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1 CTS 2 Update Status and Meeting Updates CTS 2 Submission Team July 21, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CTS 2 Update Status and Meeting Updates CTS 2 Submission Team July 21, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CTS 2 Update Status and Meeting Updates CTS 2 Submission Team July 21, 2011

2 Agenda Status and Meeting Updates OMG Technical Meeting (March) Community Support Session (March) HL7 Working Group Meeting (May) OMG Technical Meeting (June) OMG SOA in Healthcare conference (July) Timeline and Upcoming Events

3 Object Management Group Meeting Held in Arlington, VA from March 21 – March 25, 2011 Attendees: Harold Solbrig, Craig Stancl Presented the submission status to the Analysis and Design Task Force (ADTF) and made motion to extend the submission date by one OMG cycle to May 23, 2011. (Motion Passed) Met with the Healthcare Domain Task Force to present an outline and status of the submission. Met with the Ontology PSIG to provide a CTS 2 walkthrough to review the model and present the issues we were facing for discussion. 3

4 Community Support Session Held in Rockville, MD from March 28 – March 30, 2011 Attendees: Harold Solbrig, Craig Stancl Representatives from: Apelon, Inc. Mayo Clinic UK National Health Service (NHS) Provided a CTS 2 walkthrough to review the approach and the model and presented the issues the team was facing for submission. 4

5 HL7 Working Group Meeting Held in Orlando, Florida from May 16 – May 20, 2011 Attendees: Harold Solbrig, Craig Stancl, Kevin Peterson Presented the submission to Vocabulary working group and discussed specific HL7 related issues. Met with the HL7 SOA working group to present the submission and get advice on how to organize and structure the submission. Detailed discussions with IHTSDO to resolve issues with CTS 2 usage and SNOMED. 5

6 Object Management Group Meeting Held in Salt Lake City, Utah from June 20 – June 24, 2011 Attendees: Harold Solbrig, Craig Stancl, Kevin Peterson Approval of the submission by the Analysis and Design Task Force, Architecture Board and Platform Technical Committee. (Passed) Beta Specification to become available to implementers in July. Finalization Task Force formed for submission (Mayo is chair). 6

7 SOA in Healthcare Conference Held in Washington, DC from July 13 – July 15, 2011 Attendees: Harold Solbrig, Craig Stancl, Kevin Peterson Common Terminology Services Release 2 conference presentation (Harold Solbrig) Mayo Exhibit highlighted CTS 2 specification. 7

8 CTS 2 Timeline Event or ActivityDatePurpose Publication of Beta Specification to OMG websiteJuly 2011Specification available for implementers. OMG Technical Meeting (Cambridge, MA)June 18-22, 2012FTF Report. Finalization Task Force Report to ABJune 18-22, 2012The FTF produces a report and a set of deltas to the specification that are defended to the AB. Following a successful AB vote, an implementation questionnaire must be completed by two business entities indicating that the spec has been implemented. That is the precondition to the BoD vote. OMG Technical Meeting (Jacksonville, FL)September 10-14, 2012 Attend Healthcare DTF and Ontology PSIG meetings. Attend final vote. BoD Vote to adopt specificationSeptember 10-14, 2012 Vote to adopt specification. Upcoming Events “CTS 2 Information Day” at OMG Technical Meeting (September 2011) 8

9 Resources CTS 2 Submission Wiki HL7 CTS 2 SFM (DSTU) U_2009OCT.pdf U_2009OCT.pdf OMG RFP for CTS 2 9

10 Questions? 10

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