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METIS First Master Training & Seminar Company: Pole Star Sayerse Philippe email: Page 1 EGNOS / GALILEO Receivers
Page 2 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 GPS Receivers principles EGNOS RECEIVERS State of the art Products GPS / Galileo receivers: What will change Differences with GPS receivers (Hardware and software receivers) Designs (Hardware and software receivers) Products & Running projects Tools and facilities Conclusion Agenda The METIS project is managed by the European GNSS Supervisory Authority through Euro-MED GNSS I project
Page 3 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 GNSS Signals reminder RNSS Bands ARNS Bands SAR E5a/L5E5b E6L1E2E1 1164 MHz1214 MHz 1260 MHz 1300 MHz 1176.45 MHz 1278.75 MHz 1544 MHz1545 MHz 1559 MHz 1587 MHz 1591 MHz1563 MHz 1575.42 MHz 1215 MHz 1237 MHz L2 1207.140 MHz GALILEO Bands (Navigation) GALILEO SAR Downlink GPS Bands 1189 MHz OS CS OS SoL CS PRS CS OS SoL CS PRS Source: ESA
Page 4 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 GPS Receivers Reminder: Classical Architecture Pre-amplifier - filtering Navigation filter Channel 20 ADC Local Oscillator CA G RF/ IF Receiver processing Correlators Data and measures Antenna External assistance Channel 3 Channel 2 Channel 1 …
Page 5 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 GPS Receivers Reminder: different characteristics Globally, it exists three kind of GPS receiver architecture: Parallel Serial Multiplex However, the differences between the existing ones consist generally in: Number of correlators (up to 200000) Number of C/A Channels (up to 20) Dual or single frequency (depending on application) Navigation filter (software) Consumption
Page 6 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 EGNOS Receivers principles An EGNOS receiver is based on a classical GPS receiver and contains additional processing to track and monitor the EGNOS Geostationary satellites and decode the information broadcast on them (software additional functions) EGNOS signal is in certification process for Civil Aviation and Safety critical purposes
Page 7 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 EGNOS RECEIVERS: State of the art Most of the GPS chipsets on the market are now compatible with WAAS / EGNOS signals GEO Ranging (R-GEO): Transmission of GPS-like signals from three GEO satellites (Inmarsat-3 AOR-E, Inmarsat-3 IOR, and ESA’s Artemis satellite), augments the number of navigation satellites available to users. GNSS Integrity Channel (GIC): Broadcasting of integrity information will increase the availability of the GPS/GLONASS/EGNOS safe- navigation service to the level required for civil-aviation non- precision. Wide-Area Differential (WAD): Broadcasting of differential corrections will increase the GPS/GLONASS/EGNOS navigation service performance - mainly its accuracy - to the level required for precision approaches down to CAT-I landings. Sysnet compatible receivers (internet data link)
Page 8 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 EGNOS Receivers: Products A list of available SBAS receivers is regularly uptdated by esa This list provides the name of the companies and products (, ESTB Help Desk:
Page 9 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 GALILEO Services / Signals Source: ESA
Page 10 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 Galileo RECEIVERS: Main differences with GPS receivers Galileo has more carriers than GPS, larger bandwidth and new signal structures (codes, multiplexing and modulation) Higher number of signals: increase of hardware complexity and processor load new Different modulation and multiplexing schemes Signal Acquisition: Codes ~10x longer / Codes higher rate (BW) Signal Tracking: Bump jumping / Pilot (improved sensitivity) SW / HW Boundary: large number of channels / Higher data rates / Viterbi decoding /Deinterleaver, leads to very high burst CPU load, complicates SW, multi-processor systems and/or dedicated HW required The power of Galileo signals will be greater by a factor of 2, which will result in the reduction of tracking noise for both phase and code ranges. But the indoor positionning will still require very weak signals processing Each Galileo signal includes a so-called “pilot”, data-less component, which can be easily acquired independently, without the decoding of data bits. Fatser acquisition in case of the loss-of-lock. The novel modulation schemes will result in significant reduction of both tracking and multipath noise for all the code ranges. A more robust 3-step coding scheme for navigation bits will be used (Viterbiencoding, CRC check, bit interleaving). This will significantly increase the reliability of navigation message decoding in the presence of interference or with low signal power.
Page 11 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 Galileo Receivers: Designs See p11 of SeptentrioGalileoReceviersGNSS2005.pdf (Generic architecture) Front End Filtering Pre Amplifier Intermediary Frequency Correlation Measure Data Processing Navigation Antenna HW or SW solutions HW solutions SW solutions
Page 12 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 Advanced Architectures Measure Sharing (interactive networks) External precise time reception CEM: Receivers integrated in Mobile phones A-GNSS Real Time processing HW acceleration or Buffers RF ChipCorrelation ICµP Shared processor Dedicated processor DSP ~ Clk Data Software Solutions or Integrated Chips Advanced Features External Data and signals
Page 13 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 Receivers Standards European Standardization activities –for commercially available Galileo receiver equipment for the three main receiver categories (consumer, professional and safety of life) –Official European Standardization Bodies CEN, CENELEC and ETSI –Close coordination with EC, ESA and Eurocontrol, to ensure the proper dissemination of Galileo core Technical Standards Already available: IMO (déc 2006) & ICAO Standards drafts
Page 14 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 OS Signal case Mono or Dual Frequency (Mass Market) Three frequency allowed (E5a&b, L1) Interoperability with GPS (L1- E5a/L5) Receiver requirements: –Low cost –Interoperability with GPS –Light indoor capacity (due to signal strength )
Page 15 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 SoL Service case No encryption Higher accuracy Dual or Tri frequency (security applications) Integrity (difference with OS Signal) Receiver specificity: –Integrity processing –Redundancy in terms of frequency channels (E5)
Page 16 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 CS Service Case Charged service Data encryption & integrity Possible interoperability with GPS Dual, or Tri frequency receivers Receiver requirements: –Encryption functions (E6) –Additional data processing (commercial data, in E6) –Possible integrity processing
Page 17 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 PRS service case Only used by governments Fully independent signal Data encryption No interoperability with GPS Dual frequency receivers Receiver requirements: –Encryption functions –Robustness
Page 18 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 SAR service case Using E5a/b, L1 signals plus Uplink channel (SAR Beacon) Added value: –Faster emergency signal process (compared with COSPAS- SARTSAT existing solution) –Acknowledge sent to the user Receivers Requirement: –the terminal has to be equipped with one Galileo receiver and one SAR beacon. –ACK sent to the user on E5a/b, L1 signal
Page 19 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 What kind of Galileo signal available now Signals available with GIOVA (L1+ E5, L1+E6) Test and demonstration purposes: Codes and Navigation data still different from the Galileo fully operational System (structure and content) Galileo Frequencies have been brought into use the 3rd March 2006 (first Galileo signal in space analysis) Static receiver measures already available GPS / Galileo interoperability already demonstrated Tests within different environments in progress
Page 20 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 Galileo Receivers: Products & Running Projects Septentrio receivers for GIOVA Test: –GSTB_V2 Galileo Experimental Test Receiver (GETR) Available since 2004 –Galileo TUR (Test User Receiver) Under Development (GPS + Galileo) GJU Projects: –GRDB (Galileo Receiver for Distress Beacon) –GGPhi ( Low Cost Galileo GPS Carrier Phase Receiver) –GREHDA (GALILEO Software Receiver for High Dynamic Applications) –SOPHA (Software Galileo receiver) –HIGAPS (Highly Integrated Galileo/GPS Chipset)
Page 21 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 Galileo Receivers: Products & Running Projects GAMMA: Assisted Galileo/GPS/EGNOS Mass Market Receiver ARTUS: Advanced Receiver Terminal for User Services GARDA / GIRASOLE: Galileo Integrity Receiver for Advanced Safety Of Life Equipment GR POSTER: Galileo Ready Positioning Terminal GREAT: Galileo REceiver for mAss market – Advanced technologies for Mass Market Receivers SWIRLS: Development of a professional Galileo-GPS receiver
Page 22 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 Tools and Facilities Galileo signal simulators Post Processing tools Receivers development Environment Available documents on:
Page 23 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 Conclusion Up to now, only one operational test receiver, used for GIOVA / GIOVB signal tests Numerous receivers manufacturers have initiated Galileo receivers development, but no communication on it until the Galileo system entering into service phase Receivers Standards in process of definition Seamless transition from GPS to GPS + GALILEO for the users / application developers for OS services (mass market) Other applications (applying quality of services and/or integrity): EGNOS is already available. The emergence of Galileo will reinforce the performances (GPS + Galileo) and allow signal warranty services (Galileo /Egnos)
Page 24 METIS First Master Training & Seminar, Ifrane (Morocco), 15-16.03.2007 THANK YOU !
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