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Copyright in the Digital Age Irving ISD Technology Staff Development Summer -2009 Created by Lea Bailey (used with permission)

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright in the Digital Age Irving ISD Technology Staff Development Summer -2009 Created by Lea Bailey (used with permission)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright in the Digital Age Irving ISD Technology Staff Development Summer -2009 Created by Lea Bailey (used with permission)

2 Copyright in the Digital Age What is copyright? Copyright guarantees for the creator of a work the rights to: –Copy –Reproduce –Distribute or sell –Perform and display publicly –Prepare new works based on the protected work

3 Copyright in the Digital Age What is protected by copyright? –Dramatic works, including words –Musical works –Pantomimes and choreographic works –Pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works –Motion pictures –Audiovisual works –Sound recordings –Websites

4 Copyright in the Digital Age Current or recent issues – –Ringtones Should we as educators be concerned?

5 Copyright in the Digital Age What’s Irving ISD’s policy? –Inappropriate use of the network to download copyrighted information without the permission of the copyright owner. (CQ) –Basic copyright law (EFE) –Curriculum (EG) –See Profession Staff Handbook xdefault.htm xdefault.htm

6 Copyright in the Digital Age Recent Legislation –FAIR USE Act 2007 –TEACH Act 2001 –Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998

7 Copyright in the Digital Age TEACH Act Allows educators face-to-face or distance education use of copyrighted materials for use in the classroom but requires schools to: “institute policies regarding copyright, provide informational materials to faculty, students and relevant staff members that accurately describe and promote compliance with the laws of the United States relating to copyright, and provide notice to students that materials used in connection with the course may be subject to copyright protection…”

8 Copyright in the Digital Age Fair Use –Four “tests” Character of the use Nature of the work to be used Amount used Effect of the use on the market for or the value of the work

9 Copyright in the Digital Age Good instruction conforms with copyright –Planning –Resources –Collaboration with information specialists

10 Copyright in the Digital Age Multimedia presentations Film/video –10% of the total, or –Up to 3 minutes –Whichever is LESS

11 Copyright in the Digital Age Multimedia presentations Music/Lyrics/Musical video –10% of the total, or –Up to 30 seconds –Whichever is LESS Additionally: No change to the melody or fundamental character of the work

12 Copyright in the Digital Age Multimedia presentations Text –10% of the total, or –Up to 1,000 words –Whichever is LESS

13 Copyright in the Digital Age Multimedia presentations Poetry –If poem is LESS than 250 words, the entire poem can be used. –If poem is MORE than 250 words, then: –10% or –Up to 1,000 words –Whichever is LESS

14 Copyright in the Digital Age Multimedia presentations Photographs and illustrations –Must use the complete image. –May use up to five (5) images from any one artist from any one source. –If the source is a collection of the complete works of a particular artist, then you may use up to 15 from that collection.

15 Copyright in the Digital Age Chart Handout ht_chart.pdf ht_chart.pdf

16 Copyright in the Digital Age Creative Commons Explore the website Or, Watch video /

17 Copyright in the Digital Age Copyright Quiz Copyright Trivia

18 Copyright in the Digital Age Trivia 1.What’s the name of the first book to receive a US copyright? THE PHILADELPHIA SPELLING BOOK was registered by the author, John Barry, in the United States District Court of Pennsylvania on June 8, 1790. 1.It was the first publication to be granted copyrighted status by the United States government. 2.Who signed the first copyright law? 1.George Washington in May 1790. 3.What Who’s the current US Register of Copyrights? 1.Marybeth Peters was the first copyright work of 1900? I 3. Wish I was in Dixieland Tonight by Raymond A. Browne for Sol Bloom –as an advertising claim 4.Who hold’s the copyright for this presentation today? 1.IISD


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