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Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Dialog Structure Design and Annotation Ananlada Chotimongkol Language Technologies Institute School.

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1 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Dialog Structure Design and Annotation Ananlada Chotimongkol Language Technologies Institute School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University

2 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Out Line Existing Annotation Schemes Linguistic Oriented Engineering Oriented HCRC dialog structure Conversation Acts DAMSL Comparison Form-based dialog structure

3 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Structure of a dialog Explain how the conversation is organized To create a theory of dialog in order to understand the meaning of the dialog  Linguistic-Oriented To develop a procedure that support a computer agent in a dialog system  Engineering-Oriented

4 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Linguistic-Oriented Some are extended from discourse structure (focus on monologue text) Provide basic theory for the engineering- oriented one Speech Act Theory: capture speaker’s intention Rhetorical Structure Theory: explain the coherence between parts of text Dialog Grammar: capture regular patterns in the dialog

5 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Engineering-Oriented HCRC structure (Edinburgh) Conversation Acts (Rochester) DAMSL (Multiparty Discourse Group)

6 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 HCRC Dialog Structure Carletta, J., Isard, A., Isard, S., Kowtko, J., Doherty- Sneddon, G., Anderson, A., HCRC dialogue structure coding manual, 1996 Domain = map description Focus on describing the phenomenon occurs in the Map Task corpus But claim to be task-independent Focus on high level structure Can use in conjunction with other coding scheme

7 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 3-level structure Transaction: a sub-dialog that accomplish a major goal of the task In Map Task = 1 segment of the route Game (interaction, exchange): a set of utterances composes of an initiation and a sequence of responses that fulfills the initiations purpose Move (dialog act): an utterance or part of utterance that serves a particular propose e.g. as an initiation or a response

8 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Move Coding Scheme Tradeoff between semantic distinction and coding consistency 12 moves from 3 categories Initiating Moves: set up an expectation at the beginning of the game Instruct, Explain, Check, Align, Query-YN and Query-W Response: follow the initiation and fulfill the expectation Acknowledge, Reply-Y, Reply-N, Reply-W and Clarify Ready: occur in the transition between games

9 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Game Coding Scheme Game ’ s purpose = the name of game ’ s initiating move All games begin with an initiating move but not all initiating moves begin games Game can be nested e.g. contain clarification sub-dialog

10 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Transaction Coding Scheme Divide the dialog into transactions Different between giver and follower ’ s perspectives For a giver, how he divides a route into sub-task 4 types of transactions: normal, review, overview and irrelevant Each transaction (except irrelevant) is associated with a route segment on the map For a follower, how he perceives a segment and performs some actions 2 types of actions: drawing a line and crossing out a line A transaction isn ’ t nest (too large)

11 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Discussion No real dialog application. Use as a data for analyzing phenomena in dialog Emphasize on how the information is conveyed e.g. as a question or a response, rather than what information is conveyed (concept) Annotate the purpose of the utterance in general e.g. instruct, explain, question, rather than the purpose that each utterance serves according to the task e.g. describe the movement or describe the landmark

12 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Conversation Acts David R. Traum and Elizabeth A. Hinkelman, "Conversation Acts in Task-Oriented Spoken Dialogue", In Computational Intelligence, 8(3):575-- 599, 1992. Also appears as TR 425, Computer Science Dept. Emphasize Mutual understanding between participants Dialog mechanisms that serve in coordination and maintenance of the dialog itself rather than the direct task.

13 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Dialog units Utterance unit (UU) Continuous speech by the same speaker Each speaker turn can contain more than one UU Discourse Unit (DU) A sequence of an initial presentation and subsequent utterances by each party that are needed to make a unit grounded

14 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Classes of Conversation acts 4 classes Turn-taking acts (sub-UU acts) Grounding acts (UU acts) Core speech acts (DU acts?) Argumentation acts (multiple DUs) More general than speech act theory

15 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Turn-taking Act Can have more than one turn-taking act in an utterance (sub-UU act) Coordinate the control of the speaking channel Types of turn-taking acts take-turn, keep-turn, release-turn, assign-turn and pass-up-turn Turn-taking acts occur all the time Should we annotate all of them? Which one is important?

16 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Grounding Act Correspond to one utterance unit (UU act) Coordinate mutual understanding Types of grounding acts Initiate (an initial component of a DU) Continue Acknowledge Repair ReqRepair ReqAck Cancel (close off the current DU as ungrounded)

17 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Core Speech Act Similar to a traditional speech act Coordinates the local flow of changes in belief, intentions and obligations Types of core speech acts: Inform, WHQ, YNQ, Accept, Request, Reject, Suggest, Eval, ReqPerm, Offer, Promise Doesn ’ t correspond to any of dialog units?

18 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Argumentation Act Compose of combinations of core speech acts (Multiple DUs act) Coordinate discourse purpose Is at the same level as Rhetorical Relations and Adjacency Pairs Types of argument acts: Elaborate, Summarize, Clarify, Q&A, Convince, Find-Plan Build up hierarchy with in the same class The high level acts correspond to steps in task structure (task-dependent?) The lower level acts Q&A

19 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 DAMSL (Dialog Act Markup in Several Layers) Coding Dialogs with the DAMSL Annotation Scheme. Mark Core, James Allen. AAAI Fall Symposium on Communicative Action in Humans and Machines, 1997. J. Allen and M. Core. “ Draft of DAMSL: Dialog Act Markup in Several Layers ”, 1997.

20 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 DAMSL Tag Set Developed by Multiparty Discourse Group Contain primitive communicative actions that manipulates the common ground directly Allow multiple labels in multiple layers Eliminate the restriction in Speech Act Theory Design to be domain-independent But can add domain relevant acts The annotation can be used to Interpret utterances in dialog Design appropriate dialog strategy

21 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 DAMSL Annotation Scheme 3-layer of a nnotation for each utterance Forward Communicative Functions Backward Communicative Functions Utterance Features These 3 layers are orthogonal But some utterances may not have a label for every layer Can have more than one label in each layer Utterance segmentation is based on the intentions of the speaker An utterance can have several clauses or just an initial word

22 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Forward Communicative Function Indicates how the current utterance constrains the future beliefs and actions Similar to actions in speech act theory Types of Forward Communicative Functions Statement Influencing Addressee Future Action Committing Speaker Future Action Performative (make a fact true by saying it) Other Forward Function

23 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Backward Communicative Function Indicate how the current utterance relates to the previous dialog Types of Backward Communicative Functions Agreement (accept/reject) Understanding Answer (associate with info-request act) Information Relation (How this utterance relates to the previous one) Similar to Rhetorical Relations

24 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Utterance Feature Capture content and form of utterance The features are Information Level: task, task management, communication management Communicative Status: abandoned, uninterpretable Syntactic Features: conventional form, exclamatory form

25 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Discussion Focus on the primitive purpose of the utterance Need more detail representation to get the key information in the utterance Also need higher level representations such as plans and discourse structures Are these 3 layers orthogonal? Are there too many tags for each utterance?

26 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Comparison: Levels of Annotation HCRC Transaction Game Move Conver. Acts Argumentati on acts Core speech acts Grounding Turn-taking DAMSL Forward Backward Utterance Features

27 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Comparison: Levels of Annotation HCRC Transaction Game Move (The same level as all DAMSL tags) Conver. Acts Argumentation acts (Dialog Unit) Core speech acts Grounding Turn-taking

28 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Comparison: tags for utterance level DAMSL Forward Statement, Influencing-Addressee- Future-Action, Committing- Speaker- Future Action, Performative Backward Agreement (accept/reject), Understanding, Answer, Information Relation HCRC Initiation Instruct, Explain, Check, Align, Query-YN and Query-W Response Acknowledge, Reply-Y, Reply-N, Reply-W and Clarify Conver. Acts Inform, Suggest, Offer, Promise Request, ReqPerm, WHQ, YNQ, Accept, Reject, Eval,

29 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Form-based dialog structure Why we need a new structure The existing structures are too general Want to capture domain information e.g. task structure, key concepts Want to create a dialog system from a structure Choose to work on a form-based dialog system  Represent a structure of a dialog in term of forms and slots

30 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Three-level organization Task (dialog) A task is a subset of conversation that serves a particular goal of a dialog. Episode (sub-task) A set of utterances that corresponds to a smaller step in a task Concept An important piece of domain information that the participants would like to communicate in the dialog

31 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Form representation A form is a repository of related pieces of information (concepts) A sub-task is equivalent to form A sub-task is a smallest practical unit A task = collection of forms (sub-tasks)

32 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 How the task can be accomplished using a form? The sub-task is accomplished by manipulating the form: 1.*Fill in the slots 2.*Execute the form 3.Discuss the result  Operations

33 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Operations Operation is an utterance or a part of an utterance (turn) that causes a unique consequence in the conversation U: fill_form_info: I'D LIKE TO FLY TO ArLoc:[HOUSTON ]ArLoc:[TEXAS ] S: access_DB: inform_result: I HAVE A NON-STOP ON CONTINENTAL

34 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Question & Answer pair Q&A are separated into 2 operations by a turn boundary The consequence of the answer is depended on the question especially the yes/no answer Dialog1: U: init_form : I NEED A HOTEL IN HOUSTON Dialog2: S: ask_init_form: AND WOULD YOU NEED A HOTEL WHILE YOU'RE IN HOUSTON U: respond: YES

35 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Let ’ s Go Goal: request information about the bus schedule Tasks: (multiple system functions) Ask bus number Ask departure time Ask stop Etc.  One form for each task (a simple task) Concept: bus_number, hour, minute, depature_location

36 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 List of Operations Form-filling operations init_form fill_form_info change_form_info Form execution operations access_DB (task-specific) Discuss-result operations inform_result navigate_results

37 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Air Travel Domain Goal: Reserve a flight with optional hotel and car Tasks: Reserve a flight Reserve a car Reserve a hotel But car and hotel are always parts of flight reservation. So it is better to think of them as sub-tasks One form for each sub-task Concept: airline, city, date, time

38 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Flight Reservation There are 3 form executions (DB access) in the flight reservation episode Retrieve departure flight Retrieve arrival flight Retrieve fare Fare is depended on the flights  Embedded forms Trip flight info Departure Leg Arrival Leg fare

39 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Map Task: description Conversation between 2 participants Giver: has a map with a route on it Follower: has a map without a route Task: a giver tell the follower how to draw the route on the follower ’ s map The maps are not exactly the same


41 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Map Task: Characteristic More casual conversation Disfluency Repetition Anaphora No well-defined form No constraint from the backend There are many ways to describe a segment Need a lot of grounding processes

42 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Map Task: Structure Goal: draw a map from a description Task: draw a line (a route) Sub-task draw a segment of a line Locate a new landmark (can be embedded)

43 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Grounding Process Create mutual understanding between participants Check understanding, correctness of communication Confirmation and clarification Define a new term Discuss the attributes of the object e.g. check landmark and create landmark

44 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Grounding process in form- based structure Confirmation If ‘ yes ’, increases the confidence on the slot value If ‘ no ’, crosses out the value from the slot Clarification S: ask_fill_form_info: INTO ArLoc:[INTERCONTINENTAL ]AIRPORT OR ArLoc:[HOBBY ] U: fill_form_info: AT THE /UH/ ArLoc:[INTERCONTINENTAL ]

45 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Grounding process in form- based structure (2) Define a new term A form is a collection of object attributes FOLLOWER: fill_form_info: but golden beach is away in Loc:[the far right]. Landmark: golden beach Location: the far right

46 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Plane simulation task 3 participants works on the plane simulation Task = take pictures of a list of targets Each participant has different roles: flying the plane, navigating the route, taking a picture There are some restriction on controlling a plane such as speed, altitude and radius from a destination

47 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Dialog Structure Task: Take pictures of a given list of targets Sub-tasks: Take a picture of one target Concept: target waypoint distance speed altitude

48 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Task Characteristic 3-party conversation Command & Control style The physical actions have a time constraint Can ’ t execute the form right away after all the slots get filled The list of the sub-tasks (targets) is not fixed and not known in advance

49 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Sub-task Main sub-task = take a picture of the target Also have to control the plane Set destination, altitude and speed (have restriction) Report the result in term of the plan status: altitude, speed, destination and the distance from destination Grounding process Define a landmark as a target or a waypoint

50 Dialogs on Dialogs reading group March, 19 th 2004 Forms target form (take a picture) target name required distance from target control form: contain only a single slot (fly a plane) Altitude Speed Destination (may have radius) grounding form (grounding process) object name attributes e.g. type of landmark

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