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About Mary Wollstonecraft 青果市場 英文三 蘇安婷 黃靖惟 蘇翊綺 陳瑩恩 黃子修.

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Presentation on theme: "About Mary Wollstonecraft 青果市場 英文三 蘇安婷 黃靖惟 蘇翊綺 陳瑩恩 黃子修."— Presentation transcript:

1 About Mary Wollstonecraft 青果市場 英文三 蘇安婷 黃靖惟 蘇翊綺 陳瑩恩 黃子修

2 Family- father sister sister Friends- Jane Arden "I have formed romantic "I have formed romantic notions of friendship … I am a little notions of friendship … I am a little singular in my thoughts of love and singular in my thoughts of love and friendship; I must have the first place or friendship; I must have the first place or none." none." Fanny Blood Fanny Blood Governess- Original Stories from Real Life Becomes a professional writer- "the first of a new genus “ "the first of a new genus “ Joseph Johnson Joseph Johnson meeting William Godwin meeting William Godwin

3 Men- Henry Fuseli Gilbert Imlay William Godwin After Wollstonecraft’s death- Godwin’s Memoirs

4 Brief Intro. on Mary ’ s Works

5 The French Revolution What’s Woman’s Sphere?

6 The Rights of Woman Published in 1791 the second edition in 1792

7 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

8 Main argument of Vindication  education for women -Man and woman occupy separate spheres -The two spheres influence each other -Allowing women to receive education would improve child-rearing and eventually improve the public sphere

9 Mary Wollstonecraft 對今日女權主義的影響 Mary Wollstonecraft 被視為女權主義哲學家鼻 祖之一,女權主義者也經常提到她的生活與 作品,對性別平等的提倡以及對傳統女性特 質的批評變得日益重要。 Mary Wollstonecraft 反對盧梭認為女性不能 像男性一樣具備理性思考的能力,因此提出 女性應當與男性一樣接受公平、等質的教育。 此後,教育賦予了女性在社會上能與男性對 等的機會。

10 Virginia Woolf 二十世紀現代主義與女性主義的先鋒 批評 Mary Wollstonecraft 的生活方式與 作品的聲音依然存在,但已逐漸式微

11 Ayaan Hirsi Ali Infidel inspired by Mary Wollstonecraft, who told women they had the same ability to reason as men did and deserved the same rights

12 The End

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