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Supporting further and higher education JISC and its interest in e-Portfolios ‘what's on the horizon?’ Richard McKenna JISC

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting further and higher education JISC and its interest in e-Portfolios ‘what's on the horizon?’ Richard McKenna JISC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting further and higher education JISC and its interest in e-Portfolios ‘what's on the horizon?’ Richard McKenna JISC

2 JISC and e-Portfolios

3 Horizon Many e-Portfolio Applications –Meeting subject, sector and institutional needs Interoperability –Support to life long learner –Widen participation JISC Development Projects –E-Portfolio related outputs Applications, toolkits, reference models and standards.

4 Interoperability CETIS – Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards ‘’ Standards –IMS Learner Information Packaging Specification ‘’ –IMS e-Portfolio Specification ‘’

5 Interoperability CETIS SIGs – Special Interest Groups –Learner Information Packaging Group ‘ 00/viewGroup’ Centre for Recording Achievement

6 ELF e-Learning Framework

7 Service Oriented Architecture ELF –functional factoring based on soa Web Services –XML based –WSDL Web Services Definition Language –SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol –REST Represental State Transfer

8 Development Projects E-Learning Programme –ELF and Open Source Toolkits ‘’ –Open Source E-Portfolio Applications ePet, PETAL, and VMAP ‘’ MLE for Life Long Learning Programme –TransPortALL –Nottingham e-Portfolio ‘’

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