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Social Media 101 for ACP Ginnie Stouffer, MBCP, MBCI February 26, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media 101 for ACP Ginnie Stouffer, MBCP, MBCI February 26, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media 101 for ACP Ginnie Stouffer, MBCP, MBCI February 26, 2010

2 Definition of Social Media Technologies that facilitate connections, discussions and sharing of information

3  Smoke signals – Visual effect messaging, dependent upon fire and someone seeing it  Pony Express Mail – Written communication carried by horseback dependent upon horse and rider  Telegraph – Coded communication, dependent upon telegraph devices connected to lines  Analog Telephone – Voice communication, dependent upon telephone sets connected to lines Long Distance Communication

4 Social media" really isn't all that new. What's "new" are the forms it takes. Sean Carlton

5 Genesis of Electronic Social Media Email –  1965 - Email – users on time sharing mainframes UseNet  1978 - UseNet - news groups for electronic discussions CompuServe  1979 - CompuServe - over dial-up phone line ‘Internet’  1982 - The term ‘Internet’ is coined America Online - Q-Link  1985 - America Online - launched with Q-Link online service  America Online -  1989 - America Online - launched for Apple II  1991 - Commercial restriction of the internet lifted

6 Genesis of Electronic Social Media Netscape Corporation  1994 - Netscape Corporation was formed CompuServe -  1995 – CompuServe - launched NetLauncher for www CompuServeAOL  1997 - CompuServe sold to AOL Six -  1997 - Six - social networking website -  1998 - - blog storage service Web 2.0  1999 - The term Web 2.0 was coined -  2001 - non-encyclopedia visitor introduction  2002 - - social networking website

7 Genesis of Electronic Social Media  2003 - - social networking website   2003 - - social networking website  2003 - - social business networking Web 2.0’s  2004 - Web 2.0’s popularity soared  2005 - - video sharing website  2006 - - social networking and microblogging Foursquare  2009 - Foursquare - web and mobile location finder


9 Genesis of Electronic Social Media “Stanley Milgram originally coined the term ‘six degrees of separation’ in 1967 to show that everyone in the modern world was capable of connecting to another by linking people and interests. But in today’s world of social networking, links between strangers are closer than in Milgram’s day.”

10 Genesis of Electronic Social Media “Before the Internet became popular, a lot of people were already online. The major online services, such as America Online (AOL), Prodigy and CompuServe, were the main way that ordinary people could connect and communicate with each other online. Online services provide the actual interface that you use when you're connected to the service, which creates a targeted experience for users.”

11 Genesis of Electronic Social Media Six Degrees of Separation “If a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth” And we are all connected by who we know!

12 Genesis of Electronic Social Media  CompuserveProdigy  Compuserve and Prodigy were first large scale corporate attempts to bring an interactive “online” experience to the masses.  America Online (AOL)  America Online (AOL) gained critical mass with aggressive CD promotions and direct mail campaigns  Six  Six was a social network service website that lasted from 1997 to 2001 and based on the principle of six degrees of separation

13 Six Degrees of Separation

14 Web 2.0 Social Media is known as Web 2.0 and its popularity since 2004 has soared!

15 Web 2.0  Three top social media sites: –Facebook – 400,000,000 active users (2010) –LinkedIn – 45,000,000 active users, 331,000,000 page views per month (June 2009) –Twitter – 22,000,000 users, 50,000,000 tweets per day

16  Blogs  Social Networking  Social Bookmarking  Lifestreaming Sites  Micro-Blogs  New Media Sites (Audio, Visual) Categories of Web 2.0

17  A blog is a type of website with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or videos. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. (2009 The Social Media Marketing Institute)  77% of active internet users read blogs ( 2009 The Social Media Marketing Institute)  Top 25 Blogging Sites Definition of a Blog

18  Social networking focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and /or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. (2009 The Social Media Marketing Institute)  Facebook has more than 100,000,000 users log on each day (2009 The Social Media Marketing Institute)  Top social networking sites m m Definition of Social Networking

19  Social bookmarking is a method for Internet users to share, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web resources. Unlike file sharing, the resources themselves aren't shared, merely bookmarks that reference them.  Users save the links to favorite websites they want to share with others. Definition of Social Bookmarking

20  Lifestreaming sites enable the publication and sharing of your daily activities in continuous sessions. Social lifestreams allow you to keep track of what your friends or other people are doing online without having to visit multiple sites. (2009 The Social Media Marketing Institute)  Lifestreaming sites Definition of Lifestreaming Sites

21  Micro Blogs (like Twitter) is a social network where people meet and add friends and read each other’s updates and discuss them in the public timeline or privately via direct message.  Micro Blogs have a limit of 140 characters  Twitter users send 50,000,000 per day 50m_daily_tweets.html Definition of Micro Blogs

22  New Media Sites are photos, videos and audio files generated by consumers using consumer electronics and easily accessible technology – Cell phones – Webcams – Flip Cameras – Digital Cameras – Computer Microphones (2009 The Social Media Marketing Institute) Definition of New Media Sites

23  New Media Sites: – Streaming Video – Video Messaging – Video Sharing – Music Sites – Audio/Voice Sites  YouTube – “In January 2009, 147 million U.S. internet users watched an average of 101 videos per person”. Definition of New Media Sites (continued)

24 What is Web 2.0? Web 2.0 is primarily internet and mobile based tools for connecting, sharing and discussing information among humans (2009 The Social Media Marketing Institute)

25 CommunicationInteraction EngagementInfluence  In Web 2.0 Communication leads to Interaction, which creates Engagement and leads to Influence. How Does It Work? Communication Interaction Engagement Influence (2009 The Social Media Marketing Institute)

26 Social Object 1.Identify the Social Object – something you have in common with another person through Communication Social Contract 2.Establish the Social Contract – how you communicate with others through Interaction Social Capital 3.Build your Social Capital – an investment in social relations with expected returns through the Engagement Trusted Advisor 4.Become a Trusted Advisor and Influence How Does It Work?

27 Communication Interaction Engagement Influence (2009 The Social Media Marketing Institute) Social Object Social Contract Social Capital Trusted Advisor

28 Questions That Need Answers 1.Which social media sites will be the most beneficial to the entire ACP organization? 2.Which social media will be the most sustainable? 3.How will we come to a collective decision with the necessary buy-in from the membership? 4.How much resistance to standardization can we expect from those chapters already participating in social media sites? 5.Who will take on the oversight and management of ACP’s social media presence?

29 What is our Vision?  To reach out to our entire membership providing a venue beyond their local chapter that will enable networking and learning through the sharing of information.  To reach beyond our membership to business continuity professionals in other organizations like ACP, demonstrating our organizational value and motivate them to visit our website, engaging their interest in ACP.

30 What is our Vision? (continued)  To engage the interest in ACP by other business continuity professionals who do not belong to any BCP organization and motivate them to visit our website with the ultimate goal of gaining new members and building new chapters.  To utilize the tools available for social media management to provide a better user experience.

31 1.Some chapters have already engaged in social media sites. To be effective, all ACP chapters need to be on the same social media site. *Note: The Communications Committee recommends that the primary social media site be “LinkedIn” and the group type should be “Professional”. 2.One general group has been formed and is managed by a former Corporate Board Director. It does not appear that active management is taking place in this group. Some postings duplicate what is on the national website. What Are Our Hurdles?

32 3.All chapters and the one general group should be presented as the same type of group. Currently multiple types have been used – professional, networking, non-profit. 4.The ACP logo being used on social media sites is not consistent in size or type. The general logo (like the one on this slide) should be required on all social media sites so all chapters demonstrate consistency to the world. What Are Our Hurdles? (continued)

33 1.Present this presentation to the Presidents’ Council to obtain their buy-in. 2.Poll the chapters to determine which social media venue(s) should be used by ACP. 3.Create a sub-committee within the Communications Committee to develop the rollout plan, including the presentation information that will be used on the site(s). 4.Develop Social Media Guidelines and roll out the guidelines to all of the chapters. Potential Plan of Action

34 5.Prepare notification to chapters on the changes that will need to be made in the presentation of their social groups. Provide the timeline for the changes. 6.Setup / reconfigure / populate the general group to align with the guidelines document. 7.Prepare a Press Release announcing the presence of ACP in the social media world. 8.Use the new medium to its best advantage! Potential Plan of Action (continued)

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