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Study of in-medium effects within transport approaches Elena Bratkovskaya 25.06.2008, Workshop ‚Hadrons@FAIR‘ FIAS, Uni. Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main
2 Changes of the particle properties in the hot and dense baryonic medium How to treat in-medium effects in transport approaches? In-medium models: chiral perturbation theory chiral SU(3) model coupled-channel G-matrix approach chiral coupled-channel effective field theory predict changes of the particle properties in the hot and dense medium, e.g. broadening of the spectral function meson spectral function L. Tolos et al., NPA 690 (2001) 547
3 Dynamics of heavy-ion collisions –> complicated many-body problem! Correct way to solve the many-body problem including all quantum mechanical features Kadanoff-Baym equations for Green functions S < (from 1962) Greens functions S / self-energies : e.g. for bosons do Wigner transformation retarded (ret), advanced (adv) (anti-)causal (a,c ) consider only contribution up to first order in the gradients consider only contribution up to first order in the gradients = a standard approximation of kinetic theory which is justified if the gradients in = a standard approximation of kinetic theory which is justified if the gradients in the mean spacial coordinate X are small the mean spacial coordinate X are small
4 From Kadanoff-Baym equations to transport equations drift term Vlasov term collision term = ‚loss‘ term -‚gain‘ term Operator <> - 4-dimentional generalizaton of the Poisson-bracket backflow term Generalized transport equations = first order gradient expansion of the Wigner transformed Kadanoff-Baym equations: The imaginary part of the retarded propagator is given by the normalized spectral function: For bosons in first order gradient expansion: XP – width of spectral function = reaction rate of particle (at phase- space position XP) W. Cassing et al., NPA 665 (2000) 377; 672 (2000) 417; 677 (2000) 445 Backflow term incorporates the off-shell behavior in the particle propagation ! vanishes in the quasiparticle limit ! vanishes in the quasiparticle limit Greens function S < characterizes the number of particles (N) and their properties (A – spectral function )
5 General testparticle off-shell equations of motion Employ testparticle Ansatz for the real valued quantity i S < XP - insert in generalized transport equations and determine equations of motion ! General testparticle off-shell equations of motion: with Note: the common factor 1/(1-C (i) ) can be absorbed in an ‚eigentime‘ of particle (i) ! W. Cassing, S. Juchem, NPA 665 (2000) 377; 672 (2000) 417; 677 (2000) 445
6 On-shell limit 2) Γ(X,P) such that C X =0 and C P =0 E.g.: Γ = const =Γ vacuum (M) ‚Vacuum‘ spectral function with constant or mass dependent width : (backflow term vanishes also!) spectral function A XP does NOT change the shape (and pole position) during propagation through the medium (backflow term vanishes also!) 1) Γ(X,P) 0 quasiparticle approximation : A(X,P) = 2 (P 2 -M 2 ) A(X,P) = 2 (P 2 -M 2 )|| Hamiltons equation of motion - independent on Γ ! Backflow term - which incorporates the off-shell behavior in the particle propagation - vanishes in the quasiparticle limit ! Hamiltons equation of motion - independent on Γ !
7 for each particle species i (i = N, R, Y, , , K, …) the phase-space density f i follows the transport equations for each particle species i (i = N, R, Y, , , K, …) the phase-space density f i follows the transport equations with collision terms I coll describing elastic and inelastic hadronic reactions: baryon-baryon, meson-baryon, meson-meson, formation and decay of baryonic and mesonic resonances, string formation and decay (for inclusive particle production: baryon-baryon, meson-baryon, meson-meson, formation and decay of baryonic and mesonic resonances, string formation and decay (for inclusive particle production: BB X, mB X, X =many particles) BB X, mB X, X =many particles) with propagation of particles in self-generated mean-field potential U(p, )~Re( ret )/2p 0 Numerical realization – solution of classical equations of motion + Monte-Carlo simulations for test-particle interactions Numerical realization – solution of classical equations of motion + Monte-Carlo simulations for test-particle interactions ‚On-shell‘ transport models Basic concept of the ‚on-shell‘ transport models (VUU, BUU, QMD etc. ): 1)Transport equations = first order gradient expansion of the Wigner transformed Kadanoff-Baym equations 2) Quasiparticle approximation or/and vacuum spectral functions : A(X,P) = 2 (p 2 -M 2 ) A vacuum (M) A(X,P) = 2 (p 2 -M 2 ) A vacuum (M)
8 Short-lived resonances in semi-classical transport models In-medium Vacuum ( narrow states In-medium: production of broad states BUU: M. Effenberger et al, PRC60 (1999) width Im ret width Im ret Spectral function: Example : -meson propagation through the medium within the on-shell BUU model broad in-medium spectral function does not become on-shell in vacuum in ‚on-shell‘ transport models!
9 Off-shell vs. on-shell transport dynamics The off-shell spectral function becomes on-shell in the vacuum dynamically by propagation through the medium! Time evolution of the mass distribution of and mesons for central C+C collisions (b=1 fm) at 2 A GeV for dropping mass + collisional broadening scenario E.L.B. &W. Cassing, NPA 807 (2008) 214 On-shell model: low mass and mesons live forever and shine dileptons!
10 Collision term in off-shell transport models Collision term for reaction 1+2->3+4: Collision term for reaction 1+2->3+4: with The trace over particles 2,3,4 reads explicitly for fermions for bosons The transport approach and the particle spectral functions are fully determined once the in-medium transition amplitudes G are known in their off-shell dependence! additional integration
11 Study of in-medium K + and K - properties in heavy-ion collisions within dynamical transport models Theory (status: last millenium < 2000) : Implementation of in-medium K + and K - scenarios (= ‚dropping‘ of K - mass and ‚enhancement‘of K + mass) in on-shell transport models: BUU (Texas) (1994), HSD (or RBUU) (1997), QMD (Tübingen) (1998), IQMD (Nantes) (2000),... Strangeness production at low energy Baryon-Baryon collisions: meson-Baryon collisions:meson-Baryon collisions: meson-meson collisions: Dominant channel for low energy K - production!
12 Need to know in-medium transition amplitudes G and their off-shell dependence Coupled channel G-matrix approach Transition probability : with G(p, ,T) - G-matrix from the solution of coupled-channel equations with pion dressing, i.e. including the pion self-energy in the intermediate states without pion dressing W. Cassing, L. Tolos, E.L.B., A. Ramos, NPA 727 (2003) 59 L. Tolos et al., NPA 690 (2001) 547 Off-shell transport => In-medium transition rates: G-matrix approach
13 K - production in A+A within the off-shell transport approach Au+Au (and Ni+Ni) data at 1.5 (1.93) A GeV are consistent with the ‚pion dressing‘ scenario, whereas C+C at 1.8 A GeV are underestimated even without pion dressing Au+Au (and Ni+Ni) data at 1.5 (1.93) A GeV are consistent with the ‚pion dressing‘ scenario, whereas C+C at 1.8 A GeV are underestimated even without pion dressing W. Cassing, L. Tolos, E.L.B., A. Ramos, NPA 727 (2003) 59 Updated plot‘07
14 K - /K + ratio in Au+Au at 1.5 A GeV within the off-shell transport approach Data are consistent with the ‚pion dressing‘ scenario W. Cassing, L. Tolos, E.L.B., A. Ramos, NPA 727 (2003) 59
15 Dileptons from transport models Theory (status: last millenium < 2000) : Implementation of in-medium vector mesons ( ) scenarios (= ‚dropping‘ mass and ‚collisional broadening‘) in on-shell transport models: BUU/AMPT (Texas) ( > 1995) HSD ( > 1995) UrQMD v. 1.3 (1998) RQMD (Tübingen) (2003), but NO explicit propagation of vector mesons IQMD (Nantes) (2007), but NO explicit propagation of vector mesons Theory (status: this millenium > 2000) : Implementation of in-medium vector mesons ( ) scenarios (= ‚dropping‘ mass and ‚collisional broadening‘) in off-shell transport models: HSD (>2000) BRoBUU (Rossendorf) (2006)
16 Modelling of in-medium spectral functions for vector mesons In-medium scenarios: In-medium scenarios: dropping mass collisional broadening dropping mass + coll. broad. dropping mass collisional broadening dropping mass + coll. broad. m*=m 0 (1- ) (M, )= vac (M)+ CB (M, ) m* & CB (M, m*=m 0 (1- ) (M, )= vac (M)+ CB (M, ) m* & CB (M, Collisional width CB (M, ) = VN tot meson spectral function: Note: for a consistent off-shell transport one needs not only in-medium spectral functions but also in-medium transition rates for all channels with vector mesons, i.e. the full knowledge of the in-medium off-shell cross sections (s, ) Note: for a consistent off-shell transport one needs not only in-medium spectral functions but also in-medium transition rates for all channels with vector mesons, i.e. the full knowledge of the in-medium off-shell cross sections (s, ) E.L.B., NPA 686 (2001), E.L.B. &W. Cassing, NPA 807 (2008) 214 E.L.B., NPA 686 (2001), E.L.B. &W. Cassing, NPA 807 (2008) 214
HSD: Dileptons from C+C at 1 and 2 A GeV - HADES HADES data show exponentially decreasing mass spectra HADES data show exponentially decreasing mass spectra Data are better described by in-medium scenarios with collisional broadening Data are better described by in-medium scenarios with collisional broadening In-medium effects are more pronounced for heavy systems such as Au+Au In-medium effects are more pronounced for heavy systems such as Au+Au
HSD: Dileptons from A+A at 1 A GeV - DLS bremsstrahlung and -Dalitz are the dominant contributions in A+A for 0.15 < M < 0.55 GeV at 1 A GeV ! bremsstrahlung and -Dalitz are the dominant contributions in A+A for 0.15 < M < 0.55 GeV at 1 A GeV !
19 Dileptons at SPS NA60CERES NA60 and CERS data are better described by in-medium scenario with collisional broadening NA60 and CERS data are better described by in-medium scenario with collisional broadening
20 Dileptons at RHIC PHENIX: Au+Au PHENIX: pp HSD provides a good description of pp data HSD provides a good description of pp data Standard in-medium effects of vector mesons -- compatible with the NA60 and CERES data at SPS – do not explain the large enhancement observed by PHENIX in the invariant mass from 0.2 to 0.5 GeV in Au+Au collisions at s 1/2 =200 GeV (relative to pp collisions) Standard in-medium effects of vector mesons -- compatible with the NA60 and CERES data at SPS – do not explain the large enhancement observed by PHENIX in the invariant mass from 0.2 to 0.5 GeV in Au+Au collisions at s 1/2 =200 GeV (relative to pp collisions)
21 Summary Accounting of in-medium effects with medium dependent spectral functions requires off-shell transport models ! Accounting of in-medium effects with medium dependent spectral functions requires off-shell transport models ! Coupled-channel G-matrix + off-shell transport approach is the most consistent way to investigate in-medium effects Coupled-channel G-matrix + off-shell transport approach is the most consistent way to investigate in-medium effects
22 Thanks to Laura Tolos Olena Linnyk Wolfgang Cassing
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