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What is Asset Mapping? Asset mapping is a way of identifying the good things about a community. This map of assets, will help us strategize about how to.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Asset Mapping? Asset mapping is a way of identifying the good things about a community. This map of assets, will help us strategize about how to."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Asset Mapping? Asset mapping is a way of identifying the good things about a community. This map of assets, will help us strategize about how to build and maintain the same for the future. It allows us to take pride in the positive things happening in our school and community. It’s also a process that welcomes diversity while having the potential to be inclusive of all community members.

2 Asset mapping allows us to view and recognize the positive things that happen within the school community. It allows us to look at what we do have, as opposed to what we don’t. It will help people looking in from the outside realize what we, as a community, have to offer.

3 HOW Did we do it ?

4 Step 1: This Asset Map came about through the work of Claire Higgins, a Senior St.F.X. University Nursing student while completing a community-nursing placement at the Guysborough Youth Health & Services Centre in October of 2010. Claire began the process by creating a list, or inventory, of all the committees and services in our school, and also a list of key individuals to be interviewed. This list came through brainstorming with Leona, and students.

5 Step 2: Claire used an Appreciative Inquiry approach to frame the questions she asked of youth, staff and community partners. What we are looking for here is the skills, capacities and experiences of individuals. We ALL have something to offer but often times these assets are not known or well known to others. Appreciative inquiry: Is based on the simple idea that human beings move in the direction of what we ask about. Questions are asked in a more positive manner, rather than dwelling on the negative aspects.

6 Step 3: Claire asked questions to the students, adult staff, partners, and administration to build our asset map here at Chedabucto Place.

7 What did we ask the adults ?

8 Question 1: What do you love most about this school? What first drew you here, and what has most encouraged you to stay? Themes: The students Small school Atmosphere Close to home Opportunity to work with many age groups Rewarding job Strong sense of community Great staff Welcoming Grew up in this community Great partnerships Students very keen and involved Full time job

9 Question 2: What has inspired you to get involved with school committees/activities/programs? Themes: Good way to see students outside of the classroom and in a different light Asked to be involved For the kids Personal interest Create a sense of community Involved in sports Know what’s going on in the school Wanting to give something back Pass on what I love to younger generations Chance to bring my gift to the students

10 Question 3: As an active member of the school, there are inevitably high and low points, successes and frustrations. What stands out as a high point for you and why? Themes: Moving into the new school in 2001 When my own children graduated Programs I have been involved in When an IPP student graduates The spirit committee had it’s first assembly Seeing the restiveness of the school to all the services and programs The community garden project The Olympics Coaching The great staff Bringing my services to the school How long the arts have lasted here

11 Question 4: What systems and structures are most encouraging for students/staff involvement? Themes: Services (YHC, Gym, Recreation centre, Schools Plus, African Heritage & Friendship Centre, different committees) Student promotion Accreditation Small staff Openness Interaction between all grades Service learning Pride in the school Publicity Assemblies Cover all kinds of interests

12 Question 5: What motivates you to do the work you are now doing? Themes: The students Like working with high school students and seeing their talents Seeing the students having fun So the kids know how cared for they are in the school Purpose Love job Care about the students, the school and the community To instill pride Make learning fun Seeing the students do well Just got to do it Passing on my passion It’s all I know Making that connection with a student

13 Question 6: What current trends are happening in the school right now that give you hope that such a movement can and will grow stronger? Themes: The services and committees that bring youth and adults together Start at a young age getting the students involved Dedicated staff Proactive instead of reactive approach The smallness of the school Young energetic staff Older students are great role models Very connected with the outside community Great leadership in the school Sense of community and pride The collaboration between services and their presence in the school.

14 What did they have to say?

15 “I enjoy seeing the students in a different light.” “This school has so much to offer.” “I like seeing the students outside the classroom….it’s not always about academics.” “The staff here is so dedicated… they have a real presence in the school.” “The approach here is to be proactive instead of reactive and I think everyone does a good job of that.”

16 “It’s great to see all the new staff coming in, it avoids risk of burn out.” “The older students are such great role models for the younger students.” “My work here gives me purpose in life.” “When I have been working with a student for a long time and then they have one of those ah ha moments and nothing that happened up to that point matters… it’s when they get It.” “It’s how I make the students feel…instilling pride, I like to make it fun.”

17 “It’s about being committed to something and seeing the kids do well.” “Everyone is friendly and the students are respectful, it’s a great school.” “There’s a sense of hoping your making a difference.” “I love books and getting the kids to love books.” “I am interested in my work… it’s all I know.” “All the services (education, health, social work) work closely together to encompass all aspects of the students life… it’s not just about formal education, we want to keep this going 5 years down the road.”

18 What did we ask the students?

19 Question 1: What first attracted you to getting involved in school committees/groups/programs? Themes: Was already involved in previous years My passion for the topic Heard it was fun from older students Something to do Showcase my talent Friends were involved

20 Question 2: What do you find most interesting or exciting about acting as a positive force in your school? Themes: Positive experience Respect from staff and younger students Get to express your ideas Get to miss class time Know what is going on in the school Creating ideas as a team Getting your messages out to the public Everyone is accepted

21 Questions 3: In your experience what helps to make a young person feel they are an appreciated partner/contributor in “getting the job done”? Themes: Staff support Recognition afterwards Positive feedback Pride in what you do Group appreciation for your ideas

22 Question 4: Tell me of a time when you were in a partnership with adults and you took a leadership role that allowed you to see the impact of your work? Themes: Harvest meal Speak out Walk-a-thon All the dances Peace day Youth Travelers group Everything, we plan so much and all we need is approval

23 Question 5: What motivates you to do the work you are now doing? Themes: It’s fun Educating others Wanted my last year to be a great one Helping other Love being involved Sticking up for what you believe in Excitement Makes you feel good about yourself

24 Question 6: What have you learned from being a part of this school community? Do you think these lessons will stay with you as you move into the future? Themes: How to be more open with others How to work in a group Organization and planning Multi-tasking Communication skills How to be respectful of other peoples ideas Helping others Leadership roles All students interviewed agreed these skills would help them in the future.

25 What was their response?

26 “This experience has taught me to be open…. I used to be really shy.” “Being involved lets you show what you are capable of.” “I wanted my last year in high school to be a really fun one.” “I have learned a lot that will help me in the future.”

27 “I loved being a leader and showing other how to make paper cranes.” “It’s about sticking up for what you believe in.” “I like influencing others to get involved.” “It makes you feel good about yourself.”

28 Chedabucto Place Inventory of Assets: Services: Recreation – PACY, adult classes, family/community physical activity initiatives. Organized sports teams – JAGAS, Senior High with School Athletic Federation Intramurals Band A/B/C Choir – Beginner and Senior Choir Youth Health Centre Schools Plus African Canadian Heritage & Friendship Centre Kelso School Assemblies/ Senior High Assemblies Pre-Primary Committees: Student Council Healthy Relationships for Youth Youth Health Centre Community Committee Gay Straight Alliance Green Team Grade 6 Service Learning Grade 5 Spirit Committee School Advisory Council Yearbook committee African Canadian Heritage & Friendship Youth committee SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) Jan. 2011

29 Step 4: The Visual I was approached by Leona to create a visual of the assets found from this asset mapping process. As we talked about it we both agreed that a visual would be a much better way to present the information rather than a traditional document. I have accepted the task and am currently in the process of creating a 5foot by 5foot canvas visual with the help of my neighbor David Restoule, who has and continues to be an amazing help with the process from an artistic point of view.

30 Once complete, this visual of our school and community assets will be hung in the community entrance for the whole community to observe and take pride in the wonderful things we have happening here. Keep your eyes open for the completed project as I aim for it to be completed by the closing of the school year.

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