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Microelectronics-Photonics (microEP) Graduate Program University of Arkansas Ken Vickers – Director Research Professor, Physics (1998 – present) Eng Management,

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1 Microelectronics-Photonics (microEP) Graduate Program University of Arkansas Ken Vickers – Director Research Professor, Physics (1998 – present) Eng Management, Texas Instruments (1980 – 1998) 479 Louis Stokes Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation (LS_LAMP) STEM Research and Education Conference November 1-3, 2002Baton Rouge, Louisiana

2 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 2 Agenda: microEP Grad Program  Acknowledgements  Case for Action  Mission, Attributes, and Tactics  Dissemination Efforts  HBCU Partnerships  REU Efforts and Activities  GK-12 Outreach  Survey Results  Lessons Learned  Final Observations

3 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 3 Acknowledgements  Dr. Len Schaper PI –UA Professor, Electrical Engineering  Dr. Greg SalamoCo-PI –UA University Professor, Physics  National Science Foundation IGERT (DGE-9972820)  Department of Education FIPSE (P116B000981A)  National Science Foundation REU Site (EEC-0097714)  Other NSF programs Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

4 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 4 Interdisciplinary Case for Action Issues Required knowledge content in degree always increasing State-of-the-art advances often appear at degree boundary layers Academic training emphasizes individual achievement Business aspects of technology minimized in technical degrees Industrial success requires individual and team excellence Responses Define flexible interdisciplinary degree for the boundary layer Maintain vigorous technical content of curriculum Add extra course for entrepreneurship of high tech research Hire experienced industrial technical manager Organize graduate program as industrial technical group Hold each student accountable for all students’ academic success

5 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 5 Comparison of Academic and Industrial Professional Environments PracticeIndustrialAcademic Job goal alignmentManagement defined to support group goals Individual voluntary alignment to departmental efforts Creative workBalanced between management assigned tasks and self defined tasks Self defined, with possible voluntary collaborations on large projects. Work hoursCoordinated to optimize group performance Self scheduled to meet personal goals and institutional assignments Work locationAll work at common location to support ad-hoc work groups Independently set hours at home and campus to meet personal needs (and office hours). Compensation system Rewards group performance, then individual contribution Rewards individual accomplishments, not departmental success Problem solvingCollaboration is necessary for success and is strongly coordinated across groups Collaborations are theme based voluntary coordination of individual research projects

6 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 6 Student Recruitment Method Historical Departmental Approach Department or Program Degrees Courses Career Student Centered Approach Department or Program Degrees Courses Career

7 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 7 microEP Mission  The educational objective of the microEP program is a graduate fully prepared to drive the advancement of the combination of microelectronics and photonics.  This objective will be accomplished through a rigorous interdisciplinary graduate technical education, including soft skills and entrepreneurial training.

8 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 8 Microelectronics-Photonics Graduate Program: Attributes  Created in April 1998 –MS microEP approved July 1999 –PhD microEP approved July 2000  Defined as interdisciplinary between Physics, Chemistry, and all engineering  Focused on electronic and photonic materials, and the devices and systems they can create  Defined as professional development type degree  Based on industry-like Cohort methodology

9 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 9 The microEP Graduate Program Research Spans: [110] [1-10] 50º 30º (a) 15nm from Nanoscale Quantum Dots and Devices… …to 3-dimensional High Temperature Superconducting Electronic-Photonic Systems

10 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 10 microEP Enhancements of Traditional Departmental Degree Elements Traditional Departmental Education Technical Knowledge Core classes in undergrad dept Most electives in department Few other technical electives Research Methods Slow student initiated linkage to research prof Professor’s group meetings Team Skills Project teams in classes Supplemental microEP Elements Technical Knowledge Core of interdisciplinary classes Applied technical electives Business classes Research Methods Design of Experiments class during summer Quick assignment to research prof Formal research project plan Team Skills Pseudo-industry engineering group Weekly operations management seminars Intro summer camp for all microEP students Invention and innovation Individual mentoring within research group Invention and Innovation Summer inventiveness workshops Personality and learning methods mapping Results in Sound technical graduate degree Broadened technical knowledge Rapid acclimation to first job Early leadership roles Earlier significant personal success

11 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 11 microEP PhD Candidacy Exam Traditional University of Arkansas Science/Engineering Process Research proposal presented to committee for review. Written exam based on content of specific undergraduate and graduate course knowledge content. Oral examination by faculty of all subject matter. Experimental microEP approach To provide guidance to student and faculty on likelihood of student’s success in PhD studies. Research proposal in NSF format submitted to committee, and presented in open forum for comments and approval. Written exam is a scenario based complex technology problem One week duration (spring break), answer limited to 15 pages Open written resource, no discussion allowed Includes technical solution, implementation method, etc. Oral presentation may be required by committee if needed

12 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 12 Courses Developed under microEP Influence  MGMTIntra/Entrepreneurship of Technology (Mgmt/Physics)  MEPHOrganizational Management (Physics - 1 hour)  PHYSResearch Management (Physics - 1 hour)  MEPHProposal Writing and Management (Physics/ME - 1 hour)  MEPHEthics for Scientists and Engineers (Physics - 1 hour – NSF REU financial)  MEPHNanotech I (materials - Chemistry)  MEPHNanotech II (devices – Physics)  MEPHNanotech III (manufacturing – ME)  MEPHIntroduction to MEMS (ME)  MEPHAdvanced MEMS (ME)  PHYSAdvanced Device Design (Physics – FIPSE financial)  PHYSAdvanced Device Prototype and Characterization (Physics – Dept of Education FIPSE)  MEPHIntegrated Passives (ChE)  MEPHModeling for Scientists and Engineers (Civil Eng)

13 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 13 Microelectronics-Photonics Graduate Program: Students  Fifty-seven students accepted into program to date –Thirteen women students –Nine African-American students  Twenty students have completed MS degrees –Twelve working in industry –Two self employed –Six pursuing PhD degrees (three African- American) –Twenty-five total PhD students on campus

14 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 14 microEP Student/Faculty Alignment (Fellows/Total) Faculty Student PhysicsMEChEEEChemOpen Physics/ Applied Physics 2/121/233 Mechanical Eng3/41/111 Chemical Eng111/41 Electrical Eng1/211/4 Material Science 21/1 Optical Eng3 Math1/21/1

15 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 15 Microelectronics-Photonics Graduate Program: History microEP Student Group Fall 2001

16 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 16 Microelectronics-Photonics Graduate Program: Funding History  Winner of nationally competitive grants –1998: NWA BEST Formed (local funds) –1999: NSF IGERT ($2.5 M Total) –2000: NSF MRSEC ($3.4 M Total) –2000: NSF Partnership for Innovation ($850 K Total) –2000: Dept of Education FIPSE ($500 K Total) –2001: NSF RET Supplements (3 teachers) –2001: NSF REU Site ($385 K Total) –2002: NSF GK-12 ($2.7 M Total) –2002: NSF RET Supplements (4 teachers) –2002: NSF EEP (July submission - $500k Total)

17 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 17 Microelectronics-Photonics Graduate Program: Dissemination  Implemented Cohort methodology for Physics Graduate program Fall 2001 –Department of Education funded proposal under FIPSE –Funded (with NSF PFI) hiring of 2nd engineering manager from industry for cohort training and management  UA Cellular and Molecular interdisciplinary MS/PhD approved summer 2001  UA/OSU Planetary and Space Sciences interdisciplinary MS/PhD (Fall 2002 submission) –Modeled after microEP structures and procedures –Finalist in IGERT 2002 competition

18 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM Conference - Baton Rouge, LASlide Number 18 Research Institution – HBCU Partnerships: A Case for Action  Research institutions must attract students from all population groups for success  HBCUs must prepare students for transition  Sustainable partnerships must support –Institutional rather than faculty centered knowledge –Matching students’ careers to research opportunities  Research institutions must recognize the change of culture for HBCU students –Undergraduate versus graduate expectations –Faculty versus research group daily interactions –Black majority versus white majority society

19 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 19 George Washington Carver Project  Originated in 1996 as a UA funded REU style partnership –Southern University at Baton Rouge, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Alcorn State University, Tougaloo College, Jackson State University, Xavier University  HBCU Administrators identify students matching research opportunities  Initiated by Colleges of Agriculture, Business, and Education  Now also supported by College of Engineering and NSF REU sites  Typically twenty-five students in program each summer

20 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 20 microEP Partnership Tactics: HBCU Administrators’ Visit  Institutional partnerships require detailed knowledge  IGERT funded two-day meeting on campus for administrators from partner HBCUs –January 2001 –Eleven attended –Introduced entire UA campus, not just the microEP graduate program

21 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 21 microEP Partnership Tactics: Visits to HBCU sites  Institutional partnerships require detailed knowledge  Won FIPSE supplemental grant for $25K –Regional meeting at HBCU host (Jan/Feb 2003) –Funds support meeting and student travel –Other HBCU research institution partners invited –Primary purpose: Advance dissemination of Physics cohort methodology –Secondary purpose: Gain knowledge of HBCU faculty, administration, and facilities

22 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 22 microEP NSF REU Site: Attributes  Submitted proposal and was funded for summers 2001- 2003  Based on microEP research areas, with focus on nanotechnology  Included funding for REU students to take summer graduate ethics class  Included microEP Cohort methodology approach  Viewed as a prime recruiting tool  Dedicated three of twelve positions to Carver

23 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 23 microEP NSF REU Site: Students  Twelve students attending 2001 REU  Five African- American  Three women  Five/seven eligible applied and accepted by UA grad school  Two others have expressed interest in UA after BS completion

24 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 24 microEP NSF REU Site: Students  Fourteen students attending 2002 REU  Four African- American  One Hispanic  Five Women

25 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 25 microEP Partnership Tactics: Merged REU/Carver Activities Kickoff Dinner 2001 2002

26 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 26 microEP Partnership Tactics: Merged REU/Carver Activities Summer Camp and common dormitory facilities Camp concepts by Dr. Ed Sobey (

27 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 27 microEP Partnership Tactics: Merged REU/Carver Activities Summer Camp Graduation 2001 2002

28 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 28 microEP Partnership Tactics: Merged REU/Carver Activities Research, Presentations, and Industry

29 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 29 microEP Partnership Tactics: Merged REU/Carver Activities Fun in the Ozarks Buffalo River Hawks Bill Crag Lost Valley Eden Falls

30 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 30 microEP Partnership Results:  Undergraduate research programs are leveraging each other for greater benefits to students  Cohort methodology is effective in emulating the highly supportive HBCU community  Institutional linkages are developing, but are not yet sustainable beyond individual faculty contacts  HBCU students are making the transition to grad school, but stronger mentoring may be necessary for some students (especially class load)  On campus collaborations among UA faculty are increasing  A 3/2 partnership with Xavier is being formed

31 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 31 microEP HBCU Partnership Future:  FIPSE conferences on Carver partner institution campuses in Jan/Feb 2003  Development of more 3/2 programs with Carver partner institutions  Development of NSF program/student database for enhanced matching of NSF supported undergrads with NSF graduate programs  Second Carver partner institution administrators’ meeting at UA campus

32 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 32 GK-12 Outreach Efforts C-SPIN ( Center for Semiconductor Physics in Nanoscience, a NSF funded Materials Research Science and Engineering Center Salaried K-12 Outreach Director fully funded Fayetteville, Springdale, and Winslow School Systems Partners in microEP NSF GK-12 grant awarded April 2002 BEST Robotics, Inc. ( 24 hubs across the country with over 10,000 students participating NSF Engineering Education Proposal submitted July 2002 with BRI

33 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 33 GK-12 Outreach: BEST Robotics Inc ( Boosting Engineering, Science, and Technology A sports-like contest between remote controlled robots Emulates product “design to market” life cycle Resources are limited to those components issued at kickoff Teachers serve as coaches Members of the technical community serve as mentors Community provides financial and administrative support Students do all the work with adult mentoring

34 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 34 Interpersonal Work Styles Inventory: On Campus Students Cohort Program Traditional Program N M SD Developing Commitment 32 4.14 0.46 17 3.99 0.51 Inspiring Accomplishment 32 4.29 0.56 17 3.91 0.65 Valuing Communication 32 3.94 0.66 17 3.69 0.65 Modeling Team Building 32 3.93 0.57 17 3.56 0.66 There were no significant differences in the valuing communication and developing commitment scales. There were significant differences on the inspiring accomplishments and modeling team-building characteristics subscales

35 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 35 Absolute Rating of Knowledge and Skills by Graduates and Supervisors Graduates Supervisors n M SD n M SD Communication 6 4.58 0.49 4 4.63 0.48 Problem Solving 6 4.33 0.50 4 4.70 0.38 Team-working 6 4.33 0.41 4 4.38 0.48 Business Skills 6 4.28 0.57 4 4.08 0.83 Broad Range of Expertise 6 3.67 1.21 4 3.75 0.96 Specialization in One Program 6 2.83 1.60 4 3.50 1.29 Knowledge Level in Area6 3.67.82 4 4.50 1.00 Internship in Graduate Program 6 3.67 1.51 4 4.00 1.15 Supervisors and the graduates considered least important specialization in one program area. As a whole, both rated the soft skills higher in level of importance in completing their job than the academic characteristics.

36 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 36 Relative Rating of Knowledge and Skills by Graduates and Supervisors Graduates’ Ratings Supervisors’ Ratings n M SD n M SD Communication 6 3.83 1.08 4 4.00 0.82 Problem Solving 6 3.87 0.62 4 3.90 0.84 Team-working 6 3.67 0.41 4 3.88 0.75 Business Skills 6 3.67 0.56 4 3.33 1.19 Broad Range of Expertise 6 3.33 0.52 4 4.00 1.15 Specialization in One Program 6 2.67 0.82 4 3.50 0.58 Area Knowledge Level in Area6 3.33 0.52 4 4.25 0.50 Internship in Graduate Program 6 1.83 1.17 4 3.00 0.82 Both supervisors and graduates perceive microEP training as being more effective than the average program in facilitating students’ abilities in being effective communicators, problem solvers, and workers in a team environment. Graduates perceive their academic training in terms of knowledge level in an area of expertise and range of expertise as being approximately average, but supervisors perceive their training to be substantially above average.

37 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 37 Industry Response to microEP Graduate Program Dennis Andrucyk, Chief Technologist, NASA Goddard “If all graduate programs were like microEP, I could eliminate my first year new hire mentoring program.” Mike Fox, Center for Studies in Creativity, Buffalo State College “I think that the cohort-based workgroup concept has been a significant contributing factor to the creative behaviors I have observed in the Microelectronics-Photonics students.” Barry Dill, Motorola, Device Engineering Manager “I had no idea that an educational program like this existed that was so well matched to our technical and teamwork needs for device and process integration engineers.”

38 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 38 Lessons Learned: IGERT Program Implementation Barriers to success Student academic metrics based on individual performance Graduate research required to be individual effort Faculty reward and recognition based on individual performance Resources required for “extra” industrial experience are high Requirements to overcome barriers University-level administrators support general concepts Program manager’s passionate belief in the program need Program manager assigned only to program during startup phase Program manager practiced in industrial teamwork atmosphere Financial seed money support is critical Customer feedback (industry) must be continuous

39 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 39 Final Observations Observations of students in microEP program on campus show strong workgroup identity Feedback from graduates and their supervisors show positive assessments against students from standard graduate programs The small number of students leaving the program have not utilized the personnel skills taught to manage stressful situations (a disappointment to program management) The small number of surveys returned, and short span of longitudinal data, demands that these early results be interpreted with high levels of caution The Cohort method will be continued in both microEP and Physics graduate programs

40 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 40 Backup Information Backup detailed information after this slide

41 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 41 Areas of Emphasis for curriculum definition Photonics – The study of light and its interaction with matter Microelectronics – The study of electronic devices and systems at the micro and nanoscopic level Materials and Processing – The study of the science and engineering necessary to fabricate microelectronic-photonic devices and systems Matrix of classes required by Area of Emphasis Primary Area of Emphasis Second Area of Emphasis Third Area of Emphasis Technology Management MSOne PhDSixTwoOneTwo

42 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 42 Interdisciplinary MS microEP Two Year Program Traditional departmental degrees requires twenty to thirty upper level undergraduate course hours in the department for a crossover student. The microEP program requires intro to E&M, intro to modern physics, and differential equations. Any other U/G deficiencies will be defined by the graduate courses chosen by the student. BS Department A MS Department A BS Department A MS Department B BS Eng or Science MS microEP BSYear 1Year 2Year 3 U/G DeficiencyTraditional MSInterdisciplinary

43 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 43 The MS in Microelectronics-Photonics (MS microEP) is a professional development degree designed for students wishing to expand their advanced technical knowledge beyond their undergraduate departmental boundaries. Science Engineering Management Tech Elective Thesis Six Hours Nine Hours Three Hours Nine Hours Six Hours Introduction to nanochemistry, lasers, photonic materials, solid state theory, etc., with many supported NSF ILI labs Student receives Certificate of Achievement in Electronic Manufacturing in addition to MS microEP degree Decision paths for high tech research to commercialization process Engineering or Science electives developing specific skills for research Independent Master of Science research

44 November 2, 2002LS-LAMP STEM ConferenceSlide Number 44 The PhD student in Microelectronics-Photonics (PhD microEP) is expected to complete coursework that reflects the educational diversity of the MS microEP program at the University of Arkansas. The PhD curriculum will meet each student’s research interests and microEP program focus area needs. Entry requirement Number of hours Level of study Foreign language Dissertation Residency Completion of a suitable engineering/science MS degree Thirty hours beyond the MS degree At least twenty-seven hours (half of total MS/PhD curriculum) must be at graduate 5xxx/6xxx level, and at least six hours must be in management of technology Must show reading proficiency in a foreign language, or take six additional hours in a related academic field. Eighteen hours One academic year on Fayetteville campus

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