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6/2/20151 Acupuncture Detoxification for Addiction Treatment Copyright 1996-98 © Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. DSAMH.

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1 6/2/20151 Acupuncture Detoxification for Addiction Treatment Copyright 1996-98 © Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. DSAMH

2 6/2/20152 # 1209 Acupuncture; An Ancient Art Becomes a Counseling Practice  Objectives:  Learn about it’s history and application in behavioral health  Understand the acudetox protocol, it’s characteristics and benefits  Observe and/or experience the treatment

3 6/2/20153 What is it  Acupuncture is the use of very fine sterile, stainless steel, disposable needles about the size of two hairs inserted through the skin into specific points along the channels where the body’s energy can be contacted. Each point has its own function and effect on the body’s Qi. It is an art that is practiced by more than half of the world’s population.

4 6/2/20154 What is QI?  The intangible part of the person that empowers the being and makes each individual unique.  There are different types of Qi and they travel within or along pathways known as meridians.  It allows us to grow and mature.

5 6/2/20155 Yin and Yang In Oriental medicine, this is the inhibiting and activating forces which is literally the dark and light sides of a mountain.

6 6/2/20156 “Empty Fire” in Addictions/Behavioral Health  External activities like intense stimulation and use of drugs are yin-fueled, yang-like activities.  The person’s behaviors/symptoms appear to be from too much yang but the person is most likely to be deficient in both yin and yang. The yin is more depleted and the yang appears to be in excess.

7 6/2/20157 NADA  It’s the Spanish word for nothing.  It’s also the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association.

8 6/2/20158 What is an ADS? He/she is an acupuncture detoxification specialist trained in the NADA 5 point protocol. ADS

9 6/2/20159 History  Acupuncture for treatment of addiction disorders is a recent development in the history of this ancient art.  In 1972, a Hong Kong neurosurgeon, H.L. Wen, discovered that acupuncture could ease the symptoms of withdrawal and since then, this method been used for detoxification and relapse prevention.

10 6/2/201510 Research: A few cited work  In 1973, Dr. Wen conducted several basic clinical pilot studies that formed the basis of subsequent research.  In 1987, Bullock, Culliton and Olander published research on the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating chronic addiction.  The Hooper Foundation in Portland, Oregon reported decrease in recidivism from 25% to 6% and Kent-Sussex Detox in DE reported a decrease in recidivism from 87% to 18 %.

11 6/2/201511 The NADA Protocol  ADS clinicians use 3-5 ear acupuncture points including sympathetic, shen men, lungs, kidney, liver.  Treatment is provided in a group setting for 40-45 min.  Treatment is integrated with conventional elements of psycho-social rehabilitation.

12 6/2/201512 Characteristics of the Protocol  It is a non-verbal process.  The patient is engaged in treatment even before they are able to tolerate intense or personalized one-to-one interactions comfortably.  Acupuncture helps in developing a meditation-like state.  There is balancing process that occurs so that the patient is more receptive to the message of treatment.

13 6/2/201513 Characteristics of the Protocol  It helps create an environment that is reassuring and validating.  The value of the acupuncture session is not judged by the level of sedation during or after the session, but rather how well prepared the patient is for counseling, groups, and other challenges.

14 6/2/201514 Unique Benefits  Effective across addictive substances  Effective throughout the treatment/recovery process  Effective along a continuum of care  Multiculturally accessible  Non-verbal and non-performance  Elicits immediate and long term effects  Non-addictive

15 6/2/201515 Unique Benefits  It is simple, flexible and inexpensive.  It can be easily integrated into treatment settings.  It improves treatment relationships and environment.  It improves treatment engagement, retention, and outcomes.

16 6/2/201516 Unique Benefits  It is consistent and relatively safe.  It is effective with clients who are hardest to treat.  It is balancing and not symptom or syndrome-dependent.

17 6/2/201517 LANDSCAPE

18 6/2/201518 NADA EAR PROTOCOL  Points were chosen based upon Oriental medical theory and clinical indication as well as lower electrical resistance and pain sensitivity

19 6/2/201519 NADA Points  Sympathetic - Acudetox balances the autonomic nervous system. It has strong analgesic and relaxant effect upon internal organs and it dilates blood vessels.  Shen men - This is the spirit gate. It helps ease anxiety and nervousness. It helps the process of going within, supporting the internal journey of recovery.

20 6/2/201520 NADA Points  Kidney - It is believed to store the source energy and the essence or “Jing”. It is associated with fear, resolve/will power and rebirth.  Liver - In Chinese medicine, the liver helps with resolving anger and aggression and with keeping both the emotions and the body systems moving smoothly.

21 6/2/201521 NADA Points  Lungs - The lung is involved in immunity and protecting the body from disease. The lung is associated with the grieving process and with letting go.

22 6/2/201522 Serenity Prayer  God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, courage to change the things I can & wisdom to know the difference.

23 6/2/201523 Other applications  Acudetox was the primary modality used in the Integrative Stress Management Program at St Vincent Medical Center In New York after 9/11. The treatment is simple and has immediate calming effects. The atmosphere is informal and non- threatening.

24 6/2/201524 Other applications  AIDS related Tx  Miami Drug Court Program  Internationally Utilized - Africa, India, Philippines, Nepal, Germany, Poland to name a few.

25 6/2/201525 And now we invite you to try this ancient art------ follow the Spirit, follow the Qi.

26 6/2/201526 Meditation Candle

27 6/2/201527 Thank you!  Tita Gontang, LCSW, CADC, ADS  Vicki Esham, CADC, ADS

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