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Optique et Photonique dans le Programme IST (Information Society Technologies) Henri RAJBENBACH European Commission Directorate-General Information Society.

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Presentation on theme: "Optique et Photonique dans le Programme IST (Information Society Technologies) Henri RAJBENBACH European Commission Directorate-General Information Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optique et Photonique dans le Programme IST (Information Society Technologies) Henri RAJBENBACH European Commission Directorate-General Information Society Nanoelectronics and Photonics JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

2 H. Rajbenbach Outline Introduction – Key figures – Geographical facts Photonics in IST FP6 (2002 – 2006) Overview of projects - call 2 (2003-2004) Call 3 and joint call (2004-2005) Call 5 (2005-2006) Route to success - Some advice Beyond 2007 (Framework Programme VII) Timeline Political context The five major themes JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

3 H. Rajbenbach Photonic components research in IST FP 5 (1998 - 2002) 21 M€ 19 M€ 15 M€ Funding 2000 2001 2002 Project start JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris 200515-20 M€ 2006 > 47 M€ Call 3 + joint call (closed mid-Oct-04) Call 5 FP 6 (2002 - 2006) 56 M€ 2004 Call 2 (Projects now starting) 56 M€

4 Hamburg Duisburg Wuppertal Düsseldorf Köln Bonn Berlin Leipzig Jena Erfurt Frankfurt Darmstadt Würsburg Nuremberg Munich Regensburg Stuttgart Ulm Munster Paderborn Gottingen 36 participations Photonic components – Germany – FP6 H. Rajbenbach JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

5 19 participations Photonic components – France – FP6 H. Rajbenbach JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

6 The Research Bricks: Solid-State Sources and Sources arrays Materials and microstructures Passive Components Photonic ICs Sensors The Cements: Integration Technologies Manufacturing Scalability Education and Training Environment / Security / Other Industrial sectors Health care / Life Science Telecom / infotainment Call 2 coverage H. Rajbenbach JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

7 H. Rajbenbach Telecom Health care & life science Environment & Security Other FP5 Application sectors (received proposals) Figures in “number of received proposals” JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

8 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 198019851990199520002005 Gbit/s ? Research Commercial Photonics in Telecom : How hot ? Hot ! Colder ! In cost: 4 x 10 Gb/s < 40 Gb/s Transmission rate in a single fiber Source: JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

9 STREP - Specific targeted Research Projects - Focused research project (as in FP5) (Figures in “number of received proposals”) “Instruments” (received proposals) IP - Integrated Projects (IP) - All elements of technology chain - Strategic industrial goals - Different type of activities: RTD, transfer, training, dissemination... NoE - Networks of Excellence - Integration activities: reorganisation - consolidation of Research activities - Research activities: A joint programme of activity” (JPA) H. Rajbenbach JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

10 Active components (Lasers and LED) Active / passive integration (Photonic Integrated circuits) Microelec / Photonic integration Nanophotonics, Photonic crystals Passive components Technology coverage (selected proposals) IP STREP NoE 16 selected proposals Biophotonics / Med Telecom Environment Security Consumer electronics, Lighting SC/fiber lasers MEPHISTO e-PIXnet PHOREMOST OLLA TERANOVA NEMO BRIGHT.EU WAPITIMUFINS FUNFOX NITWAVE FAST-ACCESS URANUS ATHOS + MICROHOLAS Storage THz sourcesOrganic LEDs PICMOSSynQPSK Blue lasers

11 H. Rajbenbach Some examples IP NoE Organic LEDs TeraHz components & applications PHOREMOST STREP Net Topic N° of partners FundingAcronym 15-165 M€ 12 M€ 34 6 M€ 24 Photonic Integrated components and circuits Holographic storage towards 1 Tbyte 2 M€8 WAPITI Waferbonding Active Passive Integration Technology 61.5 M€ Nano-Photonics and Molecular scale technologies ATHOS 354.7 M€ JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

12 Nano-photonic and nanoelectronic (joint call) R&D focus: -Nano-electronic and Nano-photonic materials, related fabrication processes and their functional validation in manufacturable integrated devices; -Non-conventional nano-MOS logic and memory devices, photonics/nano-electronics integration technologies for functional devices, and production technologies; Materials, equipment & processes for production of nano-photonics & nano-electronics devices Objective To master nanoelectronics & nanophotonics at industrial scale H. Rajbenbach Under Evaluation JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

13 Call 5 on Photonics (2005) - Trends More integration: “Photonic system on a chip” “Nanoelectronics / Nanophotonics integration” More emphasize on new sectors (in preparation of FP7): - Bio-photonics: functional components and subassemblies - Environment and security: sensors and imaging components Further work in “traditional” domains: - Low cost components and subsystems (access networks, infotainment) - Sources (compactness, brightness, tunability, spectral purity) Instruments: - IPs with medium-term exploitation - STREPs with medium- to long-term exploitation - CAs/SSAs for roadmaps etc. and for providing access to components And … encouraging new member/candidate states and SMEs H. Rajbenbach JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

14 Route to failure: Understand the selection criteria for R&D proposals H. Rajbenbach Relevance Impact S&T Excellence Consortium Management € € € € Resources Experience from previous calls JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

15 Example: S&T Excellence Clearly defined and well focused objectives ? Progress beyond state-of-the-art ? - No quantified specs for the proposed device/component ! - No intermediate targets ! - Hey, too easy, some key parameters are missing ! - Can’t assess: no commitment for some key parameters ! - State-of the art is not described ! - Naïve specs ! - It is more development than research ! - Nice, but not scalable ! H. Rajbenbach JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

16 Exploitation and/or dissemination plans adequate ? - Too vague - Starts too late - No dissemination plan, besides “they will publish” ! - All deliverables are confidential ! Potential Impact (exploitation and dissemination) H. Rajbenbach - A killing criterion ! JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

17 FP6 FP7 New Financial Perspectives 2003 2004 2005 2007 - 2010 … 2006 WP03-04 Call1 Call2 Call3 Call4 Call5 Call6 (tbc) WP05-06 Adoption Proposals on FP, and specific programmes Communication: "Preparing the future: reinforcing European research policy" (12/05/04) WP + Calls Communication “Building our common future: Policy challenges and Budgetary means of the Enlarged Union 2007-2013" (10/02/04) Beyond FP6: FP7 (2007 - 2010)

18 Research (as never before) is high on the political agenda –Commission’s proposal in the Financial Perspectives is to increase research budget by at least x2 First communications on FP7 should reinforce the Commission’s proposal in the New Financial Perspectives FP7 context JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

19 5 major themes: - Research grants to individual teams (basic research) - Collaborative Research (Business as usual) - Private/Public partnership (Technology Platforms) - Strengthening Research capacities (infrastructures + human capital) - Co-ordination of national/regional programmes Budget: Significant increase: FP4 (1994-1998):13 B€ FP5 (1998-2002):15 B€ FP6 (2002-2006):17 B€ FP7 (2007-2010):34 B€ H. Rajbenbach Beyond FP6: FP7 (2007 - 2010) + 2 x 2 (“mini-Moore’s law”) JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

20 H. Rajbenbach R&D spending – facts and objectives But… Employment is hotter: 1 M€ invested ---> 100 direct jobs in road construction ---> 2 direct jobs in Semiconductors ! Lisbon Objective (2010) 3 % ? % of GNP 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 (source: OCDE & Courrier International, Jan-04) EU Member States USA R&D spending Japan 1985199019952000 JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

21 Conclusion and further information H. Rajbenbach “ Nanoelectronics and Photonics” unit web site: (these viewgraphs, consultation reports…) Official Call for proposals: Call 3 and joint call: (ERA in call 3) (joint call) Contact: Visit: JNOG - 25 Octobre 2004, Paris

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