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Object Oriented Framework for Filtering

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1 Object Oriented Framework for Filtering
Jonathan Wiersma Jarett Hailes MITACS-PINTS

2 Presentation Overview
Overview of Programming Concepts Procedural Programming Object Oriented Design Current State of PINTS Projects Proposed Improvements Filtering project framework Common Interfaces Shared set of utility classes Refactoring Implementation and Challenges Conclusion & Future Directions

3 Procedural Programming - Overview
integer char Variables float pointer Data Structures combinations of previous Functions multiple inputs (parameters) single output (return value) Different than functions in math: May map same input to different outputs behavior can depend on state of global variables variables are mutable

4 Procedural Programming – Example 1
Global variable (accessible to all functions) int global_var; void main() { int a,b,c; a = 3; b = 4; c = sum(a,b); output(c); } int sum(int x, int y) { return x + y; function variables Variable assignment Function call

5 Object Oriented Design - Basics
Objects Classes Variables/State Methods

6 Object Oriented Design - Classes
Combines a data structure (set of variables) with operations related to that data structure (methods) Describes a class of objects (like a set) An object is an instance of a class and has a state

7 Object Oriented Programming: Code Structure
Procedural Program: Object Oriented Program: Data Structures Global variables Class 1 Data Structure methods Procedures/functions Class 2 Data Structure methods

8 Object Oriented Design - Concepts
Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism

9 State of Code at PINTS Each project is a completely separate entity
Interfaces are different between projects Interfaces are not clearly defined (templates) No code reuse – improvements only effect one project Large undertaking to create a new project Not easy to read and understand

10 Improvements being Developed
Create a filtering project framework Shared underlying structure Suite of useful utility classes Abstract output model (M-V-C pattern)

11 Framework for Filtering Projects
Create a set of generic classes and interfaces (via inheritance) Have filters use these generic interfaces so they don’t require customized code Design a framework to ease the development effort of applying a filter to a new application

12 Shared Filtering Interface
SERP Filter DType Signal Observation Observer POD Signal POD 13 Observation POD 13 SERP Observer

13 CVS – Concurrent Versioning System
Allows several users to work on the same files at the same time Stores old versions and changes Also useful for text and latex documents

14 CVS Layout

15 Interfaces Filter SERP Filter DType Signal Observation Observer
POD Signal POD 13 Observation POD 13 SERP Observer

16 Interfaces Signal BoundedSignal DType position void evolve()
AbsDomain domain AbsDomain domain()

17 Interfaces Observation ODType position void observe(Signal, double dt)

18 Interfaces Observer SERP Observer Observation
void observe(Observation, double dt) SERP Observer double weightedOffset(Signal, double dt)

19 CVS Math Package - Algebra
Ideally: Matrix Row Matrix Column Matrix Row Vector Column Vector

20 CVS Math Package - Algebra
Row Vector Scalar values[] int dimension math operators (+,-,*,+=,-=,*=,etc) accessors RowVector norm() void normalize()

21 CVS Math Package - Algebra
Column Vector Scalar values[] int dimension math operators (+,-,*,+=,-=,*=,etc) accessors ColumnVector norm() void normalize()

22 CVS Math Package - Algebra
Row Matrix RowVector values[] int nrows, ncols math operators (+,-,*,+=,-=,*=,etc) accessors RowMatrix inverse() void invert()

23 CVS Math Package - Coordinates
Euclidean Coordinate Polar Coordinate

24 CVS Math Package - Coordinates
CType value math operators (+,-,*,+=,-=,*=,etc) accessors

25 CVS Math Package - Coordinates
Polar Coordinate CType max, min math operators (+,-,*,+=,-=,*=,etc) accessors

26 CVS Math Package - Domain
Abstract Domain Abstract Bounded Domain Vector Box Domain

27 CVS Math Package - Domain
Abstract Domain bool contains(DType) Abstract Bounded Domain DType min, max DType min() DType max()

28 CVS Math Package - Domain
Range Type Abstract Function Domain Type Continuous Function Discrete Function

29 CVS Math Package - Domain
Abstract Function int dimension Range operator()(Domain val) int dimension() Range Type Domain Type

30 CVS Math Package - Domain
Abstract Function Range Type int dimension Domain Type Range operator()(Domain val) int dimension() Continuous Function Range operator()(Domain val) DiscreteFunction discretize() DiscreteFunction fft(VBoxDom<DType>, int)

31 CVS Math Package - Domain
Abstract Function Range Type int dimension Domain Type Range operator()(Domain val) int dimension() Discrete Function VectorBoxDomain<DType> domain MultiDArray<RType> data int numDivisions DType delta[] RType index(int idx[]) DiscreteFunction fft(int type) accessors

32 Graphics - Legacy Packages of raster graphics procedures Outdated
Custom code Not supported Very low level

33 Graphics - povray 3D Ray Tracing program Beautiful output
Slow Rendering Separate Application Requires specific input format

34 Graphics - VTK Object Oriented 3D Visualization Toolkit
Uses standard visualization network Fairly fast Easy to incorporate into real-time display Support for several languages

35 Graphics – Output Classes
Text Output PovRay Output VTK Output POD 13 PovRay Output POD 13 VTK Output

36 Utilities - Simulations
Abstract Simulation Classes Rapid Simulation Development Code reuse Standard Code Layout Signal Simulation Observation Simulation Filter Simulation

37 Utilities - Simulations
Controller Simulation View Model Simulation View Simulation Model POD 13 Filter View 1 Filter Simulation Model Filter Output SERP Filter Signal Observation Text Output VTK Output POD Signal POD 13 Observation

38 Utilities - Structures
Data Structures Hash Table / Hash Bin List Multi Dimensional Array Dictionary We’ve made some container data structures for use in all other directories. Are there to facilitate portability of data across classes (much like Vector and matrix classes in math) Most containers are templatable.

39 Refactoring Splitting large classes into smaller ones
Better encapsulation Fewer variables to remember Fewer methods to remember More abstraction Splitting large methods into smaller ones Less code to read through to understand method Easier to reuse code Moving methods (feature envy) Easier to understand Easier to locate

40 Implementation Signal – evolve() Observation - observe(Signal)
Observer – depends on filter(s) used Output – output()

41 Challenges Multiple Inheritance Return by value Graphics MVC Model
Observer Interfaces Return by value multiple copies inheritance Graphics MVC Model templates

42 Future Directions Single Filtering Application for all Projects
Scripting Language Language Change (java?) Talk on using CVS for latex papers Suggestions

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