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Audrey Flack. Vanitas (Marilyn). 1977.. Francisco de Goya, The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. 1796-98. Etching.

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Presentation on theme: "Audrey Flack. Vanitas (Marilyn). 1977.. Francisco de Goya, The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. 1796-98. Etching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Audrey Flack. Vanitas (Marilyn). 1977.

2 Francisco de Goya, The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. 1796-98. Etching

3 Content: Words to Describe Subject Matter 1. Naturalistic 2. Realistic 3. Illusionistic 4. Idealized 5. Stylized 6. Romanticized 7. Non-figurative/Non-representational

4 Precursors of the Renaissance Cultural Factors of the Fourteenth Century: 1.Christianity 2.Population Shift 3.War 4.Plague

5 Dante Alighieri (1265 – 1321) Divine Comedy 1. Inferno 2. Purgatorio 3. Paradiso Petrarch (1305 – 1374) Three Periods: 1. The Ancient Classical World 2. The Dark Ages 3. The Modern World

6 Three Artists: 1.Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337) Florence 2.Cimabue (1272-1302) Florence 3.Duccio di Buoninsegna (1278-1318) Siena

7 R: Giotto. Madonna Enthroned. C. 1310. Tempera on wood. L: Cimabue. Madonna Enthroned. C. 1280-90. Tempera on wood.

8 Byzantine Empire Tempera: A paint in which the pigments are mixed with egg yolk and water. Altarpiece: A painted or carved panel or winged structure placed at the back of or behind and above an altar.

9 Interior view, looking east, Arena Chapel, Padua, c. 1305.

10 Fresco: A method of wall painting in which powdered pigments, mixed only with water are applied to a wet, freshly laid lime-plaster ground.


12 Giotto, Last Judgment, Arena Chapel, Padua, c. 1305. Fresco 10.06 x 8.38 m.

13 Giotto, Justice. Arena Chapel, Padua, c. 1305. Fresco

14 Duccio. Maestà. From Siena Cathedral, 1308-11. Tempera and Gold on Panel. 2.13 x 4.12 m.

15 Punchwork: Decorative designs stamped onto a surface, such as metal or leather using a punch (handheld metal implement).

16 Duccio, Maestà. From Siena Cathedral, 1308-11. Tempera on Gold Panel, 2.13 x 4.12m

17 Duccio. Kiss of Judas. From the Maestà. 1308-11. Tempera on Panel

18 Giotto. Kiss of Judas. Arena Chapel Padua. c. 1305. Fresco

19 Master of the Triumph of Death. The Three Living Meet the Three Dead. Detail of the lower left corner of Then Triumph of Death. Fresco on the wall in the Campo Santo, Pisa. 1330s. Height of fresco – 5.6 m

20 Manuscript illumination, England, 1360-1375.

21 “The Dance of Death” (1400s) from the Liber chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel.

22 Early Renaissance Art in Europe Humanism Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) Summa Theologica, 1267-73.

23 Renaissance Perspective Systems: 1. Linear Perspective i. Orthogonals ii. Vanishing Point 2. Intuitive Perspective 3. Aerial Perspective

24 Benozzo Gozzoli. Saint Augustine Reading Rhetoric in Rome. Fresco in the choir of the Church of Sant’Agostino, San Gimignano, Italy. 1464-65.

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