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Breeding – NASIG June 6, 2008 La Nueva Generación en Automatización de Bibliotecas Marshall Breeding Director for Innovative Technologies and Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Breeding – NASIG June 6, 2008 La Nueva Generación en Automatización de Bibliotecas Marshall Breeding Director for Innovative Technologies and Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breeding – NASIG June 6, 2008 La Nueva Generación en Automatización de Bibliotecas Marshall Breeding Director for Innovative Technologies and Research Vanderbilt University

2 Abstract “Next Generation Library Automation” gives a forward-looking view of some of the initiatives currently underway that stand to substantially revise the models of automation for libraries.

3 Rethinking the ILS  Fundamental assumption: Print + Digital = Hybrid libraries  Traditional ILS model not adequate for hybrid libraries  Libraries currently moving toward surrounding core ILS with additional modules to handle electronic content  New discovery layer interfaces replacing or supplementing ILS OPACS  Working toward a new model of library automation –Monolithic legacy architectures replaced by fabric of SOA applications –Comprehensive Resource Management “It's Time to Break the Mold of the Original ILS” Computers in Libraries Nov/Dec 2007

4 ILS: a legacy concept  ILS = Integrated Library System (Cataloging + Circulation + OPAC + Serials + Acquisitions)  Focused on print and physical inventory  Electronic content at the Journal Title or collection level  Emerged in the 1960’s – 1970’s  Functionality has evolved and expanded, but basic concepts and modules remain intact  Note: Some companies work toward evolving the ILS to competently handle both print and digital content (e.g. Innovative Interfaces)

5 ILS: ever diminishing role  Many libraries putting much less emphasis on ILS  Just an inventory system for physical materials  Investments in electronic content increasing  Management of e-content handled outside of the ILS  Yet: libraries need comprehensive business automation more than ever. Mandate for more efficient operations. Do more with less.

6 Dis-integration of Library Automation Functionality  ILS -- Print and Physical inventory  OpenURL Link resolver  Federated Search  Electronic Resource Management Module –More about this later  Discovery layer interface

7 Is non-integrated automation sustainable?  Major burden on library personnel  Serial procurement / installation / configuration / maintenance cycles take many years to result in a comprehensive environment  Inefficient data models  Disjointed interfaces for library users  Very long cycle to gain comprehensive automation

8 Electronic Resource Management Systems  Automation Module specifically designed to manage a library’s subscriptions to electronic content  Managed approach for all aspects of electronic subscription content –Product coverage, license terms, cost, payment and procurement data, vendor data, use data  COUNTER compliant use statistics  SUSHI for automated gathering of use statistics

9 Electronic Resource Management Systems  Promising but troubled genre of software designed to manage e-content  Extending ILS acquisitions to handle license terms and other aspects of electronic subscriptions  Very slow adoption by libraries  Complex integration issues  Products launched in 2002-2004  Increased adoption expected in next 2 years

10 Profile-based e-content management  Reliance on a knowledgebase that describes the contents of all available publisher packages and aggregated content offerings  Ability to identify individual titles and articles available to library users based on a profile of the library’s current subscriptions  OpenURL link resolvers and ERM products both depend on the knowledgebase  Synchronization of ILS through MARC update services  Efficacy of these products depends as much on the accuracy and currency of the knowledgebase than the quality of the software

11 ERM Deployments Product Innovative ERM Verde 360 Resource Manager TDNet Open ERAM CompanyInnovativeInterfaces Ex Libris SerialsSolutionsTDNet IntroducedJune2002June2004October2005 Number Sold 275169227 Not disclosed Number in Production Use 23525174 Not disclosed “Helping you buy: Electronic Resource Management Systems” Computers in Libraries: July 2008 issue

12 E-Journal Knowledge bases Commercial  Serials Solutions –(KnowledgeWorks)  Ex Libris –(SFX Global Knowledgebase)  TD Net  Openly Informatics / OCLC Community  JAKE: jointly administered knowledge environment was an collaborative project  Now defunct. Displaced by commercial ventures.

13 New genre of discovery layer interfaces  Traditional ILS OPAC inadequate for today’s Web-savvy library users  Scope too narrow  Complex, non-intuitive interface  Yet: Necessary for some types of research  Working toward a single point of entry for all the content and services offered by the library

14 Common Next-Gen Interface features  Decoupled interface  Advanced search engines  Relevancy ranked results  Faceted Navigation  Graphically enriched displays  Real-time interaction with ILS  Advanced user services and information delivery features

15 Current Products  Primo (Ex Libris)  Encore (Innovative Interfaces)  Aquabrowser (Bowker / Serials Solutions)  WorldCat Local (OCLC)  Visualizer (VTLS)  eXtensive Catalog (University of Rochester)  VUFind (open source / Villanova University)  Scriblio (open source)

16 Deep search  Entering post-metadata search era  Increasing opportunities to search the full contents –Google Library Print, Google Publisher, Open Content Alliance, Microsoft Live Book Search, etc. –High-quality metadata will improve search precision  Commercial search providers already offer “search inside the book”  No comprehensive full text search for books quite yet  Beginning to appear in library search environments –U of Mich ( tex.html ) tex.html tex.html  Deep search highly improved by high-quality metadata See: Systems Librarian, May 2008 “Beyond the current generation of next-generation interfaces: deeper search”

17 Advancement of Federated Search  Shift from Distributed Query to Centralized Search  Federated search based on distributed query: –Shallow results –Limited scalability –Slow performance  Harvest metadata or full text for creating comprehensive consolidated indexes –E.g. Google Scholar –Non-commercial efforts? –The Royal Library of using the Deep Search architecture to present items found in the Digital Article Database Service repository of 65 million articles, housed in the Technical Information Center of Denmark.

18 Architecture and Standards  Need to have an standard approach for connecting new generation interfaces with ILS and other repositories  Proprietary and ad hoc methods currently prevail  Digital Library Federation –ILS-Discovery Interface Group  Initial foray into a broader set of protocols that open up other aspects of the ILS

19 For more information Next Generation Library Catalogs by Marshall Breeding Library Technology Reports June/July 2007 ALA TechSource

20 Moving toward a new Generation of Library Automation  Legacy ILS concepts not sustainable  New automation environment based on current library realities and modern technology platforms  Equal footing for digital and print  Service oriented architecture

21 Breaking down the modules  Traditional ILS –Cataloging –Circulation –Online Catalog –Acquisitions –Serials control –Reporting  Modern approach: SOA

22 Service Oriented Architecture

23 Legacy ILS + e-content modules Federated Search Circulation Acquisitions Cataloging Serials OpenURL Linking Electronic Resource Mgmt System Staff Interfaces: End User Interfaces: Data Stores: Functional modules:

24 SOA model for business automation  Underlying data repositories –Local or Global  Reusable business services  Composite business applications

25 SOA for library workflow processes Data Stores: Reusable Business Services Composite Applications Granular tasks:

26 Web Services and the Service- Oriented Architecture  Library Technology Reports –May / June 2006  By Marshall Breeding  ALA TechSource  The report includes conceptual descriptions of the technology as well as some technical information on how Web services are implemented. Library administrators or others that need to make decisions regarding library- related technology systems or issues will gain a perspective on the importance of this technology as well as how the implementation of Web services may relate to other library trends and initiatives.

27 More Open Systems  Pressure for traditionally licensed products to become more open  APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) let libraries access and manipulate their data outside of delivered software  A comprehensive set of APIs potentially give libraries more flexibility and control in accessing data and services and in extending functionality than having access to the source code.  Customer access to APIs does not involve as much risk to breaking core system functions, avoids issues of version management and code forking associated with open source models.

28 Breeding – NASIG June 6, 2008 A Continuum of Openness

29 Closed Systems Circulation Acquisitions Cataloging Staff Interfaces: End User Interfaces: Data Stores: Functional modules: No programmable Access to the system. Captive to the user Interfaces supplied by the developer Programmer access:

30 Standard RDBM Systems Circulation Acquisitions Cataloging Staff Interfaces: End User Interfaces: Data Stores: Functional modules: Database administrators can access data stores involved with the system: Read-only? Read/write? Developer shares database schema Programmer access:

31 Open Source Model Circulation Acquisitions Cataloging Staff Interfaces: End User Interfaces: Data Stores: Functional modules: All aspects of the system available to inspection and modification. Programmer access:

32 Open API Model Circulation Acquisitions Cataloging Staff Interfaces: End User Interfaces: Data Stores: Functional modules: Core application closed. Third party developers code against the published APIs or RDBMS tables. Programmer access: Published APIs

33 Open Source / Open API Model Circulation Acquisitions Cataloging Staff Interfaces: End User Interfaces: Data Stores: Functional modules: Core application closed. Third party developers code against the published APIs or RDBMS tables. Programmer access: Published APIs

34 Depth of Openness  Evaluate level of access to a products data stores and functional elements: –Open source vs Traditional licenses  Some traditional vendors have well established API implementations –SirsiDynix Unicorn (API available to authorized customer sites that take training program) –Ex Libris: consistent deployment of APIs in major products, recent strategic initiative: “Open Platform Program” –Innovative Interfaces: Patron API

35 Universal open APIs?  Some progress on API to support discovery layer interfaces, but no comprehensive framework yet.  Many industry protocols work like APIs: –Z39.50, SRU/W, NCIP, OAI-PMH, OpenURL, etd  It would be ideal if there were an open set of APIs that were implemented by all automation system products. –Third party components and add-ons would then work across all products.  DLF ILS-Discovery Interface protocol. Targets interoperability between ILS and new genre of interfaces  AKA: Berkeley Accords

36 Breeding – NASIG June 6, 2008 Current initiatives

37 Comprehensive Resource Management  Broad conceptual approach that proposes a library automation environment that spans all types of content that comprise library collections.  Traditional ILS vendors: Under development but no public announcements  Open Source projects in early phases  Projection: 2-3 years until we begin see library automation systems that follow this approach. 5-7 years for wider adoption.

38 Open Library Management System  Andrew W. Mellon Foundation –Research in Information Technology program –Solicited proposal / Lead institution  Duke University selected to lead project  Core Participants: Kansas University, Lehigh University, National Library of Australia, Library and Archives Canada, University of Pennsylvania, Marshall Breeding  Advisory Participants: University of Chicago, Wittier College, University of Maryland, Orbis Cascade Alliance, Rutgers University  Status: Proposal complete, pending consideration from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

39 Breeding – NASIG June 6, 2008 Questions and Discussion

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