –To realize students the actual risk of the vulnerabilities and exploits. –To give basic training for researching & discovering new methodologies of attacks and defense technology It is one of the new security courses, planned in the Development of the Information Security Training System, sponsored by the MEXT

6 6 101151 171 The environment Red Hat Linux 9 VMware Workstation 4.0 Windows 2000 Professional (Attack machine) Windows 2000 Server (Target machine) RedHat IP W2K Pro IP W2K Sv IP

7 7 Among the things which impressed the students Password Cracking –Offline dictionary attacks by Cain to work out the password from the hash ARP cache poisoning –One of the “ Monkey in the Middle ” tricks. Most people are amazed at the ease of eavesdropping,,,,,, and various other ways of intrusion including dcom.exe (MS03-026)

8 8 Follow-up study making use of the graduates' community Graduates' mailing list –Those who finished the course can join the graduates' mailing list to exchange various information related to security Follow-up study group –Other workshops about the particular fields including "Buffer Overflow" are held among those who want to do

9 9 Acknowledgement This work was supported by “ The Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology ” of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan.

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