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Presentation on theme: " Promoting Classroom Use of Public Opinion Data Developed by The Roper Center of the University of Connecticut Public Opinion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting Classroom Use of Public Opinion Data Developed by The Roper Center of the University of Connecticut Public Opinion Matters! Lois Timms-Ferrara The Roper Center, University of Connecticut IASSIST Conference 2003 Ottawa, Canada May 29, 2003

2 Public Opinion Matters! The Purpose Defining the Program The User Community Methodological Modules Topical Modules The Structure Future Plans

3 The Purpose To provide students and others the tools to be intelligent users of polling data Introduction to public opinion polling terminology Assist instructors develop sound lesson plans using actual poll results Ease intimidation that students often experience when approaching numbers Provide an orientation to the polling data available on particular subjects Public Opinion Matters!

4 Public Opinion Matters! The User Community  High Schools  Social Studies, Civics, Mathematics, Language Arts  Community Colleges and Undergraduates  Social Science, Humanities, Business, Health Services  Journalists - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Roper Center Members  iPOLL subscribers  Polling Firms

5 Public Opinion Matters! Methodological Modules One set of Educational Modules defines data collection techniques and analytical methods used in the polling industry. Coverage of Methodological Modules  Sampling  Total Survey Error  Margin of Error  Coverage Error  Measurement Error  Non-response Error  Question wording effects  How to read data tables  Various modes of interviewing POM: Polling 101

6 Public Opinion Matters! Topical Modules The second set of Educational Modules offer substantive content on a number of different topics. Coverage of Topical Modules Topics are chosen based on timeliness of the issues, interest to the potential user, and appropriate curricula. Sampling of Topics: EducationWork Energy Human Rights Homosexuality US Role in the World PatriotismYouth

7 Public Opinion Matters! Components of the Topical Modules Trends Group data Analytical summaries iPOLL Links to articles and data essays Links to the Catalog of Holdings Online secondary analysis tool Other links to related sites POM

8 Predetermined searches on specific subsets of the topics Features –US public opinion data –Top lines results –Comprehensive –Multiple sources and survey organizations Dataset Indentification Catalog of Holdings Studies identified on the featured topic Links to studies in the Roper Center’s Catalog of Holdings Metadata on the relevant studies Downloadable documentation for most US surveys Public Opinion Matters! iPOLLCatalog

9 Analytical Assistance Selections from Public Perspective –Articles –Data Features Summaries of polling data-- either comprehensive reviews or analytical pieces specific to a component of the topic. Other information sources include non-polling data that provide historical, cultural, or economic context. Public Opinion Matters! POM

10 Public Opinion Matters! Group Data Dynamically generated via an Online Data Analysis Tool Exploratory use –Go beyond simple browsing of survey instrument to determine relevance –Produce simple summary statistics for further evaluation Report generation –Produce summary statistics for inclusion in reports –Create multivariate statistical tables from raw data Classroom use –Allows access to data files by individuals with various skill sets –Frees up instruction time for teaching rather than development of technical skills

11 Public Opinion Matters! Future Plans Development of links to more contextual information and special sample comparisons (international, state, subgroup data) Implementation of Express data set download Additional studies available in the Online Data Analysis Tool Expansion of Public Opinion Matters Methodological Modules to include analytical guidelines Development of Curriculum Guides to assist teachers in the use of the modules  These Educational Modules will be available in these forms--  Online via the Roper Center Web Site  CD ROM  Hardcopy Notebooks for instructors  Hardcopy packets intended for classroom distribution

12 The Roper Center Where thinking people go to learn what people are thinking. Thank you

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