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The Weather CLIL project for Science (2nd cycle) NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The Weather CLIL project for Science (2nd cycle) NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Weather CLIL project for Science (2nd cycle) NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 2010


3 Cross-curricular link: To understand how the weather affects our lives. 3 Cultural focus: Learning outcome: Interculturality Web links: Geography, Mathematics, Art NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 2010

4 PLANNING THE LESSON Learning outcomesActivitiesLanguage for Learning ResourcesThinking skillsAssessment Know: That weather affects our lives; The importance of the weather forecast; That weather is different around the world. Be able to: Recognize different weather types; Compare the characteristics of different weather types; Associate types of weather with their consequences; Search for information about weather on the web Interpret and represent information about weather in a graph. Be aware: of how to listen to others; of how to take into account other’s work or investigation. Activate prior knowled ge: 1.Difference s and similarities between pictures. Weather wheel 2. We can/We can’t with a certain type of weather 3. The weather around the world. Making a graph showing temperature s Content Vocabulary -weather (it’s sunny, it’s windy, it’s foggy) Adjectives (heavy rain, gently wind) Structures This picture is similar to/ different from…. Because it’s/it’s got….. If.... We can/We can’t What will the weather be like in… It will be….. Functions Descriptions Comparisons Predictions Explanations Language support Pictures Weather wheel (word bank) Sentence structure Resources Pictures Weather wheel Worksheets Computers Internet World map Thinking skills Classifying Comparing Contrasting Reasoning -Analyzing Competences Communicative Knowing the world Social Digital Mathematical Assessment The students can: Recognize the characteristics of different types of weather; Compare different weather types; Associate weather phenomena with consequences; Interpret information about weather; Record information about weather; Science: The weather 4

5 Activities Activity 1Activity 2Activity 3 Look for differences and similarities related to weather seen in famous paintings and record it in a weather wheel Associate sentences with possible activities with different types of weather. (matching game). Complete a woksheet. We conclude how important the weather forecast is to plan our daily life. Search on the web for the weather in five different cities around the world. Make a temperature graph. 5NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 2010

6 Activity 1: 1. Learning outcome: n To be able to recognize the different types of weather n To compare the characteristics of the different types of weather 2. Vocabulary: 3. Structures: o This is different from this because it is/it has got… o This is similar to this because it is / it has got… 4. Interaction: groups/whole group; 5. Cognitive skills: Types of weather. 6. Cross curricular links: Art. 7. Materials: n One set of the selected paintings for each group; n The weather wheel as shown in the slide. 8. Students will be given a set of paintings. They have to look for differences and similarities between the paintings. 6 Types of weather NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 2010

7 6. The weather wheel: students will analyze the differences and similarities they found, and the teacher will place each painting in one section of the weather wheel, according with the weather type shown in the picture. Whole group activity. 7. Assessment: Students can... 7 NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 2010 Activity 1: Types of weather

8 Activity 1. MATERIALS 8NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 2010

9 Activity 1. MATERIALS PAINTINGS Sorolla Tim Parrish Albert Cuyp Carl Larsson

10 Kanawaga Hockney Ando Hiroshige Van Gogh Hockney Monet

11 WEATHER WHEEL 11NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 2010

12 What’s the weather like in...? First record dates, then make the graph Madrid: It’s 35ºC. It’s hot Quebec: Ca pe To wn Ma dri d Bu eno s Air es Qu eb ec Sid ney Te mp era tur e 153452518

13 Activity 2: 1.Learning outcome: To know that weather affects our lives; To associate weather types with consequences; To know the importance of the weather forecast. 2.Vocabulary: activities, sports, adjectives, collocation. 3.Structures: we can / we can’t If 4. Materials: cards describing the weather, cards with the sentences worksheet 13 How weather affects our lives and the importance of the weather forecast. NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 2010

14 Activity 2. MATERIALS It’s raining heavily There is a strong wind It’s cloudyIt’s windy It’s raining slightly There’s a gentle wind It’s sunnyIt’s stormy It’s snowing heavily The sun is shining brightly It’s rainyIt’s hot It’s snowing slightly It’s slightly sunnyIt’s foggyIt’s cold 14NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 2010

15 15 Activity 2. MATERIALS I can swim in the river I can play football I can’t observe stars I can’t ride a bike I can fly a kiteI can sunbathe I can’t sunbathe I can’t have a picnic I can play badminton I can surf I can’t skate outdoors I can’t fly a kite I can walk my dog I can ski I can’t see a rainbow I can’t Play football

16 NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 201016 Activity 2. MATERIALS Think and complete the sentences. If it’s…………….…I can play badminton. Why? Because…… If it’s ………………… I can’t play football. Why? Because………… If it’s ……………………I can’t ski. Why? Because…….. If it’s……………my mum can’t drive fast. Why? Because………… If it’s……………………….I can sunbath. Why? Because………… If it’s ……………I can‘t swim in the river. Why? Because………… If it’s ………………………I can skate. Why? Because………… If it’s…………………I can’t see the stars. Why? Because…………

17 17NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 2010 1. Learning outcome: To know how to look for the weather forecast in different parts of the world To interpret information about weather from symbols on a map. To interpret and to make a graphs with temperatures. 2. Vocabulary: temperature, graph 3. Structures: What is the weather like in (city)?/ Which is the temperature in (city)? / In (city) it is (weather type) and they’ve got (degrees) of temperature. 4. Materials: Internet conection. Worksheet 5. Interaction: Pair work Activity 3: Temperatures around the world

18 NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 2010 18 n Students will be shown how to search for the weather on the Internet n Each pair of students will be given a worksheet with the web pages where they have to search for the weather of each city. n They will fill the worksheet n Share the results n They will be shown a temperatures graph n The will complete their own graph on the worksheet Activity 3: Temperatures around the world

19 19NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 2010 Activity 3: Temperatures around the world. Materials Sidney Cape Town

20 NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 201020 Weather in Madrid: qi=g10j1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= qi=g10j1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai Activity 3: Temperatures around the world. Materials Weather in Buenos Aires: q=f&aqi=g10j1&aql=&oq=& q=f&aqi=g10j1&aql Web pages: Weather in Buenos Aires: q=f&aqi=g10j1&aql=&oq=& q=f&aqi=g10j1&aql Weather in Buenos Aires: q=f&aqi=g10j1&aql=&oq=& q=f&aqi=g10j1&aql Weather in Buenos Aires: q=f&aqi=g10j1&aql=&oq=& q=f&aqi=g10j1&aql

21 P.S. 21NILE at UEA University. CLIL project: the weather. July 2010

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