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The planned but unexpected Program Sequencer controls program flow and provides the next instruction to be executed Interrupt – causing and handling.

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Presentation on theme: "The planned but unexpected Program Sequencer controls program flow and provides the next instruction to be executed Interrupt – causing and handling."— Presentation transcript:

1 The planned but unexpected Program Sequencer controls program flow and provides the next instruction to be executed Interrupt – causing and handling

2 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 2 / 26 Tackled today Program sequencer Linear flow of instruction – previous lecture Jumps – software loops – previous lecture Loops – hardware loops – previous lecture Subroutines – previous lecture Interrupts and Exceptions Idle – next lecture

3 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 3 / 26 Reset interrupt When you power-up, how does the processor know what to do? RESET interrupt

4 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 4 / 26 Over-simplified RESET circuit Blackfin BMODE PINS 00 Start at address 0x2000 0000 Flash contains 16-bit instructions 01 Use internal BOOT ROM to fetch instructions from 8-bit Flash 11 Use internal BOOT ROM to configure and SPI serial ROM GND Resistor +5V Voltage RESET released Time RESET

5 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 5 / 26 Reset code RESET and into USER mode Don’t have access to all resources and all instructions Must blast your code into FLASH (VDSP tool) First instruction P1.H = START; // Point to start of user code P1.L = START; RETI = P1; RTI;// Return from interrupt event (power up) START: // Place user code here Set up stack, set this, set up that and then CALL _main; For information on RESET and then into SUPERVISOR mode see page 3-8 of hardware manual

6 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 6 / 26 Core Timer interrupt -- IVTMR When a timer interrupt occurs, how does the processor know what to do? Timer interrupt

7 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 7 / 26 Two cases -- Bit IVTMR not set There is a global interrupt control register Register is called IMASK Each possible interrupt is assigned a bit in the IMASK register Core timer interrupt is assigned bit 5 in IMASK 0x20 (Bit IVTMR in figure 4-13.) If a core timer interrupt occurs because counter reaches zero then TINT is set (page 15-47) BUT if bit 5 in IMASK is zero, THEN NOTHING HAPPENS – THE TIMER INTERRUPT IS IGNORED, but is still pending

8 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 8 / 26 Two cases -- Bit IVTMR is set If a core timer interrupt occurs because counter reaches zero then TINT is set (page 15-47) Now bit 5 in IMASK is set then the interrupt process is started. Note that the program that is running DOES NOT KNOW WHEN AN INTERRUPT MAY OCCUR Must protect the program from the interrupt Must protect the interrupt from the program Done by safe coding techniques that are discussed in this class Similar things are needed on other processors.

9 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 9 / 26 Interrupt process -- details 1. A bit in Core interrupt latch register (ILAT page 4.35) is set when interrupt signal rising edge is detected Processor “knows” interrupt happened – and hangs onto the signal, EVEN IF THE INTERRUPT SIGNAL IS ONLY THERE FOR A SHORT TIME 2. System is about to decide what to do based on bits on ILAT and IMASK and interrupt priority level Please wait – your interrupt is important to us! 3. If bit in ILAT and IMASK match and this is the highest priority interrupt then this interrupt is serviced An address is fetched from the Event Vector Table – the first instruction inside the interrupt service routine Most current instructions in pipeline aborted Return address of first instruction to be executed after the interrupt is stored (RETI for interrupts) Before the first instruction of ISR starts execution ILAT bit is cleared and corresponding IPEND bit is set – signifies this is the interrupt that is being serviced now IPEND[4] is set – this is the NO MORE INTERRUPTS can be handled bit. Gets cleared when RETI address is saved.

10 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 10 / 26 What we need to know When interrupt occurs, the corresponding bit in ILAT register is set -- automatic Nothing else happens unless the corresponding bit in IMASK is set How do we make this happen? How are bits set in the IMASK register? An address is fetched from the event table. This address MUST be the first instruction from our ISR, otherwise the processor crashes. How do we make this happen? How are values put into the event table?

11 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 11 / 26 Two approaches - C++ approach register_handler(ik_timer, MyISR); with EX_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(MyISR) register_handler(ik_timer, MyISR); does many things to C++ environment including MyISR starting address into event table location EVT6 Set IVTMR bit in IMASK is set

12 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 12 / 26 Assembly language approach #define EVT6_location 0xFFE02018 P0.H = hi(EVT6_location); P0.L = lo(EVT6_location);.extern _MyISR; P1.H = _MyISR; // handled by linker P1.L = _MyISR; [P0] = P1; // Event table now set P1.H = hi(IMASK); P1.L = lo(IMASK); R1 = [P1]; R2 = 0x20; // Bit 6 R1 = R1 | R2; [P1] = R1; // Bit 6 is now enabled – core timer interrupts can // occur Since we are working in a C++ environment in this class – we will USE the register_handler( ) approach and UNDERSTAND the principles of what is happening to the hardware registers

13 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 13 / 26 PF external interrupt When a PF interrupt occurs, how does the processor know what to do? PF interrupt

14 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 14 / 26 PF interrupt / Timer interrupt Core timer interrupt (ik_timer) is a “processor core” interrupt – normally higher priority Only one possible core timer interrupt signal causing an interrupt Controlled by IMASK (Global interrupt mask) Since “core event” -- automatically is cleared when do RTI, and therefore does not happen again. PF interrupt (ik_ivg12) is an “external system” interrupt – normally lower priority Currently don’t plan to change SIC_IARx (system interrupt assignment registers) in this course Up to 16 different PF lines, each of which can cause an interrupt, based on voltage level (high or low) or on edges (high-to-low or low-to- high) Controlled by IMASK and SIC_MASK (System interrupt mask) Since “system event” – something “magic” must be done so that when RTI occurs, the ISR is not automatically restarted. My favourite defect is to forget to do this magic thing Easy to detect when this “magic thing” is not done – the processor hangs and never leaves the ISR routine

15 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 15 / 26 Example code Look at moving elements from array fooHere[ ] to farAway[ ] using various instruction modes Straight line coding In a loop – please make sure that you understand the terminology – exam question Software loop – last lecture Hardware loop – last lecture In a subroutine Via an interrupt – next lecture

16 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 16 / 26 Example code Each time the PF8 line goes from HIGH to LOW, transfer all the data from array fooHere[ ] to array farAway[ ] Demonstrate using 1. Function 2. Interrupt service routine

17 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 17 / 26 Routine to move arrays void MoveArrays(long *, long *, long); void MoveArrays (long *pt1, long *pt2, long num){ for (int count = 0; count < num ; count++) { *pt1++ = *pt2++; }

18 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 18 / 26 Move arrays when PF8 line goes Hi- Low – function call approach int mainvoid MoveArrays(long *, long *, long); SetUpPF8to11ASM(true); for (; ; ) { // Forever loop void MoveArrays (long *pt1, long *pt2, long num){ quit = ReadPF8to11( ) & 0x1; while (quit == 0) // Wait while low quit = ReadPF8to11( ) & 0x1; quit = ReadPF8to11( ) & 0x1; while (quit != 0) // Wait while high quit = ReadPF8to11( ) & 0x1; for (int count = 0; count < num ; count++) { MoveArrays(fooHere, farAway, 5); *pt1++ = *pt2++; DoSomethingElse( ); // May not execute} }

19 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 19 / 26 Move arrays when PF8 line goes Hi- Low – C++ interrupt service routine int main EX_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(MoveArraysISR); EX_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(MoveArraysISR){ long *pt1 = fooHere; long *pt2 = farAway; int main(void) { SetPFInterrupts( PF8 only); EX_REGISTER_HANDLE(MoveArraysISR); register_handler(ik_ivg12, MoveArraysISR); for (int count = 0; count < num ; count++) { for (; ; ) { *pt2++ = *pt1++; DoSomethingElse( ); // ALWAYS EXECUTING // unless ISR takes too long // or happens too often } } }

20 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 20 / 26 My approach to developing assembly code ISR – start with function version Leaf routines are “guaranteed” NOT to call another _MoveArrayvoid MoveArrays(long *, long *, long); _MoveArray: LINK 0; // Permitted since LEAF P0_pt1 = R0; // Can’t use R0 as pointer void MoveArrays (long *pt1, long *pt2, long num){ R0 R1 R2 P1_pt2 = R1; // Can’t use R1 as pointer P2_counter = R3; // Can’t use R3 for a // LSETUP instruction for (int count = 0; count < num ; count++) { LSETUP(MA_LSTART, MA_LEND) LC1 = P2; *pt2++ = *pt1++; MA_LSTART: R0 = [P0++]; MA:LEND: [P1++] = R1; } P0 = [FP + 4]; UNLINK _MoveArray.END: JUMP (P0);

21 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 21 / 26 Identify all registers being used No register is volatile inside _MoveArray _MoveArray: LINK 0; // Permitted since LEAF P0_pt1 = R0; // Can’t use R0 as pointer P0 used as pointer 1 P1 used as pointer 2 P1_pt2 = R1; // Can’t use R1 as pointer P2_counter = R3; // Can’t use R3 for a // LSETUP instruction R0, R1 and R2 not needed as Can’t pass parameters to ISR LSETUP(MA_LSTART, MA_LEND) LC1 = P2; MA_LSTART: R0 = [P0++]; MA:LEND: [P1++] = R1; LC1, LT1, LB1 are used P0 = [FP + 4]; UNLINK _MoveArray.END: JUMP (P0); Not using RETS Must use

22 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 22 / 26 No register is volatile inside ISR Save all registers – note _MoveArrayASM;.global _MoveArrayASM_ISR; _MoveArrayASM: LINK 0; // Permitted since LEAF _MoveArrayASM_ISR: [--SP] = ASTAT; [--SP] = FP; [--SP] = (P7:5); // Save P7, P6 and P5 [--SP] = LC1; [--SP] = LT1; [--SP] = LB1; P0_pt1 = R0; // Parameters passed in P1_pt2 = R1; P2_counter = R3;.extern _fooHere, _farAway; P7.H = _fooHere; P7.L = _fooHere; GLOBAL PARAMETERS P6.H = _farAway; P6.L = _farAway; P5 = 5; // Legal? LSETUP(MA_LSTART, MA_LEND) LC1 = P2; LSETUP(MA_LSTART, MA_LEND) LC1 = P5; MA_LSTART: R0 = [P0++]; MA:LEND: [P1++] = R0; MA_LSTART: R0 = [P7++]; MA:LEND: [P1++] = R0; P0 = [FP + 4]; UNLINK _MoveArray.END: JUMP (P0); LB1 = [SP++]; LT1 = [SP++]; LC1 = [SP++]; (P7:5) = [SP++]; FP = [SP++]; ASTAT = [SP++]; RTS; // Other interrupts can now happen

23 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 23 / 26 Code review – watch for RTI and registers used and saved in _MoveArrayASM_ISR; _MoveArrayASM: LINK 0; // Permitted since LEAF _MoveArrayASM_ISR: [--SP] = ASTAT; [--SP] = FP; [--SP] = (P7:5); // Save P7, P6 and P5 [--SP] = LC1; [--SP] = LT1; [--SP] = LB1; P0_pt1 = R0; // Parameters passed in P1_pt2 = R1; P2_counter = R3;.extern _fooHere, _farAway; P7.H = _fooHere; P7.L = _fooHere; GLOBAL PARAMETERS P6.H = _farAway; P6.L = _farAway; P5 = 5; // Legal? LSETUP(MA_LSTART, MA_LEND) LC1 = P2; LSETUP(MA_LSTART, MA_LEND) LC1 = P5; MA_LSTART: R0 = [P0++]; MA:LEND: [P1++] = R0; MA_LSTART: R0 = [P7++]; MA:LEND: [P1++] = R0; P0 = [FP + 4]; UNLINK _MoveArray.END: JUMP (P0); LB1 = [SP++]; LT1 = [SP++]; LC1 = [SP++]; (P7:5) = [SP++]; FP = [SP++]; ASTAT = [SP++]; RTS; // Other interrupts can now happen

24 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 24 / 26 Code review – watch for RTI and registers used and saved in _MoveArrayASM_ISR; _MoveArrayASM: LINK 0; // Permitted since LEAF _MoveArrayASM_ISR: [--SP] = ASTAT; [--SP] = FP; [--SP] = (R7, P7:5); // Save P7, P6 and P5  [--SP] = LC1; [--SP] = LT1; [--SP] = LB1; P0_pt1 = R0; // Parameters passed in P1_pt2 = R1; P2_counter = R3;.extern _fooHere, _farAway; P7.H = _fooHere; P7.L = _fooHere; GLOBAL PARAMETERS P6.H = _farAway; P6.L = _farAway; P5 = 5; // Legal? LSETUP(MA_LSTART, MA_LEND) LC1 = P2; LSETUP(MA_LSTART, MA_LEND) LC1 = P5; MA_LSTART: R0 = [P0++]; MA:LEND: [P1++] = R0; MA_LSTART: R7 = [P7++];  MA:LEND: [P6++] = R7;  P0 = [FP + 4]; UNLINK _MoveArrayASM.END: JUMP (P0); LB1 = [SP++]; LT1 = [SP++]; LC1 = [SP++]; (R7, P7:5) = [SP++]; FP = [SP++]; ASTAT = [SP++]; RTI; // Other interrupts can now happen 

25 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 25 / 26 Question still unanswered How do you set up the PF interrupts? What is that “magic” so that once a PF interrupt starts, is serviced, it will “go away and stop bothering me” Where is that magic placed? Is it needed in C++ or just in assembly code If two PF interrupts happen at different times, how do you know which one has happened? Can two PF interrupts happen at the same time? Then what do you do? What sort of final exam question might be asked? TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2 are special pulse-width modulated timers – they all share one interrupt. ISR in assembly code PF interrupts – can do 16 different choices

26 6/2/2015 Program sequencer, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 26 / 26 Information taken from Analog Devices On-line Manuals with permission Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for its use or for any infringement of any patent other rights of any third party which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent right of Analog Devices. Copyright  Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.

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