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6/2/2015 1 CycL Semantic Annotation Dave Schneider April 2005.

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1 6/2/2015 1 CycL Semantic Annotation Dave Schneider April 2005

2 6/2/2015 2 CycL as Deep Semantic Representation OpenCyc (47K concepts and taxonomy, free for any use) – Growing closer to Cyc’s 130K+ Concepts – Inference Engine designed for use with very large ontology – Higher-order Logical Representation – Download at ResearchCyc (free for research purposes) – OpenCyc concepts – Axioms inter-relating concepts – Lexical Mappings – Most contents in First-Order Logic

3 6/2/2015 3 He will probably be extradited to the U.S. for trial under an extradition treaty President Virgilia Barco has revived. Extradition001: Extradition (objectOfControlTranser Extradition001 JoseAbelloSilva) (fromOrganization Extradition-001 Colombia) (toOrganization Extradition-001 UnitedStatesOfAmerica) (dateOfEvent Extradition001 Date002) (likelihoodOfEvent Extradition001 Likely) Date002: Date (startsAfterEndingOf Date002 PublicationDate-Indexical)

4 6/2/2015 4 He will probably be extradited to the U.S. for trial under an extradition treaty President Virgilia Barco has revived. (cont) Revival-001: RevivingAnAgreement (isa Revival-001 RevivingAnAgreement) (objectOfStateChange Revival-001 Treaty-001) (performedBy Revival-001 VirgiliaBarco) Date003: Date (dateOfEvent Revival-001 Date003) (temporallyPrecedes Date003 PublicationDate-Indexical) Treaty-001: Treaty (topicOfPCW Treaty-001 Extradition) (agreementAllows Treaty-001 UnitedStatesOfAmerica (SubcollectionOfWithRelationToFn Extradition fromOrganization Colombia)) (agreeingAgents Treaty-001 UnitedStatesOfAmerica) (agreeingAgents Treaty-001 Colombia)

5 6/2/2015 5 Partial Annotation Strategies Deep Entity Typing Entity Identification (reference resolution to actual individuals) Events and Roles Temporal Expressions and their relation to events Can be projected onto existing annotation standards

6 6/2/2015 6 CycL Annotation Current Annotation Status – Small amount of newswire and English questions for tool development Expected Uses – Automated Reasoning (for use just about anywhere) – Machine Translation interlingua and/or for consistency checking – Information Extraction Much deeper entity and relation types – Question Answering Understand questions and documents for automated reasoning Sanity checking, etc. – Word Sense Disambiguation – Summarization Full Annotation provides semantic document content

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